Mookaite Jasper

Slows Aging, Protective & Encourages Adventure

➤ By Liz Oakes

Mookaite Jasper will help you to change how you think about the whole aging process. This change of focus is beneficial to slow aging in the body. 

They encourage adventure yet at the same time aid physical protection when carried. These stones are also known as Mook Jasper. 

Mookaite JasperMookaite Jasper

They may be utilized by placing one under the pillow, for long term improvement in your health. 

These crystals come in a range of beautiful earthy colors and embody a beneficial energy to slow aging.

The metaphysical properties of these beautiful crystals may assist you when making decisions, and their vibration may help you to decide which path to take in life.

They are helpful to assist healing, and may be beneficial to help you to age more slowly. They are also helpful for pregnant parents to use. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip: Jewelry made from this stone is beneficial to have on you when going to unfamiliar places, as it is known to alert you to imminent danger.

Where Is It From? Mookaite Jasper Meaning

The Mookaite Jasper meaning relates to the place where it is comes from in just one location in Western Australia.

This stones' name, Mookaite specifically relates to the Mooka Station located on the west side of the Kennedy Ranges of Western Australia.

So the Mookaite crystal meaning does relate to where it is found and the energy of that location.

The origin of the stations name comes from the local Mooka Creek, which was named for a word in the Aboriginal language meaning running water.

Mooka Station is located in the Kennedy Ranges near Carnarvon in Western Australia, and was once a 700,000 acre sheep farm or station as they are called in Australia.

The homesteads on Mooka Station are now managed by the Heritage Council of WA, and are known to be run as as part of a future conservation reserve.

These stones have been in use since medieval times by the local people of the area long before explorers arrived in Australia.

The local Australian Aboriginal people of Western Australia used this powerful healing stone for thousands of years. 

Interesting Fact:

While the name of this Australian Jasper is sometimes spelled Moukaite, Moukite or Mookite Jasper, all of these names are incorrect.

This is because the name comes from it being named after Mooka Station, and this is an indigenous name, so should be spelled to reflect that.

What Is Mookaite Jasper?

Mookaite Jasper is a type of quartz that comes from a specific area in Australia as mentioned above, and this is the only place that it is found. 

The colors of Mook jasper stones are predominantly colored yellow, mustard, white, brown, red and shades of pink and purple.

Most stones are a mixture of a few colors, and often have stripes with very earthy shades in many pieces of these crystals.

Mookaite JasperMookaite Jasper Cabachon

This stone is in the quartz family as many types of jasper are, but it is said that it should not be called Jasper as it a type of silicified porcelainite.

Mookaite crystals are comprised of a mineral called Radiolarite. It is often an interesting mixture of various shades, with a kind of marbled effect or stripes through many specimens.

It is easy to obtain a piece of Mookaite as jewelry, as a palm stone or tumblestone, as natural raw stone and beautiful worry stones are available.

Mook Jasper Crystal Helps With Aging

These crystals aid aging for the following reasons:

  • One of the powerful ways that the vibration of Mookaite Jasper may benefit you, is its action to help you to change your beliefs about the inevitability of the body's degeneration.
  • The energy of this crystal helps to raise the vibration of your body and the vibration of your thoughts that relate to aging.
  • By aiding you to change how you think about the whole process of getting older, they may help you to slow aging in your body.
  • Its energy stimulates an ageless spirit that helps you to feel younger in your attitude to life.

Buy Mookaite from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal store.

Mookaite JasperColorful Striped Mookaite Jasper

Part of the reason why your body physically ages, is related to your attitude towards aging, and your belief that it is inevitable.

While this is true to a degree, your physical body responds to your way of thinking, and the more you believe in the aging process the more you physically age.

These stones may take some time to have an effect, rather than a quick fix, as they are working to change ideas that have taken many years to become beliefs.

Mookaite Jasper crystals are beneficial to aid healing. Keeping one under your pillow may help your health, including to assist the health of pregnant mothers.

The Mookaite metaphysical properties are easy to utilize and in particular you might find that keeping a piece close to you will be beneficial. 

It is a good idea to place a piece of Mook Jasper under your pillow, so that every night its energy will help to slow aging you while you sleep. 

One of the metaphysical properties that many people might find useful to remember relates to your inherited genetic structure and how this may affect you.

Often the way you age may be related to genetic patterns that you have inherited, but some of these can be cleared, and this crystal can help with this.

Mook Jasper aids you to clear unhealthy genetic problems from your auric field and this includes patterns that may be causing aging.

Mookaite JasperMookaite Jasper

It is useful for pregnant parents to use, as it may also aid you to intuitively connect with your unborn child. 

This stone may help to clear unwanted results so that the next generation does not have to inherit negative issues retained in the genetic memory. 

Decision Making: Who Should Use Mookaite Jasper Stone?

Mookaite Jasper helps you when you would like some advice about an issue that you have trouble deciding about. 

If you have trouble making decisions this is an excellent stone to use and may be advantageous if you have narrowed your choices down, but they seem very different to each other. 

Having one of these crystals for decision making within your auric field will help you to more easily reach the right conclusion.

They can be particularly helpful to aid problem assessment when what you are giving thought to relates to taking your life in a new direction.


It is a stone that helps you to determine what to do, so that you are certain of the right direction to take in regard to your current circumstances. 

Sometimes you may working on trying to resolve a problem and are trying to choose between two totally divergent points of view.

In these cases the best decision to make is no decision, as it can be better to take more time to make up your mind about what you are going to do.

This stone helps you to be aware when this hesitation is the best choice to make, and to be aware of the needs of others and to be discrete when coming to a verdict about it.

It helps you to be calm about whatever is happening in your life, and to be aware of the most important action that needs to be taken on any given day.

Mookaite Crystal Meanings: How Will It Help You?

Ways that Mookaite Jasper will help you includes:

  • They aid you to be more versatile in your approach to life so that you can more easily exposure yourself to new experiences. 
  • If you choose to go off and have an adventure, these stones may assist the situation by making you aware of any pitfalls located nearby.
  • At the same time they may stimulate a sense of adventure within you.
  • They stimulate an instinct that helps you to avoid possible dangerous situations, and may help you to be alert to hazards that may be in the area where you are situated.
Mookaite Jasper

These lovely stones may be helpful to aid you to be aware of the practical consequences of what you might express to others in conversation, or what you may choose to do.

These are helpful stones that will alert you to danger, or to the possibility of any type of possible future harm approaching.

Mookaite Jasper Benefits: Developing Intuition

Its action to activate your intuitive abilities is one of the Mookaite Jasper benefits that may be especially helpful at times when you are making decisions.

They have a strong energy to encourage greater intuition and inspiration.

They may stimulate inspiration and you may feel a burst of new ideas fill your mind, helping you to manifest the thing or circumstance you desire.

They also have a good action to trigger your intuitive abilities, via the vibration of Mook Jasper within the third eye chakra.

Deep Magenta Purple Mook JasperDeep Magenta Purple Mook Jasper

Their action to help you with developing your intuition is beneficial when you are traveling.

You may intuitively become more aware of exactly what they are telling you, when they are alerting you to danger. 

Wearing Mookaite Jasper

Mook Jasper is quite easy to buy, and you will find an amazing range of colors in these stones.

You can see how beautiful and how diverse the colors are, by looking at the different colors in the beaded bracelet in the image here. 

They are a popular gemstone and are often very attractive and while many are a mix of colors, some of the stones are just one color which you will see in other pictures.

Mookaite JasperMookaite Jasper Bead Bracelet

The Mookaite Jasper Bracelet benefits relate to the many colors of the stones and their action within various chakras, so it has a wide healing action.

Wearing these stones as a piece of jewelry is one of the easiest ways to keep it on your body each day.

It also has a lovely calming energy that allows you to rest, knowing that you are safe from harm.

This is a stone with a good resonance that stimulates adventure while at the same time provides physical protection when kept within your auric field.

Jewelry made from this stone is helpful as it is an asset to have one on you when going to unfamiliar places, as it will alert you to possible danger.

Remember that it is an excellent stone to wear on your body if you are traveling, as it is highly protective.

As mentioned above it helps you to be alert to danger, allowing you to avoid specific problems and prevent harm coming to you.

How To Use Mook Jasper For Healing? Healing Properties

This beautiful stone has a number of beneficial healing properties including:

  • Mookaite Jasper is known as the Supreme Nurturer as they are advantageous stones to use at times of stress, anxiety or nervous tension.
  • They are excellent crystals for stress as they have a nurturing and calming energy that soothes stress.
  • They may help the healing of wounds and prevent the build of unhealthy discharge and infection in wounds.
  • Mookaite Jasper healing properties are also known to be beneficial to assist with purification of the blood through the liver and spleen.
Yellow Mookaite Jasper
  • For anyone who is in the older age group, this may be a good stone to use as it may aid flexibility. It may make it easier to get around, especially if you have mobility issues. 
  • These crystals may help to stabilize your physical body and fortify your immune system.
  • They also have a good action within the navel or sacral chakra and are helpful to aid pregnant women.
  • If you are pregnant, you may find that it could be beneficial to use this crystal, as it is known to be helpful to ensure a healthy reproductive system.
  • It may aid problems in the stomach area generally, and may assist water retention.

Why Would You Use Mookaite: The Stone Of Mother Earth

Mook Jasper was used by the Australian aboriginals of the area where it originated to aid the general health of the whole body.

They are an Aboriginal Mother earth stone, that resonates with the earth element with a strong resonance to aid healing.

These ancient people were aware that the vibration of these crystals helped to animate their life force and galvanize the flow of energy in their body.

The local Aboriginal people were aware that Mookaite Jasper embodied strong and effective energies of the earth. These crystals come in a range of beautiful colors.

While the mixed colors are very attractive, if you are working with a specific area of the body you may benefit by choosing a crystal with a stone color related to the chakra for that part of the body.

Mookaite Jasper has a good resonance within the base or root chakra area, and the deep magenta red crystals embody elemental earth powers.

They are beneficial base or root chakra stones that help to create a protective shield.

You may also like to use it to help when healing animals, as it is known to aid animal communication.

My Final Thoughts

Their vibration within the solar plexus chakra, also known as the power chakra will help you to understand your personal power.

Their vibration may aid manifestation by helping to remove obstacles that are preventing the delivery of the desired outcome.

Raw Mookaite JasperRaw Mookaite Jasper

In summary: remember that their crystal stone meaning relates to how they may help to strengthen you and generally assist aging related conditions including hernia ruptures.

Its easy to buy Mook Jasper stones, and they are often a mix of many of the lovely earthy colors.

They have an excellent vibration that will enhance how you deal with aging, and may support you when you have difficulty making decisions.

Their third eye energy may also stimulate psychic abilities.

In particular it may initiate good communication with those on the other side when you are making contact with your loved ones who are in spirit.

Best Crystals To Use With Mookaite

What are the best crystals to combine with Mookaite Jasper? To further stimulate your intuition, you may like to combine it with other strong stones to aid your developing intuition, particularly third eye chakra stones.

To stimulate intuitive abilities, you might like to use it with the lovely Clear Apophyllite, Smithsonite, Purple Amethyst, Hackmanite or Merlinite.

Bloodstone is another stone that has historically been known as an audible oracle so this combination may be useful to alert you to possible danger.

To boost its action to aid you with decision making, you may choose to combine it with other stones that also aid you to make decisions.

This includes stones such as Bloodstone, Clear Apophyllite, Wavellite or Grandidierite.

Mookaite Meaning Properties & PowersMookaite Meaning Properties & Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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