➤ By Liz Oakes
Red Jasper stones are very helpful to assist you with emotional equilibrium, emotional stability and emotional healing.
They resonate within the lower three chakras and creates an excellent connection to the earth, bringing strength and stamina.
They carry a strong spiritual grounding vibration and give you a strong sense of stability, and also have an effective energy to boost your creativity.
They are powerful healing crystals for you to use, as they have a number of good healing properties.
Their energy gives deep insight into personal difficulties. This stone is also a powerful aid in the process of raising the kundalini.
Resonating at the sacral, base and earth chakras, its action takes the energy from the base chakra down to the earth chakra where it grounds it to Mother Gaia.
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Red Jasper is quite beneficial to activate and enhance your creativity.
Another one
of its interesting and powerful attributes is its ability to aid you to
right injustices.
This red crystal provides you with a deeper insight into difficulties, and helps you to solve them as they occur, and may aid you to set boundaries.
It is a good stone to assist emotional healing and it will help you to calm your emotions.
The vibration of
this stone also gives you strength and energy and allows you to become
centered and balanced.
The action of this red stone is powerful, as it grounds you via the base chakra to the earth star chakra. This action aids you to remain centered and feeling stable emotionally.
It is a strong spiritual grounding stone, so it will aid you to remain grounded as you complete any type of spiritual practices.
This stone is helpful if you are undergoing a re-birthing process.
Red Jasper may
recall past lives to your consciousness, and it will assist you to feel
quite protected during the process.
If any old fears or feelings of suppression come into your consciousness during the process, it may assist you to release them.
Red Jasper stone is one of the group of stones with a strong action to activate and stimulate the raising of the kundalini serpent, which resides at the base of the spine.
Kundalini awakening practices may create highly spiritual feelings, as well as being a highly energetic sexual experience.
Using this stone at the base or root chakra, may start to awaken your kundalini.
This is a process that stimulates an intense surge of energy to rise up the spine. This energy may be entirely spiritual or highly sexual, or a combination of both.
Red Jasper has a strong and even vibration, that works slowly and gradually.
Generally it is a stone to give overall assistance to everyone, as it stimulates increased energy, strength and stamina.
Keeping Red jasper jewelry on your body is beneficial, and this is especially helpful to aid anyone with scattered energy to become more centered and balanced.
Wear this stone if you can, as it is beneficial to have on you as you attempt to make sense of life's challenges.
Holding worry stones or worry beads in your hand will help to soothe your upset feelings, so finding beaded jewelry may have more than one purpose.
If you are doing any type of hard physical exercise, this stone will help to generate muscle tissue and will be a support to both the respiratory and circulatory systems.
Red Jasper is a strong stone for pregnant women to use, as it helps the fetal growth to be strong and robust.
This stone may improve your endurance, and is very helpful for healing any dysfunctions within the procreative area of the body.
To enhance your ability to recall your dreams, keep one of these red stones under your pillow at night.
They have many strong healing attributes, within the sacral or navel chakra.
They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use if you have issues within the liver, and they may also assist you to detoxify, as well as healing blockages in the bile ducts.
In summary: remember that this stone increases life force or pranic energy, and will stabilize the aura as it creates a better energy flow within your energy field.
If you are using magical practices, this stone will help you, as it will return negative energy created by magic back to its place of origin.
This red stone has been found in a large number of locations, including India, Russia, Brazil, Germany, France and the United States.
These stones are grainy microcrystalline quartz, and the color of Red Jasper stones will of course be red, in a range of shades.
The darker reddish-brown colors are more common, but the color of any type of Jasper will be mixed. Most stones have one color that is more dominant than the others.
These stones have a high iron content which is what makes the color, and the amount in the stones will affect the depth of color.
What are the best crystals to use with Red Jasper? It is excellent to combine it with the sacral chakra stones to aid healing in the sacral area, and to boost its stimulation of the creative area.
If you wish to use it for raising the kundalini, the combination with Green Serpentine is highly advantageous as it will alleviate some of the possible discomfort that many people feel.
Other powerful stones to aid the kundalini process are Shiva Lingam, Moldavite and Tigers Eye. Any of these may be used to assist the process.
Other stones that have you might choose to use when working with the kundalini energy includes Jet Stone, Almandine Garnet, Cuprite and Atlantisite.
Sometimes you will find this stone as an inclusion within Unakite Jasper. You might especially notice that some Unakite stones may be more red than pink, and they combine well together.
To enhance your creativity combine it with other strong creativity stones, such as Carnelian, Tangerine Quartz or Pecos Diamond.
Specific stones you could combine it with includes other stones that resonate within the base chakra, such as Poppy Jasper, Sardonyx, Almandine Garnet, Ruby and Ruby in Zoisite.
You may combine it with any of the earth star chakra stones, as it is a strong spiritual grounding stone, and doing this may accentuate this quality.
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Any one of these books would benefit you when you have a specific question you need answered.
But it does depend on how long you have been using crystals and what you are looking for.
If you are new to crystals I have a special article reviewing books for starters, so check out this page if are looking for books for beginners.
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Many of the crystal books reviewed are very in-depth crystal reference books with lots of useful information.
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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