➤ By Liz Oakes
Rose Quartz Crystal is known as the 'foremost love stone' as they are crystals of unconditional love that emit is a strong vibration of unconditional love, joy, warmth and emotional healing.
They embody a melodious and gentle energy, aiding you to become truly loving towards everyone in your life, including yourself.
They help you to live life from your heart as they emit loving Goddess energy and are powerful healing crystals for you to have throughout your home.
This stone will resonate out its love energy into its surroundings to help all those who are nearby, such as your nearest and dearest.
Simply keep a piece of this heart stone nearby and your life will improve for the better.
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Crystal Tip For Relationships: Keep a piece of Rose Quartz where you spend the most time, as it has a loving vibration that is beneficial to help you to solve relationship problems.
The meaning of Rose Quartz is all about love and it is well known as a stone of unconditional love, including love for yourself.
Its energy is well known for its action to enhance a romantic relationship and may bring new love into your life.
It is a powerful healing crystal that epitomizes the vibration of love. This may be why this stone is symbolic of the energy of love, peace and calming energy.
As this pink quartz crystal has a meaning that is all about love, it is one of the best crystals to use at the start of a new relationship.
One of the facts about these beautiful crystals that is very important is their effectiveness at healing personal relationships.
They are known as the stone of universal love, with a strong energy to stimulate the heart center.
Rose Quartz’s meaning relates to their powerful effect to aid emotional healing, to help to heal relationship problems and to stimulate romance in your life.
This pink quartz crystal is known as a symbol of love that will not only assist you with healing yourself but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity.
It is beneficial worn on your body, as the soft sweet energy of this crystal will resonate out into your whole aura.
This allows you to see the beauty in the world as your heart resonates to a new tune.
This beautiful pink crystal has a powerful energy that resonates with higher levels within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra or thymus chakra.
This is the area related to compassion and romantic love. This is a quartz crystal that derives its name from its lovely rose pink color.
These lovely crystals are well known as a symbol of love and come in a range of beautiful shades of pink and are powerful to wear on your body.
Wondering why Rose Quartz is a potent asset and is said to be the best stone to have in your environment?
There are a number of powerful reasons why this pink quartz variety is so helpful including:
Buy Rose Quartz from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.
Got difficult neighbors? I have calmed angry or noisy neighbors just by placing a number of pieces of this pink quartz in the corner of the room nearest to their home. You will help them and yourself at the same time.
What Is Rose Quartz Good For? The presence of this lovely pink love stone will send a soothing vibration not only to the person wearing it, but also resonates throughout the room where it is located.
The vibration of love that resonates from these pink stones is all encompassing.
It creates strong vibrations that encompass love of family, love of friends, love of self as well as love of your country and your fellow human beings! All these types of love are included within this stones influence.
It is said to be an aphrodisiac and may boost intimate relations as it stimulates the imagination and sparks erotic ideas.
It is easy to buy Rose Quartz Crystals and there are quite a few different ways to use these pink crystals.
They are wonderful healing crystals for you to use as they have an excellent relaxing and healing vibration.
There are quite a few excellent Rose Quartz properties that makes them beneficial to use for energy work, including meditation and crystal healing.
This makes them highly beneficial to use during your daily meditation with crystals and they will aid the healing of both your emotional and physical body.
You may find that wearing one of these lovely pink crystals, will help you to feel more balanced emotionally, and that any relationship issues may be healed.
Meditation is an excellent way to use these crystals, and this may aid you to be aware of any soul connections that you need to know about.
You may find that you feel less restrained, and that you can open up your imagination and discover ways to be happy.
Doing regular meditation can help you to be freed from any feelings that might be holding you back. It is quite easy to learn easy meditation methods.
Deposits of Rose Quartz stone are found in a number of parts of the world including in Madagascar, India, Sri Lanka, Japan, Brazil and South Africa as well as in South Dakota in the United States.
Due to it's chemical composition being a silicon dioxide crystal, commonly called quartz crystal by most people, its other common name is Pink Quartz.
It also occurs as small prismatic crystals and this may occur in clusters although they are not common.
Crystals of Rose Quartz are fairly rare but it is possible to get them. See the image below, which is also a Rose Pink Hyaline Quartz Cluster.
The very pale pink form of Rose Quartz may also be known as Hyaline Quartz, especially when it is either translucent or transparent. Hyaline may also be clear quartz or white quartz.
They have been in use for a long time, and they feature in many an ancient Greek legend or myth and in tales of love and passion related to this stone.
In ancient times this pink crystal was also known as Bohemian or Silesian Ruby.
They are one of the most popular varieties of quartz, and all colors and types have excellent healing qualities.
The lavender pink rose quartz crystals have a strong spiritual vibration that is powerful to use in meditation.
Many pieces of Madagascan Rose Quartz Crystals are a lovely lavender pink color, and I was fortunate to get a number of these, see picture further down the page.
There is also a variety called Strawberry Rose Quartz, and many of these are deeper colored stones.
As well there are some lighter very beautiful orangey pink stones, as well as quite lovely lavender pink quartz crystals.
There are not a lot of quartz configurations that this stone naturally occurs in, although it does occur as an Elestial Quartz or infrequently as clusters.
It is less often available as crystals, but you can find them if you look for them.
It is more commonly found as natural pieces with rough edges and raw stone in the massive form. It is easy to carve into lovely hearts or other shapes.
Most pieces are fairly opaque, and Rose Quartz’s color ranges from very pale pink through to deep pink, and all have that wonderful loving vibration.
While they are rare this stone also occurs as Rose Quartz Elestial, which has an unusual hexagonal crystal system but this is not the most common form of rose quartz.
If you'd like to know how this formation may benefit you there is an in-depth page about it.
More of these unusual stones are becoming available more recently. You can click on the link under the image below to read more about it.
If you have not experienced meditation before, you may benefit by reading this article about meditation, as it is valuable to discover the best way to do this.
They will enable you to heal old negative emotions that you have not let go of, including aiding you to let go of fear.
They are helpful to prevent negative thinking and may help the release of negative energy causing issues such as anger, resentment, fear and jealousy from past experiences.
As they are quartz they can also be programmed with specific affirmations or ideas to assist you.
Holding a piece in your hand while speaking aloud, will enhance the use of positive affirmations.
These pink stones are a variety of quartz, so that they have an amplifying effect. Any use that you put them too will be heightened by the quartz vibration.
That is why using a Rose Quartz pendulum is so powerful, as the energy available to you expands while using it.
What is Rose Quartz Crystal used for? All quartz varieties are profound amplifiers of energy, so this lovely pink stone will resonate out the love energy into its surrounds.
Learn how to program your crystals as this may aid you to boost its vibration by programming your crystal with specific messages or loving affirmations to help its action.
The vibration of love is not always clearly understood. This concept is about love not only on the physical level but on the deeper emotional and spiritual levels.
Once you are freed from any long held and sometimes unhealthy feelings, you may find that you feel less restrained, and may find that you more easily love yourself as well as others.
This may help you to expand your imagination and feel happier. The loving energy of this pink crystal is why my bedroom has many pieces of this crystal in it.
I like how it brings harmony and loving energy to where you sleep, and its energy is also comforting at times when you are feeling tension, anxiety or stress.
It is a good healing stone that will assist you to sleep well regardless of life issues that may have been occurring.
They are excellent crystals for pain relief which mostly relates to their action to release negative emotions that are making your pain worse.
This is a powerful stone to enable you to heal old harmful emotions.
They are strong crystals for conquering fear, resentment, anger and jealousy that may result from past experiences.
Their energy also relates to matters of the heart and their connection with the planet Venus.
The vibration of the planet Venus is in essence about pure love, emotional harmony and a balanced approach to life.
This crystal is powerful to assist emotional healing and to bring inner peace. It may particularly help to heal old negative emotions you may be holding onto.
They are good crystals for negativity as their energy gently releases negative energy and replaces it with loving vibrations.
It also assists you when you are going through situations that require you to alter or change something in your life, and trust that perhaps you need to head in a different direction.
These lovely heart based stones are excellent crystals to help with change, by their action to assist you to more easily accept that it may be necessary to modify some aspect of your life.
Not only will this vibration assist you to heal yourself, but its energy may bring faith and hope to all in the vicinity and it may transform your relationships with others.
If you have issues from your childhood associated with your father or other male relative, the energy of Rose Quartz stone may help you to heal.
Do you who have experiences from the past, including your childhood, that you have not been able to resolve?
Learn about how to resolve inner child issues doing a specific meditation.
These pink crystals have potent healing properties, and the presence of this crystal will send a soothing vibration throughout any room where it is located.
It is a powerful aid to help you to let go of tension, resentment and anxiety and is one of the many powerful crystals for stress.
The healing properties of rose quartz relate to the way it resonates into the area where it is located, like all members of the quartz family.
They are excellent crystals for friendship as they help to encourage a closer tie to those with whom you spend time with, including in group situations.
Rose Quartz stone is known to have a strong action to assist heart related issues such as high blood pressure and is said to help vertigo and disorders of the kidneys or the adrenal glands.
This lovely pink healing stone vibrates strongly within both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra.
As the vibration of the heart chakra is all about the concept of 'loving' you can understand why this stone would be powerful to have close to you.
They are excellent crystals for self love so if you have issues with loving yourself, keep a piece close by in the areas you spend the most time.
Rose quartz crystals come in a range of shades of pink, and if you are able to obtain one of the beautiful rose quartz gemstones, you will appreciate the quality of this lovely stone.
They are traditional birthstones for January and May, so you will find them on the birthstone list by month.
Natural pieces of this stone are relatively inexpensive and are easy to acquire.
It is easy to buy this lovely pink quartz in many different forms, including rough pieces of this crystal or tumble stones.
Wearing Rose Quartz crystal jewelry, such as earrings, pendants or rings made from natural stones is very powerful, as this is a crystal with strong metaphysical properties.
It is easy to buy jewelry made from this quartz crystal and it makes wonderful birthstone jewelry.
They are a zodiac birthstone for Taurus and for Cancer and their loving vibration is powerful to help your relationships.
Putting a piece of the stone of love in your pocket, or for the ladies in your bra, is most advantageous.
The main thing is to keep this stones loving vibration close to you, as they are highly beneficial to help you when you bring this lovely energy into any area where you locate them.
If you find that genuine gemstone jewelry is not within your budget, a less expensive solution is to purchase some tumblestones.
So if you are not able to get jewelry, simply put a piece of this pink crystal in your pocket or use a macrame crystal holder.
It's easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, which is an easy way to keep Rose Quartz tumblestones or a small rough piece on your body during the day.
There are a large number of benefits of Rose Quartz Crystal, and they have a number of profound healing actions.
They are lovely heart chakra stones, not only for their physical beauty, but for the emotional healing they will bring to the wearer.
As quartz crystals are profound amplifiers of energy, these beautiful stones may help to kindle happiness, love, romantic feelings and sensuality.
Using these pink crystals is an advantage in these stressful days we live in when many of us are in need of emotional healing.
If you are looking for ways to relieve your stress, take advantage of the healing energy of these lovely crystals, as there are a large number of Rose Quartz crystal benefits.
If you can't find a piece you want to wear, and alternative is to simply place one of these wonderful healing stones in each corner of the bedroom, or on your bedside or under your pillow.
This will allow the energy to resonate out into the area where you are sleeping and may boost love for others nearby as well as love for yourself.
A bonus is that you will also wake more refreshed, and old stored feelings may be released and healing may occur.
My Mother of Pearl and Rose Quartz necklace shown in the photo below is gorgeous, and beautifully carved precious stones are easy to buy.
This lovely heart shaped necklace came to me after I simply sat and thought about what I wanted, and soon after I saw it for sale.
You will benefit from wearing jewelry such as pendants, rose quartz beads or earrings made from this stone or holding a piece of of it in your hand.
It will bestow a peaceful and calming sensation that can assist in healing of the heart, by dissolving anger and resentment.
They will heal you on both a physical and emotional level they are a great stone to have in the rooms you spend the most time in.
You can do quartz crystal healing using these crystals as well.
These stones are on the list of zodiac starsign birthstones, so you may easily find beautiful jewelry made from these lovely pink crystals.
They are a beautiful stone to wear as jewelry, and pink gemstones like the stones in this necklace are lovely to wear and make a lovely gift of love for someone you care about.
Jewelry made from crystal is easy to find, especially if you simply ask the universe to bring a piece to you.
All types of quartz is easy to carve so you will find them fashioned into skulls or other shapes that are powerful additions to any sacred space or healing area.
So this is another very special way of using a piece of Rose Quartz crystal, as there seems to be a powerful energy when this stone is carved into a beautiful skull.
In my article on crystal skulls you can discover ways that you can use a skull made from this crystal.
Of course as it is a heart chakra stone its major impact is in the area of the heart.
These crystals are helpful for tarot readers to use. If you are a tarot reader and often find that your clients come to you for relationship help, you may find that the Rose Quartz energy will be beneficial to both you and them.
Are you wondering why Rose Quartz Crystal are such popular crystals? These crystals embody a potent love energy that enhances any area where they are located.
Utilizing this energy is a wonderful way to heal your emotions, and to improve both personal relationships and friendships.
They are popular stones to keep in your vicinity as they have a powerful vibration that is easy to utilize.
Because they combine and resonate as one with the vibration of love and compassion, you may discover that you begin living from the energy of your heart.
These pink quartz crystals are one of the foremost higher heart chakra stones, and will stimulate both the thymus chakra also known as the higher heart chakra, as well as the heart chakra.
In addition to stimulating the heart and higher heart, it is also especially powerful to heal the upper chakras above the heart chakra.
They have a strong positive effect within the throat chakra, third eye and crown chakra, and bring their vibrations into line with those of the heart chakra.
It is also able to assist with healing of physical problems aiding the circulatory system and helping to heal emotional wounds.
It has a lovely balancing energy for the heart chakra organs.
My Final Thoughts: What better way to heal yourself than to use these wonderful pink crystals for self healing.
Simply use a Rose Quartz Crystal to assist you, an easy way to achieve your aim as it embodies such positive energy.
It is powerful for heart chakra work, as its vibration resonates into your environment. Just open your heart and allow it to heal you, as it may boost self assurance, pride and dignity.
In summary: are you wondering why Rose Quartz is so powerful?
The love energy that they resonate will benefit your life, and just having them close to you brings strong healing and a powerful love energy.
You can place these stones in the bedroom as they are an excellent stone to enhance your relationships, and enrich the quality of intimacy.
Also leave them in any room where you would like the melodious and gentle energy to improve the atmosphere, especially rooms you spend a lot of time in.
All areas of the home will benefit by putting rough rose quartz stones in each corner of the room, so locate them in areas where you spend the most time.
Even eating areas can benefit from this soft sweet energy, and it may also improve your digestion too, but do be careful not to leave them in direct sunlight as their color may fade.
These stones embody a deep beauty and have a lovely vibration that is excellent to use in meditation.
They will balance the energy of the etheric body and the physical and emotional bodies.
The vibration of the deeper Strawberry Rose crystal is quite similar to the lighter colored crystals. Like all types of Rose Quartz Crystal they have a strong love energy.
The major difference is that these deep pink strawberry colored stones embody an even stronger depth of love energy to help you to love and appreciate your true self.
It is beneficial to use to do a daily crystal meditation. It is easy to learn to meditate and use easy meditation methods, so that you can continue to meditate with one of these stones every day.
The Strawberry Quartz meaning strongly relates to their ability to be a strong aid to boost your self esteem, and bring harmony and a lessening of stress and anxiety.
As well they are known to allow you to embrace the positive aspects of your life, and to allow joy and happiness to flow through you.
They will help you to discover new aspects within your personal relationships as you begin to look at life differently, and Strawberry Rose Quartz Crystal is said to help to put romance into ailing relationships.
Deeper Strawberry Rose Quartz crystals are said to have been used in ceremonies in ancient Lemuria and Atlantis, and many who are attracted to these darker rose colored stones have had past lives in this era.
If you keep the thought in your mind of finding out more about these specific past lives, these lovely stones are said to be strong aids to helping you to discover more about how those lives relate to your present incarnation.
If you are keeping your crystals or stones on you all the time, remember to methodically cleanse them.
Cleansing quartz crystals is very simple, as quartz is one of the easiest types of crystal to cleanse, so do it regularly for best long term results.
See the most desirable crystals to use with Rose Quartz Crystals.
There are a number below that combine well with them for a variety of reasons. You may combine this crystal with other varieties of quartz to stimulate healing.
In particular you may choose to use them with Amethyst or Chlorite Quartz as they both have a strong healing energy that combines well with Rose Quartz.
You may also use them with Pecos Diamond and Strawberry Quartz, as they both resonate with a strong loving heart chakra vibration, and both have a potent love energy.
This is a quite beautiful pink quartz crystal with a lovely energy that will combine well with many other stones.
The high vibration stones with a strong crystal energy are powerful to combine with Rose Quartz.
You may choose to use it with Natrolite, Scolecite or Phenacite, as they are all helpful to assist you to use this pink stone as a window to Divine Love.
Combined with Moldavite, it assists you to bring about transformation, using the strong energy of love embodied within these crystals.
Any of the heart or thymus or higher heart chakra stones will combine beautifully with Rose Quartz Crystal, and in particular you may like to use it with other pink crystals.
Specific crystals from this group include some lovely pink stones such as Rhodonite, Thulite, Pink Nirvana Quartz and Morganite.
Other crystals that combine well with it and that have an excellent energy at the heart include some of the green stones.
Green crystals to use include Green Aventurine, Green Tourmaline, Green Calcite and Emerald.
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