Kunzite Crystal

Heals Emotions Creates Loving Relationships

➤ By Liz Oakes

Kunzite helps to lift your mood and may assist the release of anxiety, tension and stress. 

These lovely heart based crystals encourage the energy of love to fill your life and help to heal emotional problems as you release negative feelings.

This lovely crystal has an energy that it aids you to resonate with love.


These stones have strong metaphysical properties and their vibration aids you to more easily create loving relationships as your life fills with love on all levels.

They are strong healing crystals for the emotions that both heal you emotionally and help to relieve panic and fear and may aid you to be able to experience the love of the Great Divine spirit.

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Aids Love On All Levels: Releases Negative Feelings

Kunzite are love stones that enhance romantic love and assist you to balance your emotions and feel more open and trusting towards your partner. 

They may also boost your love of nature and animals and enhance your awareness of Divine love.

They stimulate love to flow within all manner of relationships, encouraging intimate bonds as well as the connections you have with close friends and family.

They are good crystals for self love, as when you allow this vibration to help you, you may open yourself to love on all levels, including love for yourself.

Pale Pink KunzitePale Pink Kunzite Crystal

This stones energy encourage the flow of unconditional love which helps the release of negative feelings and may make you aware that you are one with the Divine mind.

When you become at one with the energy of Divine love, all other love in your life begins to change, as you resonate with the pure energy of the great Divine Spirit.

Align Yourself With The Energy Of Universal Love

The feelings that this crystal generates will improve your life in many ways, as you align yourself with the energy of Universal love.

There are many lonely people in the world searching for their soulmate, and this crystal assists you to become aware that you are never alone.

Realize that the love of the Great Divine Spirit or Universal Mind is there always.

As you embrace this knowledge and allow this joy and happiness to flood your being, you may also allow yourself to heal on all levels, especially emotionally.


Joy, happiness and love will flow through your life. As this happens, loving energy will flow out from you into the world, as you go about your daily activities.

As you open both your heart and your higher heart chakras, you will be open to allowing joy to flood into your being.

It is easy to buy Kunzite. The energy of this lovely pink crystal is very heart based, and the vibration of these lovely pink crystals will open the heart in many ways.

Who Should Use It? Strong Meditation Stone

One of the loveliest ways to use this stone is in meditation. If you are not sure how to meditate it may benefit you to learn easy meditation ideas.

This is a crystal that will aid you to achieve deeper states of meditation, and is a wonderful stone to use as it brings such a lovely joyful vibration through.

During your meditation you may combine Kunzite with other stones to help you to make contact with spiritual beings or guides that may aid you.

Buy Kunzite from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.


During meditation you may be aided to develop your intuition. If you have difficulty getting into meditation, you may like to use a guided meditation to help you.

These meditations will guide you to relax and they also have lovely music that helps you to relax.

These crystals will also stimulate the birth of creative ideas, and their energy may aid you overall to enhance your creativity.

Why Would You Use It?

Kunzite is not only a stone for the heart chakra, but it is also a crystal that resonates within the higher heart chakra. 

It will also align these chakras with the throat chakra and the third eye, to help create loving thoughts and an outflow of loving communication.

Kunzite Pendant with Tanzanite and GarnetKunzite Tanzanite and Garnet Pendant

Many of you may have deep issues from your childhood or early life, or even past lives, that make you feel that you are unloved.

By opening up to the source of pure Divine love, you may allow yourself to heal on the deepest levels of your being.

Lilac Kunzite has a higher vibration and resonates within the third eye, crown and soul star chakras, and the pink crystals encourage you to open yourself to unconditional love.

The green and yellow-green Kunzite stones are called Hiddenite, and these are also very lovely heart chakra and higher heart chakra based crystals.

Kunzite Healing Properties

This is a strong stone for crystal healers to use as it has a good energy that may help you to heal your inner child.

This can help to release the past and any fear based around past issues that may be holding you back.

Then you may live each day like a child does, open to the enjoyment of the experiences that come your way, and naturally excited at what life offers.

By their action as crystals that release fear based emotion, they may help you to deal with life issues that are frightening you.

Natural Kunzite PendantNatural Kunzite Pendant

They are good mental healing crystals and using them regularly may assist you to be open to listen to constructive criticism.

Their energy encourages you to get intuitive messages through, and you may find that you get information through from your higher self more swiftly.

These crystals are also known to be beneficial healing stones that may help disorders of the lungs.

This stone contains lithium which aids it to be soothing and calming to the emotions. This creates an excellent means to relieve your stress.

How To Use It: Wearing This Crystal

Kunzite jewelry, including lovely pendants, is easy to buy and pleasant to wear. If you wear this stone close to the heart chakra it will be highly beneficial.

Earrings, pendants and other jewelry made from this stone is becoming very popular and easier to purchase. 

This may be because it is a Leo birthstone as well as Scorpio and Taurus birthstone.

Lavender Pink Kunzite Crystal PendantPink Kunzite Crystal Pendant

This stone may help to dissolve problems in relationships that have been obstacles to creating a better relationship.

Lovely pieces of jewelry made from this stone can be colored pink, green or yellow, may be bought reasonably easily.

This includes lovely pink pendants and rings made from this stone, as they are one of the more well-known zodiac birthstones.

All of these are excellent to wear, as they will vibrate easily within the chakras close to them.

These pink crystals are stones of deep emotion so are perfect to give as a love gift, as using its energy will make you truly loving.

Although the yellow and green stones are known as Hiddenite, they may be found selling as Kunzite, particularly as birthstones. 

Where Is It From? Kunzite Meaning

Although this article is talking about the lovely lilac, lavender or pink stones, they are a variety of Spodumene, which also comes in other colors including clear, yellow and green. 

The prismatic stones may be semi-translucent, clear or quite opaque. 

The name of the lavender or pink stones in this family is Kunzite.

The meaning of the name Kunzite relates to the name of the well known mineralogist George Frederick Kunz.

The meaning of the Spodumene name relates to the Greek word "spodumenos", meaning "burnt to ashes", as it commonly occurs as an ash grey colored mineral that is mined for industrial use.

This pink stone has been found in a number of locations including Dakota in the the United States, Canada, Brazil, Mexico, Madagascar, Myanmar, Sweden, Western Australia, Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Pink Spodumene var Kunzite is a mineral that is popular for making into items such as lithium batteries, as it contains higher and more pure amounts of lithium. Spodumene is a pyroxene mineral and its makeup is lithium aluminium inosilicate.


Spodumene stone may contain additional minerals that create various colors, such as manganese in the lilac and pink stones and chromium in the green stones.

Some stones may include both colors within the one specimen, as they often occur together. They may also naturally occur in combination with Zoisite. 

Pendants made from these stones are very popular, as they make lovely jewelry, although it is said to be a difficult stone to facet, as it has perfect cleavage. 

Lilac or Lavender Kunzite

The Lilac or Lavender Kunzite is a higher vibration variety of the lovely Pink Kunzite, and when held in your hand, it is easy to be aware of its energy.

These crystals have a beautiful energy, that can be felt moving from your palm chakras up into your heart and higher heart chakras, and then up into the third eye, crown and soul star chakra.

Lilac or Lavender KunziteLilac or Lavender Kunzite is a higher vibration variety of Kunzite.

This lavender stone has a strong and high vibration which may also stimulate the growth of your intuition.

The stone properties of these lovely lilac crystals relate to the way they help to open the heart to bring through feelings of joy and happiness.

They are also powerful stones to calm stress, and are known to be particularly helpful to assist the dying. 

They may help those undergoing the final passage to Spirit, to gain information needed from the Divine mind to allow them a tranquil transition to the other side.

The lavender purple crystals help you to gain a strong often startling awareness of your spiritual journey.

KunziteLavender Kunzite

For those who are leaving this plane, this may help them to pass over in a more tranquil and peaceful way.

My Final Thoughts: Aids The Vibration Of The World To Lift

Kunzite Crystal is a lovely stone to use in meditation and beautiful to wear. 

Each of you needs to be more loving, and you may sometimes forget that loving yourself is also important.

This is an excellent stone to boost self love. The world needs more love, and by bringing through love in a higher more spiritual Divine way, you may aid the vibration of the world to lift.

Natural KunziteNatural Kunzite

In summary: remember that it may also stimulate your sensitivity and sensuality, and combined with its loving vibration, this may create a more loving relationship.

Best Crystals To Use With Kunzite 

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Kunzite?

Theses crystals will help to elevate your mood when used alone. But to increase the level of good vibrations in your body, you might combine this pink stone with Lemurian Crystals or Smithsonite.

They both will accentuate the loving vibration of this stone and they are powerful used together. Kunzite's sister stone, the green variety called Hiddenite, is another stone that brings through the vibration of love.

As well as with Lemurian Seed Crystals, you may also like to combine Kunzite Crystal with any of the heart chakra or higher heart chakra stones.

This includes other pink stones like Rose Quartz, Morganite, Pink Tourmaline and Pink Rhodochrosite. These stones may help you to bring through a stronger loving vibration.

You may combine it with other stones that contain lithium, such as Lepidolite, Yellow Amblygonite, Holmquistite or Lithium Quartz to help with emotional problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.

If you use it with Lapis Lazuli or Iolite Stones, it will assist your mind to be more receptive to the love energies of the Kunzite Crystal. 

Use it with Crocoite or Lepidocrocite as they also combine well with it.

Add in the energy of other strong crystals for self love to boost this energy to aid you to have better relationships with others.

This includes Peruvian Pink Opal, Strawberry Quartz, Garnierite and Morganite.

Combine the Lavender Kunzite Crystal with one of the high vibration crystals as they have a higher vibration.

Also known as high crystal energy stones, these crystals will assist you to open yourself up to the energy of the higher spiritual realms.

High vibration stones for this purpose includes Nirvana Quartz, Heulandite, Tanzanite and Scolecite.

You may choose to use any of the green heart chakra stones with it, including Moldavite, Variscite, Green Tourmaline and Emerald stones.

Photos Of Kunzite Crystal

Raw Kunzite
Kunzite Meaning Properties And Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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