➤ By Liz Oakes
Goshenite is known to stimulate your inclination to be truthful, and to recognize truth in others.
Their vibration makes it less likely that you'll be deceived by others.
It is a stone of spiritual transformation, and will also create enhanced mental ability, specifically increasing analytical and mathematical mastery.
It is an excellent stone to give as a gift to anyone who you know has a problem with telling the truth.
White beryl inspires loyalty and focus and a willingness to do what needs to be done and helps relationships of all types as its energy creates a courteous and good humored approach to each other.
It helps you to have heightened lucid dreams and to experience striking and meaningful dreams and to receive dreams that are of benefit in your daily life.
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If you are a student or do a job where you have a need for increased mathematical abilities, Goshenite is helpful.
It has powerful metaphysical properties that are known to stimulate analytical abilities and to assist you to be more focused on all that you do.
This stone may energize the mental areas of your brain, and it will help you to think more logically.
Like many clear stones, they are crystals for mental clarity that aid you to think more clearly.
If you wish to experience lucid dreams, by using this stone you may have worthwhile and consequential dreams that may help you to solve problems in your daily life.
Using a piece of White Beryl is one of the methods to relieve your stress easily.
In ancient times this extremely pure form of beryl was used to make beautiful crystal balls, and were used in meditation.
It is of value to open your crown chakra and create a strong connection to the spirit world.
During your meditation you may make contact with spirit guides and begin connecting with angels.
By aiding you to release stress and worries, and by creating a courteous and good humored approach to others, relationships of all types may be helped by this stones energy.
These beryl stones were used in crystal healing in the the middle ages.
They are purported to assist the immune system and the circulatory system and are said to balance the body fluids and to stabilize the hormones.
If you have trouble sleeping put a piece under your pillow to help you to sleep more soundly.
They are known to aid both the physical body and the emotional body and are known to stop mood swings, and they are beneficial crystals for stress.
It may be used to make elixirs as the elixir form has good healing properties.
There are a number of reasons why you might choose to use White Beryl stone including:
The vibration of truth also allows you to be aware when those you are speaking with are not telling the truth, and this may be a helpful to aid if you work in a business.
This stone has a potent action within the human mind as it embodies a strong vibration of truth.
Once you begin to use it regularly you may find it difficult to tell even the smallest lies.
Some people will find this aspect irksome to experience, as sometimes you tell small polite lies in order not to offend someone.
There are also a number of other incentives for using Goshenite:
This lovely clear crystal provides a strong means to aid your spiritual growth as it opens the crown chakra and this helps to provide a conduit to the spirit world.
Spirit likes to be thanked for the aid provided to you, and expressing gratitude to spirit is highly beneficial.
One of the best ways to use this stone is to obtain Goshenite gemstone jewelry and White Beryl pieces such as pendants or rings should be obtained quite easily.
Their energy resonates within the heart chakra to stimulate positive vibrations that bring inner peace and help emotional healing.
Their heart based energy enhances unconditional love which makes these precious stones a perfect gift if you are in a romantic relationship.
Giving your loved one jewelry made from clear beryl gemstones may be highly beneficial to improve your relationship.
Goshenite is commonly made into engagement rings as their energy boosts the flow of loving vibrations between you.
Goshenite are emotionally sustaining stones, and their vibration is helpful to aid you to release anxiety and worry and may help mood swings.
They will provide a clear connection to spirit via the crown chakra then on up to the soul star chakra and into the higher transpersonal chakras.
This beautiful stone aids spiritual transformation and also creates enhanced mental ability. It inspires loyalty and focus, and a willingness to do what needs to be done.
Its strong vibration may help you begin connecting with angels.
As you make a clear contact with the spiritual realm, it will aid you if you wish to experience re-birthing and may assist past life explorations.
A good way to use it is as jewelry, as keeping these colorless gemstones within your energy field is powerful to help you.
The energy of this stone is highly inspiring and it will encourage you to soar to the highest levels you desire to go to.
You are likely to experience a more highly personal experience of spirit, and may see amazing visions that may inspire you to move to the next level.
They will also help to enhance your creativity. In particular, if you are doing psychic art you may achieve your desires with creativity and flair.
This stone is lovely combined with other members of the Beryl family. This is an effective way to keep its healing energy within your auric field.
This is a powerful stone to help you to find your spirit guide, and one of the best ways to use this crystal is in meditation.
Its energy has a good action within all of the higher chakras and its energy may activate your third eye chakra.
They are an ideal stone to help you to experience striking and meaningful lucid dreams, that may help you in your everyday life.
This is a great stone to connect you to the spiritual realm through the crown chakra.
It is a good idea to use it daily in a crystal meditation, to assist you to make contact with angels, such as your guardian angel and spirit other beings, and your loved ones that have passed over.
They are known to stimulate good luck and good fortune and have excellent healing qualities.
Also known as the mother of crystals as it makes a great gift for your mother.
Crystal healers may choose to it for crystal healing in body layouts, along with other types of Beryl. It may be used to make elixirs as the elixir form has good healing properties.
The crown chakra is the area related to automatic writing or written channelling. This is one of the psychic abilities that may be accentuated by using this stone.
The meaning of this stone relates to the place it was named for, which is the small town of Goshen in Massachusetts in the United States.
It is one of the beryl group of stones and Beryl’s name comes the Greek word 'berylis'.
This is a very pure variety of Beryl and is usually quite clear. This clarity is why Clear Beryl was used by the ancient greeks to fashion into spectacles.
Goshenite is the purest form of beryl and has been found in a number of locations. This includes in Northern Europe, in Germany and Austria as well as Ireland.
This colorless variety of beryl is also found in South Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, in North America in Canada and the United States and in South America in Brazil and Columbia.
They are an aluminum beryllium silicate mineral, with a vitreous luster. They commonly occur as hexagonal or prismatic crystals and sometimes have small pyramid-like faces.
Many types of Beryl are more well known than the clear stones, and their color may be pink, green, blue, yellow or red.
Any of the other crystals in this family of stones are excellent to use in conjunction with this clear crystal, as it may improve their effect.
See information about other types of Beryl below.
Aquamarine is the blue beryl variety, yet some people have used the name White Aquamarine when referring to White Beryl.
Many of these clear stones are gemstone quality, with the clear pieces often being known and sold as White Beryl.
There is much demand for top quality colorless beryl and it often commands a high price, but it is fairly easy to obtain less expensive pieces of this stone.
Goshenite is a type of beryl yet its energy makes it a quite different stone.
The main differences between clear Goshenite and the other colors is its action within the higher chakras.
The names and some properties of the various colored crystals in the Beryl family are as follows:
All of the other types of Beryl will combine very well with this stone but specific members of the family work in different ways.
Use it with either of the two more heart based Beryl's, Morganite or natural Emerald stones, to soften the clear Beryl and bring the love and compassion they both strongly embody.
The bright yellow Beryl called Heliodor, helps to combine the energy of the will from the solar plexus chakra also called the power chakra, to aid you to take action, based on the vibration emanated by the Goshenite.
The blue member of the family, Aquamarine, will help you to communicate better and to soften the truth telling energy of the clear stone.
What are the most helpful crystals to pair with Goshenite? To aid past life journeys, and to help you to release past life negativity and karma, combine it with Nuummite.
Use it with Amphibole Quartz also known as Angel Phantom Quartz, Lapis Lazuli, Angel Aura Quartz or with Golden Danburite to aid contact with angels.
Phenacite which is a close relative of the Beryls, is a high crystal energy stone that will magnify the vibration of Goshenite within the higher etheric chakras.
It may increase the level of spiritual light and to aid you to see future potential.
To accentuate the stimulation of the mental areas, combine it with Crazy Lace Agate, Axinite or Herderite, also a high vibration stone.
This combination is potent if you wish to experience travel beyond the physical body.
If you are having issues with painful headaches you might find it advantageous to use them with other crystals for headaches.
Other headache crystals includes Lapis Lazuli, Sugilite, Peruvian Pink Opal and both Chevron Amethyst and Purple Amethyst.
To aid you to start to lucid dream, use it with Dream Quartz, Diaspore, Covellite or Scolecite.
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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