➤ By Liz Oakes
Ruby stone is an excellent aid to assist you with recharging your energy levels.
It is very effective for encouraging vitality, sensuality and aiding intimate relationships.
It is a stone of manifestation that will also support the retention of wealth, of all sorts. It is well known as a deep pinkish red gemstone crystal with a striking color.
Its color may be compared to its energy as they are alike in that both may stimulate your mind and help you to be more positive and self-assured.
These lovely red gemstones may assist you to overcome dysfunction in the bedroom and attract new love.
This is a very much a heart centered stone, and it epitomizes the Divine love of the Creator.
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Ruby gemstones are effective psychic protection stones, and are excellent assets to help you to defend yourself against psychic attack from negative entities.
If you wish to increase your ability to dream, and in particular wish to experience lucid dreams, put a piece of Ruby under the pillow.
As you use it you will discover how to use these crystals to overcome sexual dysfunction and attract new love.
They energize and balance the body and will enhance your motivation, and it will encourage you to set practical goals.
This stone will connect you to the base chakra, then through to the earth star chakra to allow excess high vibration spiritual energy to be released into the earth.
The color of these gemstones are close to the color of blood, and are known
to be a valuable stone to aid the oxygen carrying capacity of your
Ruby stone has a vibration that radiates with an intensity that projects energy and enthusiasm for life.
It encourages leadership and increased concentration, with sharpness of intellect.
This beautiful red gemstone allows you to see your own strength, and your creative potential from a heart based perspective.
Its energy may assist you with clear visualization, through its stimulation of the pineal gland.
This gland is the basis of the third eye, although this stone has not been known as a chakra stone for the 6th chakra.
It will aid you by helping you to recharge your energy levels. This energy boost may be part of the reason why it has been a popular stone over the centuries.
One of this stone's alchemical properties is to
impart a sense of bliss, as well as encouraging a desire for life.
Often you may not recognize that symptoms such as dizziness or feeling spaced out, accompanied by a general feeling of being unwell may be a sign of the need for spiritual grounding.
Using grounding stones is highly beneficial.
As you connect to the earth and release any excess energy, you will also receive in return some earth energy to ground and balance you.
By its ability to give you added strength, these red gemstones will help you to overcome exhaustion.
They are powerful healing crystals for you to use as their vibration acts as a barrier against those who want to steal your energy.
They are on the birthstone list by month as they are both ancient and traditional birthstones.
This is not surprising as they have been in use for hundreds of years,
as they are extraordinarily beautiful.
Ruby Stone is easy to buy, and lovely birthstone jewelry made from these red gemstones are sold in many different styles.
Ruby gemstones are on the zodiac birthstone list, and they are incomparable for their beauty and vibrancy, as they are quite beautiful.
The gorgeous gemstones made from this stone are beautiful jewels, that are not only a July birthstone but also a December and January birthstone.
Beautiful Ruby jewelry has been produced for a very long time, and these include lovely gemstone quality stone made into necklaces, bracelets and rings.
These gemstones are very attractive and are an ancient and traditional way to use the stone.
This naturally red crystal allows you to be comfortable with taking risks, and teaches you to not to fear death, but to embrace all of life's experiences.
It will assist you to feel more sexually attractive, as it works strongly within the sacral or navel chakra, to aid your sexuality and sociability.
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If you have been experiencing dysfunction within the procreative areas, using it will assist you to improve the situation, and will improve the vitality of intimate relationships.
This crystal is both a base or root chakra stone and a heart chakra stone, and holds the energy of the red ray.
It is possible to get pieces of the stone that you can keep in your pocket. The stone will be helpful just as long as it remains within your auric field.
Ruby Stones are Leo, Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer birthstone and are beautiful healing crystals for you to use to stimulate your energy and vitality.
Its strong vibration will encourage an increase in your sensuality, sexuality and passion for life.
The energy of these crystals ask you to live your life for today and not to be concerned with fear about anything negative that may arise tomorrow.
If these lovely gemstones are not within your budget, you could use a piece of natural stone instead, which may also be available as jewelry.
To be most effective it is beneficial to wear them either in the area of the base chakra or at the heart chakra.
But they have a strong energy and as long as they are on the body they will be helpful.
The meaning of the name of this stone comes from the Latin word for 'red'.
Ruby is a type of corundum, and other members of the family are generally known as Sapphires.
The red stone is commonly found inter-grown with a variety of different colors of Sapphire.
The names of other colors of corundum, use the word Sapphire combined with the color of the stone, such as Blue Sapphire, which is one of the more popular colors of corundum.
In the past other varieties of red stones were called rubies, in particular Red Spinel and some types of Red Garnet, until they were able to work out the differences in the 1800's.
There is a picture above where you can see the beautiful mix of this red mineral inter-grown with Blue Sapphire as well as with a small amount of Orange Sapphire.
The color of this mineral is red, and this color comes from the inclusion of chromium within the stone.
The shade of red may differ, as natural crystals can have varying amounts of different minerals within the stones. There is also a variety known as Star Ruby.
Check out the picture of this stone where you can see the unusual effect in the stone caused by an inclusion of fine needles of titanium or hematite just under the top surface of the stone.
Deposits of this lovely red gemstone have been found in Kenya, Burma, India, Thailand, Cambodia, Russia, Madagascar, Mexico and the United States.
Use the power of coincidence and synchronicity, as utilizing this energy from this lovely stone will put you in interesting and adventurous situations where you are challenged to live life to the full!
These lovely red stones have a strong vibration of sensuality and love for life, and of beauty.
If you have weight problems, using one of these beautiful gemstones will assist you, as it encourages you to feel self-love.
In summary: through its energy within the sacral chakra, this stone will also help you to be more creative as it is also a positive stone that will help to enhance your creativity.
As you begin to feel more love for the body in which your spirit resides, this love will flow out into your life, and you may see an improvement begin to happen.
What are the most beneficial crystals to use with Ruby? There are a number of stones below that combine well with them.
To strengthen its energy to assist you to release any negative thoughts or feelings you may be holding onto, use it in combination it with other crystals that are known to be helpful to help you to release negativity.
This includes crystals such as Blue Sapphire, Apache Tears, Tinaksite or Green Tourmaline.
To create an increase in your natural life force energy, use this red stone with other red base chakra stones, including Eudialyte, Red Spinel, Cuprite and Red Aventurine.
Naturally occurring crystals of Green Zoisite with the lovely Red Ruby, are also called Anyolite or Ruby in Zoisite.
This mix occurs naturally, and this combination activates the crown chakra and it also amplifies the biomagnetic field around the body.
Use it with Stilbite or Lithium Quartz to create a delightful meditation experience, and use it with Green Apophyllite to boost this stones energy.
This red crystal also occurs naturally mixed with Blue Kyanite.
In addition you will find it combined with green Fuchsite and this mixture is powerful to aid healing of spinal problems.
The combination of this stone with Kyanite is a powerful mix to use as a protective stone which also aids lucid dreaming.
Use it with Orange Carnelian Stones and any color or type of Chlorite, including Chlorite Quartz, Seraphinite or Kammererite in cases of psychic attack.
It will confer strong psychic protection to aid you to eliminate earth bound spirits from the area where you are located.
Add Blue Sapphire into the mix, if you need assistance with self control, and the naturally occurring stones with the two colors of Sapphire in them are an easy way to combine these two energies.
Their energy is supportive in the bedroom, and is powerful to bring passion back to relationships which lack intimacy.
The combination of pale pink Morganite with these red crystals or using Rose Quartz Crystal or Tugtupite which are excellent stones to stimulate passion.
It is beneficial to combine it with other base chakra stones, particularly stones such as Almandine Garnet, Zincite, Red Aventurine and Red Jasper.
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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