Pink Tourmaline

Brings Happiness & Loving Energy

➤ By Liz Oakes

Pink Tourmaline encourages an influx of love, joy and happiness to fill your life, and has a beautiful energy that aids emotional healing as it contains lithium.

The vibration of this lovely crystal will help to bring back your passion for living as it vibrates within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra. 

It may help mood related problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.

Pink Tourmaline in White Snow QuartzPink Tourmaline in White Snow Quartz

This lovely pink crystal is high in lithium and like many heart based stones, it will help you if you have been feeling emotional, dejected, stressed or lacking interest in life.

This beautiful crystal is commonly sold as rods or thin pieces of this pink crystal  occurring as inclusions in white quartz. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Helps Emotional Problems

Pink Tourmaline crystals are not only beautiful but have excellent metaphysical properties making these excellent healing crystals. 

This lovely pink crystal is known to help emotional problems, and may help to heal issues that are based in childhood experiences.

This pink stone is an excellent crystal for self love that helps to bring back your passion for living, boosts love for yourself and may stimulate your creativity.

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline

It can be used at the heart chakra or higher heart chakra when you are doing a inner child healing meditation.

These beautiful pink crystals will aid healing within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra or thymus chakra.

This can help to bring a new approach to life, especially if you have been feeling dejected, stressed or lacking interest in life.

The changes in earth energies at this time that are helping to upgrade your energy are creating difficulties for a large number of people.

These problems may be healed by any color of Tourmaline crystals, but the pink stones will also heal emotional problems.

Meditation with this stone is a powerful way to utilize their energy, especially if you are using them to help the health of the emotional body.

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline

Pink Tourmaline is easy to obtain and is a useful stone that may bring compassion and forgiveness to your dealings with others.

They are beneficial healing crystals for you to utilize as they may encourage a new way of thinking and are positive stones to enhance your creativity.

All qualities of the pink variety of Tourmaline have excellent healing and metaphysical properties.

For Emotional & Spiritual Healing

Pink Tourmaline stones have an excellent energy that helps emotional health and spiritual healing in a number of ways including:

  • If you have been feeling tense or stressed, this lovely pink stone may help to heal your emotions.
  • They are good crystals for kindness and generosity that helping to promote compassion and goodwill to towards others.

Using them supplies you with helpful methods to relieve stress, and this pink stone will assist you to feel less stressed, more at ease and relaxed.

  • It carries a strong feminine or yin vibration, and is known to kindle feelings of joy, hope, comfort and support.
  • It helps to bring love and good humor back into your life.
  • Its vibration also encourages a more cheerful frame of mind and helps you to rise above feelings of misery and sorrow.

Buy Pink Tourmaline at Exquisite Crystals my most reliable crystal seller.

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline

The action of this stone to assist Spiritual healing is another excellent reason why they should be used in meditation.

When it is used in meditation it commonly makes a strong connection within the highest chakra in the body, located at the crown.

It creates a powerful barrier to shield you from negative energy as you receive energetic upgrades that come through from the higher realms.  

Once this stone activates the crown chakra it easily creates a link down to the higher heart or thymus chakra, via the third eye chakra and throat chakra.

Release Negative Emotions and Trauma

The higher heart is the area related to Divine love, compassion, truth and forgiveness and the release of negative emotions creating trauma in your life.

When this stones vibration stimulates both of these areas it may aid you to release deep fear and emotional pain.

The merging of the energy of the crown chakra with that of the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra is powerful to aid Spiritual healing.

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline

Within the throat chakra, the vibration of this crystal aids compassionate energy to flow gently within the words that you communicate.

It encourages tenderness, compassion and forgiveness towards all those you  have interactions with.

This loving heart based spiritual healing and growth can make an amazing difference to your life, and using them regularly will be advantageous.

It may also empower you to live your life from a higher spiritual perspective, and allow Divine love to guide your life.

Why Would You Use Pink Tourmaline? Healing Properties

This lovely variety of Tourmaline crystal has some excellent healing properties that makes them advantageous to utilize.

They are powerful to aid both emotional and spiritual healing and in addition they are beneficial stones for physical healing.

Pink Tourmaline Needle or RodPink Tourmaline Needle or Rod

Pink Tourmaline is easy to buy here. The healing properties of Pink Tourmaline helps in a few different ways.

They are one of the best crystals for stress, and using them is an excellent choice for this purpose, as they work on emotional levels as they have such a lovely calming energy. 

Pink Tourmaline has a number of excellent healing properties that crystal healers find beneficial to use in their practise.

They are strong stones for crystal healing as their energy also works within the physical body to help disorders of the lungs and may help the immune system.

These pink crystals are known for their action to help to heal skin disorders, aid the nervous system and may support you during panic attacks.

They are said to aid you if you have any type of weakness that has been causing lack of balance or falls.

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline

This is an excellent stone for children, especially the spiritually sensitive crystal or indigo children, as it will help to soothe them emotionally.

It will also aid them to be aware of spiritual aspects of their actions.

These are heart chakra crystals that are excellent healing stones and have been said to create healing within the physical heart.

They have been known to aid the healing of angina, and may help anyone recovering from serious heart related health problems such as a heart attack.

Popular In The Jewelry Trade

These crystals are birthstones for two zodiac signs. They are a Libra birthstone and a Sagittarius birthstone, so this makes them popular stones for jewelry.

Many of these pink crystals are gemstone quality, with exceptional clarity and beauty, so are popular in the jewelry trade.

There are a range of types of stone, and many pieces are lovely transparent gemstones, often made into beautiful Pink Tourmaline jewelry.

Some pieces are a mix of both green and pink colors, see pendant pictured below.

Pink and Green Tourmaline PendantPink and Green Tourmaline & Peridot Pendant

Pink Tourmaline jewelry is easy to buy, and it is a delightful choice to wear, and they are a popular choice to wear for personal healing or for a love gift.

They are a stone of unconditional love, that helps you to have confidence in the power of love.

They vibrate within both the heart and higher heart chakras, as they are a stone of love that works on many levels.

You may use a combination of Green Tourmaline with these stones, as it looks lovely together with pink crystals in precious stone jewelry.

This beautiful stone is very balancing for the emotions and some pieces have both colors in them.

The Pink Tourmaline benefits of both the lighter and darker colors of this stone relate to the positive energy embodies in them to enhance loving relationships.

How To Use It? Wear Pink Tourmaline

There are a number of Pink Tourmaline uses and benefits and wearing gemstones made from this stone as jewelry, is one of the best ways to keep this love energy within your aura, to aid your emotional health. 

Pink Tourmaline is one of the birthstones for the month of October, so these beautiful October birthstones are found on the birthstone list by month.

The energy of this stone may create profound healing, as it can help you to identify where you need to make changes to bring your life into alignment with Divine will.

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline

It is an excellent healing crystal to give as a gift to one you love, or to someone that you hope will love you in the future, to aid the relationship to blossom.

Pink Tourmaline can be found on the zodiac birthstones list. Jewelry that is made from it is very attractive.

To enhance their ability to stimulate the growth of Divine love, use them as earrings, so that they are as close as possible to the crown chakra.

Alternatively, wear them close to the heart chakra for the purpose of encouraging love energy.

If you cannot find jewelry made from this stone, wear it in a macrame crystal holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and this makes it easy to keep it within your energy field during the course of the day.

My Final Thoughts

Stones not deemed suitable for jewelry making are easy to find and inexpensive, and these come in a range of qualities, including non-transparent and rough stones.

The rough stones have a powerful energy for healing. This includes the stones with the Pink Tourmaline included in quartz. 

It may assist you to feel better about yourself and may boost feelings of love for yourself.

Give a piece of this stone to someone that you are in a relationship with, as this can enhance the higher spiritual loving energy between you.  

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline In Snow Quartz

In summary: remember that like most heart based stones, the vibration of this lovely crystal brings an influx of love, joy and happiness into your life.

Note: If you have a stone where the Pink Tourmaline is included in quartz, you can also utilize this to strengthen any aspect of its energy, by programming the quartz.

Don't know how to program quartz? Learn how to program quartz here.

This is particularly helpful if you have Pink Tourmaline in quartz which can be programmed to boost any aspect of its energy.

Pink Tourmaline Meaning

The first part of the Pink Tourmaline meaning primarily relates to their color as this variety occurs in shades of pink from light to darker.

The meaning of the name Tourmaline comes from a long time ago. Pieces of Black Tourmaline or Schorl were being shipped, and they were mistakenly labeled with the name 'Turmalin'.

This word changed a little but remained as their name, and was used to label all colors of this stone, which are now named Tourmaline. 

This mineral is a member of the Elbaite Tourmaline group, which contains a range of minerals, including sodium, aluminium and lithium.

The inclusion of lithium makes them powerful crystals for healing, see section below.

Pink Tourmaline crystals are named for its color of course, with the color ranging from a quite pale pink to a brighter rose pink color.

 Where Is Pink Tourmaline From? Mineral Makeup

Deposits of the pink color of Tourmaline have been found in Afghanistan, Africa, Sri Lanka, Brazil and the United States, with some of the best stones coming from California.

It is in the Elbaite Tourmaline sub-group known as Rubellite, with the lighter colored stones commonly being called Pink Tourmaline, and the darker stones called Red Tourmaline.

The Elbaite Tourmaline group includes a number of colored stones, including blue, green, colorless, red and pink stones.

Both Green Tourmaline and Blue Tourmaline also known as Indicolite when in quartz are relatively easy to obtain.

This type of tourmaline also occurs as rods or needles included in bright white quartz commonly called Snow Quartz, and this mixed stone is easy to obtain.

These natural or rough crystals are the most common and easily obtained types of this stone, as Pink Tourmaline tumblestone is less common.

The darker reddish-pink or red stones are known as Rubellite and are also often sold as Red Tourmaline.

Best Crystals To Use With Pink Tourmaline

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Pink Tourmaline? If you are suffering from depression, anxiety or stress, you may choose to combine this pink crystal with other stones for stress that are high in lithium.

Stones such as Lithium Quartz, Kunzite, Howlite and Kurnakovite may help to ease your anxiety.

To bring through an increase in loving energy, use these pink crystals with either heart chakra or higher heart also called thymus chakra stones.

Pair them with other pink heart or higher heart chakra stones include crystals like Rhodochrosite, Thulite, Kunzite, Pink Calcite or Rhodonite.

Pink CalciteTransparent Pink Calcite

There are also many lovely heart chakra stones that are not pink, that will work well in combination with Pink Tourmaline.

You may choose to use it with green crystals including Dioptase, Malachite, Green Prehnite or Variscite.

If you would like to accentuate the energy of self love that these stones embody, it may benefit you to pair them with other crystals that stimulate loving feelings towards yourself.

Crystals that will well when combined with these pink crystals, includes Kornerupine, Kutnohorite, Morganite and Strawberry Quartz.

The higher vibration stones such as Petalite, Heulandite, Scolecite and Danburite are some of the high crystal energy stones.

Using them with these pink stones will take its vibration up above the crown chakra, to enable you to make contact with the source of Divine love.

Combine With Other Tourmaline Colors

It will combine well with all other colors of Tourmaline including Black Tourmaline, which helps to relieve stress.

There are so many colors of Tourmaline and all can be used with them to assist you. This includes both Blue Tourmaline and Green Tourmaline.

The unusual Watermelon Tourmaline, which encompasses the vibration of both the Pink and Green Tourmaline stones works well with it.

As this is a variety of Rubellite Tourmaline, it will blend well with it and using the two stones together will enhance the overall vibration.

Other colors of Tourmaline also blend well with it and there are some less common colors you may not be aware of.

Other colors pictured here may also be combined with it. This includes the two shades of yellow in Golden Yellow Tourmaline and Champagne Tourmaline, as well as Dravite Brown Tourmaline and Tourmilated Quartz.

More Images Of Pink Tourmaline

Pink TourmalinePink Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline with Lilac LepidolitePink Tourmaline with Lilac Lepidolite
Pink Tourmaline banner 500Pink Tourmaline

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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