My Labradorite pendant & using Carnelian for Telekinesis?

by Marie

I feel fear or anxiety when I look at my silver wrapped large Labradorite with a tiny Topaz. I first saw it online, because I was looking for Elven jewellery at the time.

Previously in my life all I saw was that these crystals were rocks formed from earth. I knew nothing about psychic, astrology or healing knowledge as I was told by my parents it's all make-believe stuff (Christian and atheist is their perspective). But I just loved the look of the pendant.

However, when I start really looking at the picture of the pendant, wearing, and touching it, I felt anxiety about the unknown.

It feels foreign, almost negative? I feel it right in my heart/chest area. I don't know if its a wrong stone for me or if it's not cleansed. Is it because I'm an Aquarius? Am I overthinking? I really have no idea despite my research. Sometimes I feel good with it, sometimes I'm not. I still wear it from time to time.

You may not believe me on this one. My childhood experience was with telekinesis. I was obsessed with the idea of moving objects with unknown force we can't see or telepathy before I had to solely focus improving my language disorder at school. I was wearing a tooth-shaped carnelian at the time.

I didn't know much about stones but I had a feeling I should wear it when I attempted to practice on the PSI wheel. When I succeeded moving a PSI wheel two times, I had an intense headache for weeks! I stopped a long time ago and I gave that pendant away to my older sister. I wish to try again to understand what telekinesis is since high school is finished. Is Carnelian connected to telekinesis?

I wish to understand the universe with science and possibly this magic crystal category? I don't know where to start other than my familiarity with sciences.

I admit I don't believe in gods but what I know is that we have each other in the universe. There were people in the past who learned a lot and are in some sort of afterlife. There are many possibilities of what is out there. Maybe that's the core reason of my reaction to my pendant?

Am I overthinking this or is this something more? Thank you for taking your time to read my odd stories. I don't know who else to tell.

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by: J.N.

Well, you may have a lot of wind and earth energy in your natal chart.

Carnelian is for doing things, it's kind of an Aries stone. Therefore the Carnelian probably helped you get things done instead of just think about them (like Aquarius do).

I'd like to see your natal chart that could provide obvious answers.

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