
Improves Communication & Decision Making

➤ By Liz Oakes

Rare Grandidierite stone enhances decision making, improves communication and may aid work related teamwork and collaboration.

It is known as a rare stone as it is still fairly uncommon stone even though a new deposit has been found, which makes it easier to obtain.


They are known to stimulate the immune system and aid healing of other health issues. 

Their energy encourages you to live life from a heart based perspective and may help the growth of family unity and reduce stress and anxiety.

They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use to improve communication ability at home with the family, at work and in social situations. 

In addition they have excellent metaphysical properties that may also stimulate the throat chakra.

They strongly resonate within both the heart and higher heart chakra with a strong energy that boosts compassion and generosity towards others. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Will Grandidierite Help You?

Grandidierite are particularly known for the way they assist compassionate communication.

This may help you to build better connections with loved ones as well as those you work with on a daily basis.

Their action to aid communication may relate to the way that their energy resonates upwards into the throat chakra.

So you may find that wearing a piece of this stone close to the throat may be beneficial.

GrandidieriteGrandidierite Mineral Specimen

They have a good action to assist teamwork and are said to aid you to work better with others and may help you to clearly convey important information to others in your group.

These stones have a strong higher heart chakra vibration, and their resonance within this chakra encourages increased compassion, charity and kindness towards others.

They have strong powers to help to stimulate the growth of compassion and forgiveness.

They aid you to release unselfishness and assist you to be more generous towards others.

Within the heart chakra they bring an increase of loving energy into your life, and have a positive effect within the thymus gland to aid healing.

How To Use It? Crystals For Decision Making

Grandidierite are impressive crystals for decision making as they have a powerful energy to help you to find answers that may lead to your making the correct decision.

They aid decision making by assisting you to more easily gain knowledge about the issues that you need to know about before committing to a plan of action.

Whenever you need to commit to what you have decided is the best way forward, it is highly beneficial to make sure you are fully informed about all the options before taking action.

Deep Green GrandidieriteDeep Green Grandidierite Mineral Specimen

Their powers may assist you to assess the details regarding any information that may be available.

This can help you to gain a proper and accurate awareness of the facts involved, in order to resolve anything standing in the way of you making the correct decision.

Why Would You Use It? Healing Properties

The healing properties of these stones relate to the chakras that they primarily resonate within, which are the throat, higher heart and heart chakras.

By utilizing their energy within these specific regions you may find that problems in the area that these chakras govern may be remedied.

They are also good stones to help stress and anxiety.

GrandidieriteThree pieces of Blue Green Grandidierite

The thymus gland is located within the heart and higher heart area and this gland is known for its action to stimulate the immune system, so these green stones may boost immune health.

In addition they are known to assist issues in the heart and lungs as well as in the throat and are said to remedy problems in the spleen.

Grandidierite are known to enhance your relationships both with your significant other as well as with family, friends and work colleagues.

These green crystals bring a generous disposition to your manner of thinking and acting and may be beneficial to wear during social situations.

This may enhance your manner of communicating and may improve your interaction with others.

My Final Thoughts: Use In Meditation

Grandidierite have strong metaphysical properties and the way that these stones resonate within the higher heart is one of the most powerful reasons for using them.

One of the best ways to use this green stone is in meditation. If you are not sure how to meditate you can learn more here.

It may be helpful to place it in the area between the heart and throat to ensure it resonates within all three chakras that it relates to.

By regularly meditating with them you may find an improvement in your relationships and its energy may aid you to reconcile with family members with whom you have become estranged.


In summary: while these stones are said to be uncommon, you will find that it is possible to find them fairly easily at many of the better crystal shops.

You may especially find that they are available from shops that are known for keeping rare or unusual stones.

Jewelry made from this stone is available, but if you are only able to obtain a stone you can put in a cloth bag in your pocket or in a macrame crystal holder.

It's easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and this is an easy way to keep a stone on your body by using your crystal inside a macrame crystal holder.

Meaning Of Grandidierite

The meaning of the name of this stone relates to it being called after the French explorer and naturalist Alfred Grandidier. Grandidier was well known for his exploits exploring Madagascar.

It is a magnesium aluminum borosilicate mineral which occurs mainly in the massive form but also as unusual elongated crystals.

Generally speaking this stone is known as a quite rare mineral.  

This is especially true of the lovely translucent or transparent gem quality stones which are said to be very uncommon.

It is said to be one of the ten most rare stones in the world. Yet it is still reasonably easy to obtain from many crystal sellers, especially since a new deposit of the stone was found in Madagascar.

Some of the gorgeous stones from this new deposit are featured here.

Many of the new stones are gem quality but those that aren't are quite lovely and have excellent metaphysical properties.

Where Is It From? Mineral Makeup And Colors

While the best specimens of this stone come from Madagascar, lower quality pieces of this mineral have also been found in Malawi, Namibia and Sri Lanka.

Lovely gem quality stone is now reasonably easy to obtain and it comes in various shades of green.

The more opaque stone is easier to get, but is still less common than other crystals.

Teal GrandidieriteTeal Grandidierite

Their color is generally green although the depth of the green shade changes according to how much iron is in individual pieces.

Its color varies and it may be colorless, which you may see in sections of some of the stones pictured here.

It generally occurs in various shades of green, from lighter green through to a quite deep green and less commonly as blue-green, teal or pale turquoise stone.

Best Crystals To Use With Grandidierite

What are the best crystals to combine with Grandidierite? Higher heart chakra stones are quite powerful to assist you in a number of ways.

The vibration of these rare crystals within this chakra is known to help to boost your immune system health as well as assisting the level of love, compassion and  forgiveness that may flow within your life.

There are a number of other excellent higher heart chakra stones that you might choose to use these crystals with to increase this energy.

You may choose to use them with crystals such as Magenta Fluorite, Kunzite, Vivianite and Rose Quartz.

While these are highly beneficial stones to stimulate better decision making, if you still need more help to make decisions there are a number of other stones that can assist with decision making.

This includes Ethiopian Opal, Hypersthene, Tigers Eye and Herderite.

If you wish to improve your capacity to communicate better, you may find that it is beneficial to use it with other stones that are known to enhance communication skills.

There are a number of excellent stone that may boost your communication ability, including Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Kinoite or Angelite.

More Pictures Of Grandidierite


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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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