Mahogany Obsidian

Prevents Psychic Attack, Boosts Creativity

➤ By Liz Oakes

Mahogany Obsidian is helpful to use to shield you from psychic attack and also helps to remove psychic implants. Use when you need help to make decisions.  

They are said to strengthen a weakened aura, and they are also known to be beneficial to use for ancestral healing and to relieve stress and tension.

Mahogany ObsidianMahogany Obsidian

They also have a strong grounding energy, helping to open and cleanse your grounding channel.

This is a lovely reddish brown and black type of Obsidian that helps to balance the yin-yang energy of the body.

They also resonate within the solar plexus where they work to boost your personal power. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

 Why Would You Use It?

They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use to assist the overall health of the body. 

Their resonance within the sacral chakra helps to both release any negativity within this area, as well as removing anything that may be blocking the flow of your creative energies.

They work within the base chakra and earth chakra, for grounding and within the sacral chakra to release negativity.

Mahogany Obsidian TumblestoneMahogany Obsidian Tumblestone

These crystals are well known for their action to assist anyone who feels they are being impacted by any type of psychic attack.

They are good crystals to prevent psychic attack as well as being useful to assist the removal of psychic implants. 

They are quite stimulating to the area of the sacral chakra.

Their vibration is powerful to cleanse negativity and any harmful energy that has been stuck in that region from old trauma in that locality.

Use at the solar plexus, also called the power chakra, to boost the energy of this chakra.

This may help you to reclaim your personal power and may also help to correct the spin of both the sacral and solar plexus chakras.

They are beneficial stress relief crystals and may help you are suffering with both stress and tension and need help to relieve these issues.

Mahogany Obsidian Healing Properties

These crystals have many beneficial healing properties that are known to be very supportive to deal with problems in a number of ways, and are useful to assist an abundance of health issues.

They bring an increase in your overall comfort and physical health, and are beneficial to aid many areas of the body, with a particularly good healing action within the lower three chakras.

Their vibration is well known to help with grounding.

Their energy is known to take excess energy down through the base or root chakra and the earth star chakra to the earth itself, cleansing your grounding channel as it goes.

These brown and black crystals embody within them the energy of dark and light, which is known to be helpful to balance the yin and yang energy of the body.

Mahogany ObsidianMahogany Obsidian

Their vibration is said to have a useful effect to assist those who have an enlarged prostate.

They are known for their action to help anyone who is suffering with pain related to the circulation. 

They are known to help detoxification and digestive issues and their energy is said to help blockages in the digestive system.

They are also known to assist where you have injuries that have caused bleeding, and to specifically assist issues in the liver and kidneys by helping with the release of poisons and toxins. 

Mahogany Obsidian stone is said to be advantageous to keep on your body if you are suffering pain, including pain caused by cramps or arthritis and their energy may help joint pain. 

Wearing Mahogany Obsidian

These crystals are fairly easy to obtain and you can buy them as natural stones, as tumblestones and made into jewelry.

They are on the zodiac birthstones list as they are a Libra birthstone.

You will probably find it easy to obtain jewelry made from this crystal, and they are very attractive stones with a lovely color that makes beautiful pendants and beads.

Wearing them on the body will be beneficial, especially if you have been suffering with any of the health problems listed in the section about healing properties.

If you are a Libran you may be interested to discover that these crystals are on the Libra Birthstones List.

So take a look as there are lots of lovely stones as well as this one.

Mahogany Obsidian PendantMahogany Obsidian Pendant

For most crystals it is generally most helpful when you wear them as close as possible to the chakras where they resonate most strongly.

Of course this is not always possible. Having any crystals or stones anywhere on your body will have a positive effect on your entire auric field.

Many people find it is helpful to wear their crystals close to the areas that the energy assists.

If you need help to heal any sort of issue related to any of the three lower chakras, having a piece near or in that area may be helpful.

Even having one in your pocket may be beneficial or an easy alternative is to wear a piece in a macrame crystals holder.

Shop for a Macrame Crystal Holders here. Using one that has a bead on the top will keep it secure, and makes it easy to change if you wish.

 Mahogany Obsidian Meaning & Uses

Natural Mahogany Obsidian is a black stone and brown stone, with the brown being a lovely reddish mahogany brown color.

These reddish brown patches are said to be either Magnetite or Hematite.

Like all Obsidian stone, this is a type of naturally occurring colored glass that was birthed from within a volcano.

The meaning of the name of this stone comes firstly from its beautiful reddish brown color which is similar to mahogany wood. 

They are also known as Mountain Obsidian. The meaning of the name Obsidian is extremely old and there are a number of possible meanings for this name.

It is an easy obsidian stone to obtain, and it is possible to buy the natural raw Mahogany Obsidian, but you can also easily obtain tumblestones.

The uses of this stone have been well known for centuries as it was written about in ancient roman texts, and its name may well be related to a Roman place or person.

Where Is It From?

Obsidian of all colors can be found in any area that has had volcanic activity in the past.

Some areas such as a number of locations in the United States seem to have more of the stone than others, due to the mineral make-up of the area. It is from those places that most stone for sale comes from.

Raw Mahogany ObsidianRaw Mahogany Obsidian

I have read that there is a limit on the amount that can be collected by any one person in the United States, in order to prevent the areas where it occurs from being depleted.

This will not be the case in other places outside the United States.

This color of Obsidian is found in South America, Mexico, China, Afghanistan, Japan and India.

In addition it is found in quite a few places in the United States including in Arizona, California, Washington, Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada and New Mexico.

Who Should Use It? How Will It Help You? 

When used within the lower chakras they are helpful to bring an improvement to your interactions in the bedroom, bringing increased sensuality and boosting passion. 

Use at the base chakra to motivate you to discuss personal relationships with your partner, as by clearing old issues, may bring increased enjoyment and expression of your love.

Buy Mahogany Obsidian from Exquisite Crystals my most trusted seller.

Mahogany ObsidianMahogany Obsidian

The energy of these crystals have a strong resonance within all of the three chakras that govern the stomach areas, namely the solar plexus, the sacral or navel chakra and the root or base chakra.

Mahogany Obsidian has metaphysical properties that will energize all of the lower chakras.

Stimulating those areas may also help you to release distress related to fear about the future and worry about survival in these difficult times.

They are also helpful crystals to boost creativity

So if you need help with this, use in meditation and ask your guides for advice on the best way to bring improvement to this area of your life.

Raw Mahogany ObsidianRaw Mahogany Obsidian

If you are also worried about psychic attack during meditation, these stones are also powerful psychic protection stones.

They will not only act as a barrier but are helpful to remove psychic implants from situations in the past.

They may boost your confidence in your ability to manifest enough for your needs and help you to release past issues that you have been holding onto.

Use it to assist you to feel more confident (solar plexus energy) and to end your worry about the possibilities of a lack of the day to day things you require, including not having enough money. 

How To Use It? My Final Thoughts

When you are working on making a decision and need help, these crystals have excellent metaphysical properties that make them advantageous to use.

Their energy resonates on all etheric levels. They stimulate the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual areas.

This makes them advantageous crystals to aid decision making, as they encourage you to see things from a range of perspectives. 

Raw Mahogany ObsidianRaw Mahogany Obsidian

In summary: these crystals are very effective within the sacral chakra to stimulate an improvement in your creative ability.

So if you feel you need to boost your creativity keep a piece close to you. It could be helpful to leave it somewhere where you spend the most time. 

If you are worried about psychic attack and feel you could do with protection, keeping a piece nearby may be helpful.

Many people worry about attack happening at night, so if this concerns you place a piece on your bedside table so you can sleep peacefully.

It also helps stress and tension so this may also help you to sleep better.

Best Crystals To Use With Mahogany Obsidian

What are the best crystals to combine with Mahogany Obsidian?

Some of the best Mahogany Obsidian combinations if you feel extra help with grounding, are other strong grounding stones.

You may choose to combine it with any of the following which are all good for grounding you including Ilvaite, Black Diopside, Black Tourmaline or Black Spinel.

These stones resonate strongly at the sacral chakra, where they help to remove energy blockages that may be causing health issues in that area of the stomach.

Combine them with other sacral or navel chakra stones to boost their action if you have any health problems that are related to that area of your body.

Specific sacral chakra stones include Carnelian, Orange Kyanite, Tangerine Quartz or Amber which is well known for its strong healing action.

Mahogany Obsidian is an excellent stone that embodies a good energy for psychic protection and to act as a barrier to prevent psychic or energy attacks.

This can be very frightening so is best prevented as soon as it starts. Specific stones that can help to block psychic attack includes Fire Agate, which sends negative energy back.

Aegirine helps to break the attachment of negative beings and both Tantalite and Maori Greenstone produce a strong barrier to protect you from negative beings.

More Pictures Of This Stone

Natural Mahogany ObsidianMahogany Obsidian
Mahogany Obsidian PendulumMahogany Obsidian
Mahogany Obsidian Meaning Properties And PowersMahogany Obsidian Meaning Properties And Powers

Pictures Of Other Types Of Obsidian Stone

There are a number of other type and colors of Obsidian Stone and all of them have powerful properties to help you.

They have a range of metaphysical properties so it is beneficial to discover more about them and decide if you feel that using them together will benefit you.

Check out the pictures below, and see if their name is highlighted with a link. If so this means there is a page about them already written.

If its not written yet, perhaps it will be written in the future. Enjoy seeing what they look like!

Spiderweb ObsidianSpiderweb Obsidian
Green ObsidianGreen
Blue ObsidianBlue
Purple ObsidianPurple
Midnight Lace ObsidianMidnight Lace Obsidian

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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