Odd Feeling With Moldavite

by Jenn

About 3 days ago I received a package in the mail with a moldavite ring in it. I cleansed it before just in case any negative energy was captured and I programmed it to its best ability.

When I grabbed it and held it in my hand for a couple minutes every now and then my hand would throb.

Today I started to speculate it was a fake moldavite due to the fact that I never really felt a strong connection even when I rubbed it. Tonight as I was meditating with a Tibetan tektite stone and the ring on I really focused on letting anything come to me such as messages.

My head started to throb intensely and my eyes felt as though they were going back and forth when they weren't, I even lost my balance. My head was taking in so many sensations and I'm curious as to why? Did I somehow activate the moldavite's energy with mine? The sensation in my head felt like waves of vibration and even in my eyes. Please help! :)

Comments for Odd Feeling With Moldavite

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Why two impactites?
by: Cecilia

It's all I can think of. I'm aware a lot of people have said moldavite is not to be used without grounding, but another tektite wouldn't seem the solution. What if both the stones started talking about their violent autobiographies at the same time?

I have a moldavite, given to me as a gift, which I didn't use until I had repaid that friend with another moldavite. It had felt uncomfortable because it just didn't seem fair, it had been a real sacrifice. Now it seems happy, rather helped by having other meteorites and impactites around. I suspect it might even work well with one of them - Libyan desert glass - because it has met other pieces of LDG and tektites. It "rooms" with a chunk of Vredefort meteorite and has become fairly sociable.

by: Jean Youngblood

I have bought 6 pieces of moldavite over the past 20 years. I agree that they are stones of transformation. They keep leaving me. Haven't kept one for more than 6 months.

I don't get bummed. I'm sure that they are finding one who needs them more than me. That is what I think

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