Ocean Jasper

Creates Good Feelings & Relieves Worry

➤ By Liz Oakes

Ocean Jasper are excellent healing stones that help you if you need a lift. They help to release negative feelings which aids you to feel more optimistic.

Their energy relieves worry and enhances good feelings of joy, happiness and elevated spirits!

Ocean JasperOcean Jasper

These crystals stimulate the heart chakra, and may aid you to communicate more positively and allow loving feelings to be expressed in what you say.

Within the solar plexus chakra they help to enhance your personal power and gain greater understanding of your own feelings.

Once you understand yourself better, this can encourage you to have greater self confidence, self esteem and self worth. 

Their energy works through your throat chakra where it works to help to boost loving communication

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Crystals For Women: They have a number of excellent metaphysical properties and have some quite advantageous healing properties especially to help women.

They are strong healing crystals for you to use as they are known to assist a number of health problems including to help fertility.

Why Would You Use It?

These are lovely stones with a strong positive heart based energy within them.

These interesting crystals help you to feel better about life, as they embody joy, happiness and good spirits.

Ocean Jasper crystals help you to deal with past events, and allows you to look at what you may have previously seen as negative in a new light.

Ocean Jasper Meanings Properties & UsesOcean Jasper

These quite unique stones also vibrate within the throat chakra, aiding your communication. 

This energy will help you to speak more positively about what is happening around you. They join together the vibration of the solar plexus chakra, with the throat and heart chakra.

This helps you to feel centered, and may enhance your understanding of yourself and your own power.

They encourage the flow of energy through this whole area from the throat down to the solar plexus, aiding the flow of speech from the will in a loving way.

They will help you if you are feeling depression, anxiety or stress, and using these positive stones is one of the ways to relieve your stress.

Wearing Ocean Jasper

Ocean Jasper jewelry is easy to buy, and it is a good stone to wear to social situations, to encourage the gathering to be more positive.

It is also useful if your workplace could use better relationships. Its energy may be especially advantageous at times when you or those around you may be experiencing tension or stress.

You might benefit by having a piece present at times such as staff meetings, or situations where consensus and cooperation might be beneficial.

Ocean Jasper PendantOcean Jasper Pendant

This crystal is on the zodiac birthstones list, and it is a good stone for healers to wear while healing, to encourage their clients to be more positive.

It also helps healers not to take on the clients negative energy, particularly when the client that they are healing is feeling negative.

It is a Capricorn birthstone, and wearing a piece of this stone may be helpful to allow you to feel better about life, and to enable you to take pleasure in your daily activities.

Healing Properties & Benefits 

The beautiful crystals have a number of powerful healing properties

The energy of these stones may help you to heal physical issues within your internal organs, and are beneficial to help the female reproductive system and to assist with PMS. 

Some of the healing properties that are well known to help you include:

  • They may aid the digestive system, helping with bloating and skin complaints.
  • They are known to aid tumors and gum infections.
  • They may help with the healing of skin complaints such as eczema.
Ocean Jasper Meanings Properties And UsesOcean Jasper Meanings Properties And Uses
  • They are known to be helpful for the lymphatic system, and assist you to eliminate toxins that create body odor.
  • They are said to help with the healing of disorders within the reproductive system.
  • They are said to be powerful crystals for fertility as they are known to increase fertility. 
  • Their action to help your fertility is especially effective if you hold your Ocean Jasper and consciously direct it to boost your ability to conceive.

Aids Recovery From Physical Illness

Ocean Jasper may help you to recover from illness physically, as they aid the healing of a range of illnesses at the deep cellular level. This healing aspect is why it is also known as Cellular Jasper.

Ocean JasperOcean Jasper

Within these stone you may notice an arrangement of the patterning that may assist you to re-pattern your energy to allow for greater self healing.

Ocean Jasper And The Chakras 

Ocean Jasper Chakra Meanings: It resonates within a number of chakras, which has been noted in various areas in the text, and may be used at these chakras to benefit you.

  • Throat Chakra: their energy here boosts communication ability, helps you to speak with greater love and compassion.
  • Heart Chakra: It's vibration is powerful within the heart chakra to stimulate an increase of joy and happiness as well as enhancing loving attitudes and perspective towards others. 
  • Solar Plexus Chakra: as mentioned above, when you use it at or near to this chakra it will boost your personal power, aiding self confidence and self esteem.
Ocean Jasper TumblestoneOcean Jasper Tumblestone

It also helps to unite the heart and solar plexus energy, bringing a loving approach to life, and helping you to feel balanced and centered.

It's action within these three chakras, the heart, throat and solar plexus is a good reason why you may choose to wear a pendant in the middle of this area, where it will resonate within all three areas.

If you are unable to obtain a pendant, it is easy to wear a stone in a macrame crystal holder.

It's easy to buy these crystal holders and they come in a range of colors and sizes and are easy to utilize.

How Will It Help You? Metaphysical Properties

These stones have quite a few benefits and they have some excellent metaphysical properties.

There are are a number of ways that the energy of these crystals may help you including:

  • These stones assist the use of your personal power, and have a strong energy within the solar plexus chakra or power chakra.  
Ocean JasperOcean Jasper
  • They teach you understanding of your personal power and to have discernment and better judgment about how you use your personal power.
  • Stimulating this chakra also aids you to have greater self confidence, self esteem and self worth.

Brings Joy And Elevates Your Spirits

Ocean Jasper crystal will help to aid you to communicate more positively and allow loving feelings to be expressed in what you say. 

These crystals bring joy and elevated spirits and relieve stress, worry and other negative feelings.

Ocean JasperOcean Jasper

They help your self confidence and self worth via their energy at the solar plexus chakra, as you enhance your personal power.

They are lovely stones to wear, and many have quite unusual patterns in the stone, so you will find a great variety of variations in the jewelry you can obtain.

As it is a Pisces birthstone, it is fairly easy to buy jewelry made from this stone. 

Who Should Use It?

By the energy of this stone to link the heart chakra and the solar plexus or power chakra, you may be enabled to align yourself with your own personal power.

This may aid you to better appreciate your own strengths and be more aware of the good things in your life.

Ocean JasperOcean Jasper

If you are a healer, it enhances the energy of 'giving service' and helps you to understand that change happens and to go with the flow of life.

It is easy to buy Ocean Jasper and it may help you to sleep better. If you have hallucinations, or other problems that create insomnia tuck a piece under your pillow.

They have an energy that helps you to release negative energy and bring harmony through.

They are strong crystals for overthinking as they spiritually influence you to release limiting patterns of behavior that might have been holding you back. 

As well, it encourages you to embody all that the Great Divine Spirit offers to you.

Where Is Ocean Orbicular Jasper Found?

Deposits of this stone are found only in one small place in Madagascar.

Their name is a trade name that was created by the collectors due to the location near the ocean where they get them from.

It is not an easy stone for the collectors to obtain, as the spot where it is found is in a small opening or cleft at the bottom of a cliff.

It can only be taken out at low tide and then only in a boat so it isn't easy to acquire.

It is a member of the quartz family, meaning that it has a high amount of the mineral silica in it.

This is why in some pieces you can see pieces of lovely sparking druzy quartz within the stone.

It is also known as Ocean Orbicular Jasper, Cellular Jasper and Atlantis stone. Orbicular Jasper meaning relates to the stones having spherical or rounded shapes in them.

Many of the stones have circles on them, and these rounded shapes can be obvious and a bit like eyes or ring shapes.

In addition they may have all sorts of other patterns and bands of color in the stones.

These stones come in a range of colors, although they are more commonly seen as green, brown and white. They may also occur in shades of yellow, orange, pink, gray, blue, red and black.

How To Use It? My Final Thoughts

Use the easy meditation methods with Ocean Jasper stones, as this may be helpful to allow you to feel better as they may aid you to align with feelings of peace and inner harmony.

These are excellent stones to use in meditation, especially if you are feeling stressed and wish to let go of tension or anxiety.

They are strong crystals to clear negative energy as they naturally helps to lift you out of negative feelings, helping your mood to become more optimistic.

Ocean Orbicular Jasper: pieces that contain green inclusions are good healing stones.Ocean Orbicular Jasper: pieces that contain green inclusions are good healing stones.

Most pieces of Ocean Jasper contain bright Green Jasper within them, and these stones are especially good to aid healing. 

In summary: this energy will help you to release obsessive thoughts that keep going round and round in your head. 

This stone's heart based vibration may help you to feel more balanced, and to enjoy being fully present.

Best Crystals To Use With Ocean Jasper

What are the best crystals to use with Ocean Jasper?

There are a number below that combine well with them. If you have been feeling particularly negative, Ocean jasper will lift your energy. 

You may want to add in some spiritual protection when meditating to lift you further, such as quartz crystal varieties like Smokey Quartz, Elestial Quartz, Amethyst and Tourmilated Quartz.

Other stones that work well with it are those on the list of crystals that are especially good to relieve stress.

This list contains many of the lithium based stones including Amazonite, Amblygonite, Lilac Lepidolite and Lithium Quartz.

If you are feeling stressed, depressed or anxious, these are some particular stones that may help to relieve your stress.

Spurrite, Hiddenite, Pink Tourmaline and Kunzite are powerful for this purpose and can be combined with this stone to help you.

You may also like to combine this crystal with any of the other stones on the easy meditation techniques list for meditating.

If you have any of the strong stones for spiritual or psychic protection, you may like to include them. This includes stones such as Charoite, Sugilite, Black Tourmaline and Fire Agate.

Ocean JasperOcean Jasper
Ocean Jasper Meanings Properties And UsesOcean Jasper Meanings Properties And Uses
Ocean Jasper Meaning Properties & UsesOcean Jasper Meaning Properties & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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