Black Obsidian Stone

Cleanses Negative Psychic Smog From Aura

➤ By Liz Oakes

Black Obsidian Stone helps you to cut or sever karmic ties, is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog from your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone

Their energy will help to break negative attachments to people with whom you have been close.  

Black Obsidian StoneBlack Obsidian Stone

It has powerful metaphysical properties that help to shield you against negative energy. 

The energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy and may boost precognition. 

This an excellent crystal to use when you have been doing spiritual or healing work, as it has a strong action to ground you to Mother Gaia. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Use For Scrying: Stimulates Gift Of Prophecy

Did you know? Pieces of these stones that had a shiny surface were used in the past as a tool for scrying. 

Obsidian Stone is also known to stimulate the gift of prophecy as well as precognition.

This black stone is advantageous to assist you to release disharmony that has built up in your day to day life.

Negative energies accrued during work on yourself, including resentment of others, fear and anger may be released by its energy.

Why Would You Use Black Obsidian Stone?

There are a number of reasons why you might choose to use Black Obsidian including:

  • The vibration of the stone may aid you to contact your spirit guide, as they have a powerful action to aid spiritual communication.
  • They are excellent grounding stones, and their energy works by helping you to move any excess energy down via the earth star chakra to Mother Gaia for grounding.
Black Obsidian Stone GeneratorBlack Obsidian Stone Generator

Their resonance within the base or root chakra is very strong, and they have a powerful vibration that aids you to ground yourself.

For many centuries, and possibly since ancient times, they have been used successfully by crystal gazers and shamans to make contact with the spirit world.

Black Obsidian Properties

The black Obsidian stone may be used by looking into a shiny piece of the stone in the right light. 

Usually using it in low light is helpful to help you to see the images of loved ones in spirit. For this purpose, obsidian mirrors can be used.

These are shiny pieces of Black Obsidian stone with a mirror finish make excellent scrying tools. You can buy a Black Obsidian Mirror Necklace and wear it everyday.

Obsidian Seer StoneObsidian Seer Stone

The properties of Black Obsidian stone makes them very helpful to have in your collection.

They are a strong psychic protection stone, and will benefit you by shielding you from all negativity. This makes them very helpful stones to keep within your auric field.

They are especially beneficial if you are doing any type of work involving contact with the spirit world as they are highly protective.

They are excellent crystals for home protection, and placing them near the entrance to your residence can be effective to block negativity from entering.

How To Use Black Obsidian Stone?

The vibration of this stone may resonate within the third eye chakra and has a strong vibration to aid the receiving of answers to questions. 

This may be particularly related to healing your ancestral line. Their energy may aid you to deal with issues relating to past misuse of power. 

It may be helpful to have in your collection for many reasons, and is an excellent crystal to aid past life healing.

Black Obsidian StoneBlack Obsidian Stone

Shop Black Obsidian Stone here. Using a shiny piece may allow you to see future scenes reflected within the stone.

These black stones are one of the premier crystals to assist you to communicate with spirit and may bring through the power of prophecy and may boost precognitive ability.

Resolving Past Life Issues

If you believe you may have come back to this life in order to resolve a past life issue, place a piece of the stone at the third eye chakra and ask about this.

This may help you to discover the purpose for being here in this life at this time. By asking questions aloud and listening, you may hear the answer whispered back to you.

Their energy encourages you to ask specific questions around relationships, finances, career choices or health issues.

These answers from the Spirit realm may help you to make better choices when making decisions about future actions.

The energy of this stone may also aid you to remove any negative attachments, and may be used to cut karmic ties or cords and may help you to seal your aura against future problems.

Use In Meditation: Develop Psychic Gifts

Black Obsidian crystal is excellent to use in meditation to aid you to develop psychic abilities. 

Gazing deep into a shiny piece of this stone may be beneficial if you have clairvoyant gifts and are using this gift to receive psychic visions.

A shiny surface on the stone may enable you to see scenes of future events reflected in the stone, although messages may be received using any of your psychic senses.

Black Obsidian SkullBlack Obsidian Skull

Ideas may be communicated to you in a range of ways, including hearing a precognitive message (clairaudience) or intuitively feeling the meaning of what is coming through to you.

If you find that you receive messages or visions while dreaming, you may encourage precognitive dreaming using the energy of this stone.

For this purpose it could be beneficial to place it in the bedroom close to where you sleep.

If crystal skulls interest you, checkout the in-depth article about using crystal skulls.

Boosting Precognition or Prophecy

The energy of this stone may stimulate the gift of prophesy and precognition. 

They are powerful crystals to boost precognition and have been used in the past to stimulate the gift of prophecy. 

If you wish to boost the ability to receive precognitive messages it may be beneficial to use them in meditation. 

Buy Black Obsidian Stone at Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted seller

Black Obsidian Stone Meaning Properties & Use

Meditating with them is quite powerful as they are strong psychic protection stones that protect you from negative spiritual influences.

Their powerful protective energy may help you to feel reassured on your spiritual journey, when you venture deep into the spiritual realms in meditation.

They may also aid you to contact spirit guides or teachers.

Your spirit guides may be asked for help if you receive messages or visions about future events and need clarity on what the message means. 

Healing Properties: Black Obsidian Stone

Black Obsidian Stone may not always be comfortable to work with, and if you have difficulty with it, maybe you may prefer to use Apache Tears.

This is a type of black obsidian which has a more friendly and easier to use vibration yet still has excellent healing and metaphysical properties.

All types of Black Obsidian have a strong healing energy that aids the physical body.

It is known to aid the release of addictions, eating disorders, negative emotions, behaviors and emotional blockages.

They may particularly aid issues based in past lives, such as mental stress that may still be trapped in your energy field and holding you back.

They may aid you to discover the spiritual aspects of unconditional love, and use this energy to make your life better in many ways.

They are known to be used by healers to help hardening of the arteries, joint pain, arthritis, cramps and circulation problems.

Who Should Use It? Aids You To Sever Ties

To sever karmic ties, it may be advantageous to use a piece of obsidian stone like the one shown below.

Obsidian Spear Points have an obvious cutting edge, that allows you to more easily visualize the severing of these unwanted ties.

Use a sweeping motion to remove the ties one by one and ask Spirit that all ties or connections to anyone else be removed.  

You may wish to ask for the help of angels or spirit guides if you find this difficult.  

Start by cutting the karmic ties at your solar plexus and heart chakra then sever all of the other ties, including at the base chakra.

Black ObsidianBlack Obsidian Spear Pendant

Some people find it hard to use, so take care when using it for this purpose, as the process of cutting cords can be a little emotionally overwhelming. 

You may learn how to use these crystals to sever karmic ties in a special process similar to meditation.

You could visualize cutting the cords linking into your chakras one by one, aiding you to break any unwanted or undesirable attachments. 

How Will It Help You? Strong Grounding Energy

Another way they help you is to aid grounding. Are you aware that being ungrounded can make you sick? 

Checkout the symptoms of being ungrounded here if you haven't heard about it before.

If you are a healer and are aiding your clients to release disharmonious energy, it is possible to take this negativity into your auric field.  

Using this stone may aid both you and your client, as it is a strong cleanser of psychic smog created within the aura.

Raw Black Obsidian StoneRaw Black Obsidian Stone

This is a strongly protective stone, that is powerful to aid your spiritual growth, bringing deep soul healing and a strong connection to the Divine.

They are also known to be stones that encourage good luck, by removing dark energy that may be related to what is thought to be bad luck.

Obsidian Is A Stone With No Limitations

Obsidian is a stone that has no limitations, and these stones have a particularly strong and often confronting vibration of truth, and work very fast.

This energy is inclined to bring out attributes that you may have been wanting to ignore.

Once you perceive these issues, the energy of this stone pushes you to make changes.

Black Obsidian may also aid you to clear energy you may have picked up from the vibration of your clients thoughts.

You may have attracted these via your feelings, related to your empathy for their hurt and feelings around their health issues.

This is  similar to the vibration of clairsentience, also known as the psychic gift of clear feeling, and you can use this stones vibration to clear energy you may have inadvertently brought into yourself.

Wearing Black Obsidian Stone

These stones are on the zodiac birthstone list, so they make this crystal into lovely necklaces in a variety of styles and types of obsidian. 

It is common to find Obsidian beads used in combination with other stones. Beautiful Black Obsidian Stone is easy to buy, including pieces of Obsidian jewelry. 

Black Obsidian Spear PendantBlack Obsidian Spear Pendant

They are a birthstone for Sagittarian's but of course they can be used by those born under other star-signs as well. 

Other colors of Obsidian such as Mahogany or Snowflake Obsidian are also made into jewelry, as all colors of this stone are very popular.

They are excellent healing crystals for you to utilize to protect you from negativity.

They are a powerful stone that has strong metaphysical properties that are very useful to help you to let go of disharmony that has accumulated from your day to day life.

Black Obsidian Is Easy To Obtain

Black Obsidian StoneBlack Obsidian Tumblestone

Obsidian pendants and rings are easy to buy, and you may find interesting pieces like the Black Obsidian spear pendant shown in the picture above.

Take care if you are wearing an Obsidian spear as they often have sharp edges, but this is helpful when you are using them to to sever karmic ties, see section below.

A build-up of psychic smog may occur within your auric field, and it may be released by the use of this crystal, as it is a powerful spiritual cleanser. 

An easy way to keep it on your body is to buy a piece that is not sharp and wear it in a macrame crystal holder.

Shop Here For Macrame Crystal Holders. Just make sure you get one with a bead at the top to secure the stone in place.

What Is Obsidian Stone? Black Obsidian Meaning

Obsidian rock was created in the past by the great power of a volcanic eruption. 

The stone formed from molten lava that cooled very quickly and had no time to form into glass.

This volcanic lava stone is said to be a type of volcanic glass, and is found in a number of places worldwide.

The black obsidian meaning relates to the totally black variety of obsidian stone.

There are a number of different variations of this mineral, and it comes in a range of types and colors as well as black, which is the most common. 

This includes the gorgeous rainbow obsidian crystals, that are quite beautiful.

Colors and Types Of Obsidian Stone

Obsidian rock may also be green and purple, brown, blue and green, but the black crystals are what I am concentrating on in this article, as they have some powerful metaphysical properties.

Snowflake Obsidian is the black and white stone and is fairly easy to find in shops. You can see photos of these and a few other varieties of Obsidian further down the page. 

Apache Tears are also in this stone group or family, and they are closely related with some excellent qualities.

Black Obsidian StoneBlack Obsidian Stone

While the different types of this crystal have different metaphysical properties, all sorts or colors have excellent healing attributes.

The black crystals have an excellent spiritual grounding vibration and also have a strong psychic protection energy that may help to prevent psychic attack.

The raw or natural stone is fairly easy to obtain as are Black Obsidian tumblestones.

Photos Of Other Obsidian Stones

There are quite a few different colors and types of Obsidian Stone and while some have had pages written about them not all have.

So until then here are some pictures for you to enjoy, showing you types of this natural volcanic glass.

If the name has a link under that means there is a page about it, which you can click through to, to learn more.

Below this you can see images of other types of Obsidian stone: 

  • Gold Sheen Obsidian also called Golden Obsidian 
  • Rainbow Obsidian  
  • Snowflake Obsidian 
  • Mahogany Obsidian. 

All of these varieties have in-depth pages written about them.

Types of obsidian stone that have not yet had an in-depth page written about them will not have a link on the name.

This includes other types shown below: Silver Sheen Obsidian, Purple Obsidian, Midnight Lace Obsidian and Spiderweb Obsidian. 

Midnight Lace ObsidianMidnight Lace Obsidian
Purple ObsidianPurple Obsidian
Silver Sheen ObsidianSilver Sheen Obsidian
Spiderweb ObsidianSpiderweb Obsidian

Best Crystals To Use With Black Obsidian Stone 

Wondering what the best and most beneficial crystals to use with Black Obsidian Stone?

Black Obsidian is excellent used in combination with a number of different stones and is particularly helpful if you feel you need protection.

To boost the psychic protection aspect of other stones, you may choose to use them with other strongly protective stones to elevate the level of protection.

You may choose to combine them with any of the other strongly protective stones, including Astrophyllite, Dalmatian Jasper, Fire Agate or Black Tourmaline.

You may use Black Obsidian crystals with other grounding stones, to boost the grounding energy of both stones.

Many of the protection stones also carry a strong spiritual grounding energy, so many may benefit you in both areas.

Some grounding stones that will benefit by this combination are Black Diopside, Shamanite Black Calcite, Sphalerite, Black Tourmaline or Hematite.

If you have a particular interest in increasing your ability to receive prophetic messages of any sort, use them in combination with some of the other stones that bring through these gifts.

There are a number of crystals to use for this purpose, and it is of value to use your intuition when choosing the right ones for your personal use.

Stones you could use for this purpose includes Mariposite, Shungite, Celestite, Dream Quartz or Prehnite.

To aid the release of addictions, use them with other stones that aid you to let go of addictive substances and behaviors, such as Hematite (picture and link to article above), Purple Amethyst, Unakite, Dumortierite or Staurolite.

This is a powerful stone to use to remove karmic ties.

But if you need more assistance to help you to remove or cut these ties, that can be ties from this life or karmic in nature and related to past lives, there are a number of other strong crystals that can also help with this.

Specific stones to use for cutting karmic ties includes Novaculite, Black Kyanite or Amblygonite used alone or in combination with Tunellite which has a very good action to sever ties.

To raise the vibration of Black Obsidian stone you may use it with high crystal energy stones.

This combination will stimulate the higher chakras and may aid the development of psychic abilities and help your overall spiritual growth.

Using stones such as Moldavite, Phenacite, Nirvana Quartz or Natrolite with this crystal may be beneficial to you.

Black Obsidian Stone Meanings Properties & UsesBlack Obsidian Stone Meanings Properties & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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