Mango Quartz

Bring Down Golden Light

➤ By Liz Oakes

Mango Quartz are combination crystals that have bright yellow or orange inclusions in clear quartz. Many are double terminated and some are elestial quartz.

They have a gentle vibration that eases stress and brings harmony. Their energy enhances your spiritual connection by bringing golden light down from the higher realms.

Mango QuartzMango Quartz

These beautiful golden yellow crystals were only unearthed fairly recently in Columbia and are a mixture of the mineral hallyosite and quartz.

They have a calming, soothing energy that aids healing and manifestation and like all quartz crystals they can be programmed, if you think this may be beneficial. 

They have a fairly gentle and subtle vibration, yet they work to aid spirituality by opening you to receive guidance from teachers in the higher realms.

They are known for their action to enhance the growth of clairaudience, the psychic gift also known as psychic hearing. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Mango Quartz? 

These gorgeous golden crystals resonate powerfully within the soul star chakra, which is located in the etheric body above the crown chakra at the top of the head.

They have a gentle and somewhat elusive energy that can be hard to relate to unless you are on the spiritual path and have been working on gaining awareness of various aspects of spirituality.

See more below about how to create a connection to them if you have found it difficult. As they have a fairly subtle spiritual energy their action can seem imprecise when you are seeking specific answers. 

Once you connect with them, you might benefit by allowing their vibration to help you to connect with guides in spirit, to gently move you in the right direction. 

Close Up Of Mango QuartzClose Up Of Mango Quartz

They resonate strongly within the throat chakra where they work to boost your communication skills as well as helping to enhance your ability to solve problems.

Within the higher chakras, including the throat chakra, they work to stimulate the growth of your clairaudient gifts.

Their vibration may also stimulate other abilities you have been working to develop including sparking stronger intuition, boosting clairvoyance and enhancing inner vision.

Like many golden stones they are powerful to aid manifestation so they are excellent crystals for money although this is not their most important attribute.

How To Use It: Powerful Meditation Stones

Mango Quartz are powerful high vibration crystals that have an impressive energy that is highly beneficial for meditation.

They work to aid you when you are travelling within the higher realms. They are known for their action to bring the golden light down through the soul star chakra into the crown where they have a powerful effect.

They stimulate the crown chakra and help to aid your spiritual connection as well as boosting clearer thinking. 

They work to fill your entire energy field with the golden light from the higher realms, creating immense peace and harmony.

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Elestial Mango QuartzElestial Mango Quartz

They may be especially helpful to use in meditation if you have been working with any of the other soul star chakra stones.

Using them in meditation over a period of time increases the action they have to assist you to improve your life.

Individuals will find that they may have a different effect after some time, as you begin to adapt to their unique energy.

Use them in any way you feel is appropriate, but be led by information that you receive during meditation from Spirit teachers who wish to aid you.

You can also obtain pieces of Double Terminated Mango Quartz that can be used as a wand for healing. Check out my page about ways to wands, as long slim pieces of quartz work well as a wand.

Keep Working With It!

If you find it you are not making much of a connection with its energy, (or even any connection at all) don't give up. I found that combining it with other high vibration crystals helped to create a connection.

One of my pieces of Mango Quartz was an elestial quartz so I was led to use it in meditation combined with another golden yellow elestial quartz, one of my favorite elestials, a beautiful Citrine Elestial Quartz.

Mango Quartz Double TerminatedMango Quartz Double Terminated

Once my energy system made the connection, all of the pieces of Mango or Halloysite Quartz suddenly started to connect quite easily.

The combination opened up a space where both energies were available. I feel that combining these stones with any other high vibration crystal would work the same to connect the energies.

Note: Like any type of quartz they can be programmed to help you. If you aren't sure how to do this, checkout my article on How To Program Quartz.

How Will It Help You? Healing Properties

These crystals are purported to have some excellent healing properties, and like many orange yellow crystals they also resonate within the solar plexus chakra and the sacral or navel chakra.

The effect of their resonance there may help with healing of health problems within the stomach particularly below the navel.

Their soothing energy may have a good action to help you if you are suffering from stress, tension and anxiety.

They are known to soothe the trauma caused by horrible past experiences commonly known as PTSD or post traumatic stress disorder.

These golden yellow stones may be used by crystal healers by placing them in your healing room to calm clients, but they are not really stones for healing others but are primarily for self healing.

Mango QuartzElestial Mango Quartz

In addition the stimulation of the sacral chakra their energy also works to boost their action as crystals for creativity.

As they have a high vibration their energy may also enhance your ability to have a creative approach to spiritual learning.

In addition they also energize the solar plexus chakra, triggering an increase in your self esteem and may help you to have a greater awareness of your personal power. 

They are also good crystals for good luck, enhancing your ability to bring an increase of good fortune into your life.

Where Is It From? Mango Quartz Meaning

This is a fairly rare crystal that was found fairly recently in the Boyacá area in Columbia. When I say recently it was found a few years ago but not a long time ago.

These crystals are a variety of quartz crystal with a quite bright orange-yellow tip on them. The yellow coloring comes from the mineral known as Halloyosite.

Mango Quartz

It is also called Halloysite Quartz and they are also known by a few other names one of which is Corona Quartz.

As they came to the market during the time when this name was used to describe a virus sweeping the world, perhaps a different name was thought to be better.

The Corona Quartz name is said to relate to the fact that these beautiful yellow quartz crystals predominantly have a bright yellow corona of light at their point.

But that may not be the origin of the name as they come from the Corona Mine, Cabiche QuÍpama Municipality, Boyacá, Colombia.

Mango Quartz Structure

Mango Quartz from Columbia commonly contains bright yellow inclusions and are often double terminated crystals.

Many are long slim stones that are clear with small orangey yellow inclusions inside, mostly at the tip.

The mango quartz structure is commonly seen with either elestial quartz structure on the point, or they are seen with a similar structures to other quartz crystals.

Mango QuartzMango Quartz

Halloysite is a type of aluminosilicate clay in the Kaolinite family. Kaolinite is mined for its use to make fine porcelain.

Halloysite has a different structure to Kaolinite as it forms as small cylinders or nano-tubes inside the clear quartz.

While Halloysite does occur on its own, in the beautiful Mango Quartz it is combined with clear quartz crystal often with minimal amounts of the mineral in each piece.

While many are long slim clear quartz crystals, they do occur in various quartz formations much like any other type of quartz, and it is common for them to be Elestial Quartz.

Best Crystals To Use With Mango Quartz

What are the best crystals to combine with Mango Quartz also called Halloysite Quartz or Corona Quartz?

I will start by saying that the energy of these gorgeous stones is not always easy to make a connection with.

I found at first that I was puzzled by an inability to connect with it, so I put it aside for a little while, thinking that maybe it wasn't meant for me.

I was meditating one day with a piece of Elestial Citrine when a clear message came through that it would like me to combine it with the Mango Quartz.

This worked, so must have been a good choice. Using the two together created an immediate connection with the Mango Quartz, and I then found it easy to work with it after that as I began to better understand more about its energy. 

There are two types of high vibration crystals that you might choose to use them with. There are quite a few high energy quartz varieties that will work well when paired with them and in particular any other strong quartz will be beneficial.

This includes any color of Elestial Quartz, including Citrine Elestial mentioned above, as well as Amethyst Elestial, Rose Quartz Elestial, Clear Elestial Quartz and the well known Smokey Elestial Quartz.

They are all pictured on the Elestial Quartz page and you can learn more about how elestials may benefit you.

In addition other powerful quartz crystals that will combine well with them includes Nirvana Quartz, Vera Cruz Amethyst, Herkimer Diamond and Satyaloka Quartz.

If you have any other high crystal energy stones, you may also like to try combining them with these crystals.

Check out the stones below which are all high energy stones. Any high vibration stone that you have been able to connect with may be useful for this purpose.

Some crystals that may helpful to use with them includes Beryllonite, Celestite, Holley Blue Agate and any color of Kyanite although Blue Kyanite is the most common type.

Holley Blue AgateHolley Blue Agate

Using them with any of the strong golden crystals may also be helpful to aid manifestation as they are excellent crystals to manifest money. This includes Golden Amphibole Quartz, Libyan Desert Glass, Golden Healer Quartz and Stellar Beam Calcite.

Excellent Crystals To Trigger Clairaudient Gifts

These yellow crystals have a good energy to stimulate psychic hearing, but they will work well paired other stones listed in the article on clairaudience to boost the growth of this gift.

Golden Amphibole Quartz, Elestial Citrine and Herkimer Diamonds also mentioned above, are other stones that will be effective to boost this psychic gift.

Other powerful stones that may boost your psychic hearing ability includes Selenite, Trolleite, Moldavite and Petalite.

Many of the crystals mentioned in the sections above are soul star chakra stones. Any soul star chakra stones will combine well with them, but do use your intuition to decide which stones are most effective for this purpose.

You may choose to use them in meditation while combining them with other powerful stones, as this can be effective to boost their effect.

Specific stones that work well paired with them includes any color of Datolite, Clear Quartz, Charoite and Purple Scapolite.

More Pictures of Mango Quartz

Mango QuartzMango Quartz
Mango Quartz
Mango Quartz

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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