
Also called Fairy or Goddess Stones

➤ By Liz Oakes

Menalite may assist you to make contact with spirit guides during meditation.

Their energy creates a strong connection to ancient female insight and judgement which may be highly beneficial to you.

They are known as Goddess stones as they have a quite beneficial spiritual energy to help women and they are also called Fairy Stones. 

MenaliteMenalite are also called Fairy or Goddess Stones

When buying one of these stones, choose one with an appearance that attracts  you. They are good grounding stones that help to create a stable earth connection.

They come in some wonderful shapes that are quite shamanic in nature and are excellent healing crystals for you to use in a meditation for past life regression.

They can help you to connect with spirit guides who may assist you to release fear, including fear of death. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Will It Help You? Connect You To Ancient Female Insight

These Goddess stones are wonderful to use in meditation, and may be advantageous to use when you are doing past life regression.

By assisting you to travel to the area in the higher realms where the akashic records are located, you may gain information about past lives.

They have a quite spiritual energy that may assist you to connect with ancient female insight, especially the women in your direct family line.

These white stones may assist you to connect with specific spirit guides. They may also assist with a connection to spirit animals that are there to aid your spiritual journey.

Buy Menalite or Calcite Fairy Stones from Exquisite Crystals, a trusted crystal seller.

MenaliteMenalite: A Potent Stone For Women To Use

They have a lovely heart based energy and are very useful stones to assist you if you are doing past life regression work that makes you fearful.

They may be especially helpful to assist you to conquer the fear of death, when you may have to deal with memories from the past that make you feel frightened.

Why Would You Use It? Banish Fear Of Death

These white crystals are excellent grounding stones, as they anchor your energy, making a connection down through the earth chakra to Mother Gaia.

They make a good connection at both the sacral and base chakra to aid with healing of female health issues, and may increase your fertility.

They may be especially helpful to females going through puberty, childbirth or menopause.

Sleep with one under your pillow to aid menopause symptoms such as hot flushes also called hot flushes or night sweats.

They may help to banish any fear of death you may have, and they have powerful metaphysical properties that are supportive for females to use.

They are helpful to connect to the energy of the wise woman within each of us and may aid older women who feel that they need help to transition to the wise elder.

Where Is It From? Meaning of Menalite

The spelling of this stone may also be seen as Menilite. These white stones are said to have been named for the place they were originally found in Menilmontant in France.

They have also been found in Morocco, where a lot of white stones now come from, as well as in Algeria, Africa, Spain, Morocco, Australia and in the United States.

The stones that are found in the United States are also known as Calcite Fairy Stones, and have been in use for hundreds of years.

The USA stones are said to have been created when the glaciers receded.


The mineral make-up of these stones is calcium based, and they have a hard yet chalky feel to them.

Most stones are colored white but some are darker, especially those found in the USA, due to various mineral inclusions.

So they may be colored off white, grey or light brown in color, and this does depend on the location where they were found.

Most stones are roundish with a quite smooth regular even surface. Their appearance is quite unusual, and although many look similar they are each quite unique. 

The fact that were first found in France is interesting. They remind me of the ancient fertility Goddess that was found in an ancient archeological dig in France.

I love the look of them as they almost look like they were carved to represent specific ancient goddesses.

Best Crystals To Use With Menalite

What are the best crystals to combine with Menalite? These stones are advantageous used in meditation to help you to be able to go to the area where the akashic records are located, to discover information about past lives.

If required you can combine them with other stones for the same purpose to help the process.

There are a number of other stones that also aid you to reach the akashic records, including Ankerite,  Prophecy Stone, Cavansite, or Petrified Wood.

If you feel you might benefit by enhancing past life healing, use them in combination with other stones as well as those above to boost this energy. This includes Dioptase, Vogesite, Kernite and Dream Quartz.

There are a number of other stones that will assist you to let go of fear. If you want to boost this attribute it may be beneficial to combine them with some of the other stones that have similar qualities.

Stones you could choose includes Black Obsidian, Darwin Glass, Rhodonite or Mangano Calcite.

If you have a specific fear of death, you may wish to use these white stones with other crystals that help to relieve this fear.

Other crystals that help to release fear around death includes Ruby, Shaman Stones, Chiastolite or Kornerupine.

To aid you to connect to specific spirit guides that may assist you, use some of the stones that also resonate within the heart or higher heart chakra.

Some of the heart based stones that will aid you to connect with your spirit guides includes Anyolite, Green Prehnite, Morganite or Petalite.

More photos of Menalite

Menalite Goddess Stones Aid Womens HealingMenalite Goddess Stones Aid Womens Healing

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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