
Helps Concentration & Understanding

Mozarkite helps to stimulate the right side of the brain and is beneficial to enhance your concentration and may improve understanding.

It is the state stone of Missouri. It has a strong effect to improve communication through the way it aids you to speak in an easy to understand manner.


Other ways it helps relates to its action to create clarity in the way your brain hears and how you are able to understand what is being said to you.

It resonates strongly within the crown chakra and is a beneficial stone for meditation that aids you to receive spiritual guidance with clarity.  

It also stimulates both the heart and higher heart chakras which helps to stimulate feelings of love, compassion and forgiveness towards others and boosts kindness and generosity.

It has a number of other ways that it helps you too and may assist you to develop new psychic powers that you have been working towards. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Mozarkite?

Mozarkite is a lovely stone that has a good action to stimulate the right side of the brain, which helps you to better understand the words that you hear. 

It will enhance your accuracy and has a helpful effect within the brain, enhancing concentration and understanding.

Its crystal meanings strongly relate to its action to improve your communication and to heighten your creative abilities and powers.


These stones are good crystals for communication that resonate within the throat chakra where they are known to assist you to listen better.

They are known to help to create clarity in the way your brain hears and understands what is being said to you.

They are strong crystals for mental clarity that will aid you to structure the way that you speak, helping the results to be more easily understood.

Who Should Use It? Beneficial Meditation Stone

It is a beneficial stone to use for crystal meditation as it helps you to clearly receive communication from beings located in the spiritual realms.

It helps you to not only be aware of any information coming from Spirit but to do so with clarity and profound understanding of what is being communicated.

The energy of these stones enhance the birth of new psychic abilities, and may  help you to pick up what is being communicated to you from the spirit world, more quickly and clearly.


When you are working on developing new psychic powers it may be helpful to heighten how this energy works to make this happen.

Their vibration may also assist you to explain to others what you have heard in the higher realms in a clear and understandable way.

This can be valuable when there is a need for someone else to be told important information sent from the Divine. 

It helps you to realize that the choices you have made could be significant, and that your future life is dependent on your previous decisions.

How To Use It? Wearing This Stone

They are beneficial higher heart chakra stones which encourage the energy of compassion towards others and may help with genuine truthful communication. 

Higher heart chakra energy amplifies love, compassion and forgiveness towards others and may help you to find answers to relationship problems.

They are good crystals to boost kindness and generosity towards everyone, helping you to be charitable regardless of whether you feel the other person deserves it.


These lovely heart based stones are made into crystal jewelry although they are not common, but do check your favorite crystal seller to see if they have any for sale.

It is beneficial to keep a piece close to you within your energy field, and keeping a piece in your pocket may be helpful. If you cannot get Mozarkite jewelry, wear a piece in a macrame holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame holder, just make sure you get one with a bead on top so you can easily take the stone out to cleanse it.

It would be an advantage to keep a piece of this stone where you spend time, in order for the energy to have a beneficial effect when you are nearby.

How Will It Help You? Healing Properties

Mozarkite has a number of helpful healing properties that might make them beneficial aids for healers to keep in their healing rooms.

The energy of these stone may help to heal a number of problems including vertigo and nervous issues.

They resonate within the throat chakra, which is known to help problems with your hearing as well as assist many areas of communication.

They have a good healing action to assist you to let go of worry or distress and they are said to help the healing of problems within the kidneys or liver.


They resonate within all of the chakras in the body, although they seems to have a stronger action some of the chakras mentioned above.

This will depend on exactly how much of a specific mineral is found in an individual stone.

Their vibration is known to help drug users to let go of their dependence on the drugs they are using, whether they are recreational or prescribed.

They are good crystals to enhance your creativity, so keep them nearby when you are working on new or challenging creative projects.

Where Is It Found? Mozarkite Meaning

Mozarkite is the state stone of Missouri USA. It is usually thought of as a variety of chalcedony or jasper. It is a type of chert so it closely related to the stone Flint.

It is most commonly found in the west and central areas south of the Missouri River and west of the lake of the Ozarks, and in Benton County Missouri in the United States. 

The meaning of its name is a combination of Mo the abbreviation commonly used for this state, combined with Ozark which is the name of lake close to much of the stone is found.

Mozarkite State Stone Of MissouriMozarkite Is The State Stone Of Missouri

While most of the pieces I have obtained were in the pink or lavender shades, they may also be a deep reddish pink with some bluish shades included.

These stones are also known to embody black, white, gray and even gold colors and many pieces that are selling are tumbled stone.

The stone is said to be easy to work with so is easy to make into crystal jewelry.

Best Crystals To Use With Mozarkite

What are the best crystals to use with Mozarkite? There are a number of crystals and stones below that combine well with them.

There are a number of excellent crystals that help to boost your ability to think more clearly, and this will be beneficial when combined with this stones.

Some of the stones that are excellent crystals for mental clarity include Fluorite, Citrine crystals, Lapis Lazuli, Snow Quartz, Selenite and Hyalite Opal.

If you feel you could benefit from improving your communication abilities, pairing these stones with other crystals for communication may help you.

There are a number of excellent stones in this group including crystals such as Holley Blue Agate, Blue Apatite, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Chalcedony and Snow Quartz.

Because they are powerful crown chakra stones they are a good choice for meditation, and work well when used paired with other stones for this chakra.

There are a number of excellent stones that stimulate the crown chakra, including Labradorite, Kammererite, Snow Quartz and Angel Aura Quartz.

Angel Aura QuartzAngel Aura Quartz

These stones have a good energy to encourage your attitude towards others to be warm-hearted and altruistic and may assist you to be unselfish in your approach.

They are excellent crystals for kindness and generosity that work well in combination with other stones that stimulate a charitable attitude.

Specific crystal you might choose to use for this purpose includes Grandidierite, Spurrite, Owyhee Blue Opal or Garnierite also called Noumeite.

While many of the most well known crystals for creativity are orange colored, there are quite a few other colored stones that are in this group.

Stones of other colors that may help to boost your creativity can also be combined with this stone including Malachite, Rainbow Moonstone, Picasso Marble and Plume Agate.

More Pictures Of This Stone

Mozarkite State stone of MissouriMozarkite: The State stone of Missouri

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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