➤ By Liz Oakes
Sardonyx helps to boost your self control and motivation and enhances your level of self confidence and personal power and is highly protective.
It is a good stone for anyone studying, or if you work in a job where you require mental discipline to focus on the task at hand.
It embodies a vibration of happiness, optimism and confidence.
It has an energy that encourages motivation, willpower, mental discipline and strength of character.
It's metaphysical properties relate to it creating an excellent grounding action through the earth and base chakras.
These are beneficial healing crystals for you to use as they bring you back to earth after spiritual work and have a very protective vibration.
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Wondering how Sardonyx will benefit your life? There are a number of ways that it will help you.
Sardonyx supports discipline, willpower, motivation and strength of character. It also has a helpful energy to improve your self control.
It is known to be a good stone for anyone studying or for those that work in a job where you require mental disciple to focus on the task at hand.
Their energy creates a strong grounding action through the earth star chakra and the base or root chakra.
Spiritual grounding is well known for its action to assist you to return energetically back to earth after spiritual work.
This is a crystal that stimulates happiness as it embodies an energy that boosts happiness, optimism and self confidence.
They are good crystals for home protection and you can choose to grid your whole home or you can just do one room.
Simply place a stone in each corner of your home or the corner of specific rooms where you spend the most time.
Shop for Sardonyx here. You may also like to place one of these stones near the windows or doors to strengthen the protective energies.
Note that it takes a while for the energy of this stone to build up, and to work at its highest level so it won't be immediate.
You may use them to do a psychic meditation, when they may stimulate within you the gift of psychic visions, also known as clairvoyant abilities.
Stones that contain White Onyx within them are excellent stones to use to use in meditation.
The white onyx within the stone will help you to make contact with the spiritual realms.
The stones with white colored inclusions are known to have a strong vibration within the third eye chakra and the crown chakra.
They are excellent healing stones with excellent metaphysical properties that are very helpful if you have allergies, and need to strengthen your immune system.
Sardonyx stone is easy to buy, and they are known to aid the prevention of bronchitis and other respiratory infections, as they will help to heal the lungs.
Sardonyx jewelry is easy to buy, and it's on the zodiac birthstones list as well.
It is a good idea if you wish to fully benefit from the energy of this crystal to keep a piece of this stone on you all the time.
Their energy will help you to have the courage to deal with problems as they occur, as well as being very protective.
As it is a birthstone for a number of star signs, you may find that you may be able to buy jewelry made from this stone.
It is a birthstone for Virgo, Aries, Leo and a Taurus birthstone and it may be helpful to wear it if you wish to benefit from the variety of different attributes that its energy stimulates.
Sardonyx are helpful when studying to assist you to use and absorb information.
They are also helpful to enhance your creativity, and may help writers to write more creatively.
Having it within your aura for a long period each day, will help you to act decisively, and will bolster your will power and aid you to build character.
Buy Sardonyx from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.
Because it promotes integrity and virtuous behavior, this may assist you to enhance your marriage or close partnership.
This can be especially helpful if either partner is losing interest in remaining faithful.
In this is the case, it might you help to put one of the orange crystals under your pillow as well as under your partner's.
This stone was said to have been used as a talisman in Ancient Egypt for protection against evil, as it has a strong level of psychic protection energy.
It has been in use since ancient times, and these days this crystal is known as an August birthstone, and it is on the birthstone list by month.
It is easy to buy Sardonyx, and it is an extremely beneficial stone. In the past it was believed that the presence of Sardonyx created a decrease of crime in its vicinity.
One of the ways it was used in ancient times, that is still known to be particularly useful was to grid homes, and you can do this quite easily.
This stone can be mixture of Onyx and Carnelian, so it embodies within it the vibrations of these two energies, that meld together to create a new and very helpful stone.
If you have been searching for meaning in your life, using this stone may help you to find the answers to your search.
Although many people think of Onyx as being black, as the black Onyx stone is so prevalent, Onyx comes in a variety of colors and commonly in bands.
So while Black Onyx may commonly be seen selling, it occurs in other colors, including white, purple, gray, brown, red, green, orange, yellow and blue.
These crystals may be a mixture of any of these colors, and they may also have the orange color of Carnelian within them.
Sardonyx are helpful crystals for friendship as they have a positive vibration that is known to help you to attract new friendships.
It will improve your close relationships and is a good stone to aid the thinking processes, as it has a strong vibration within the crown and third eye chakras.
This stone has been found in a large number of locations including Brazil, India, Germany, Uruguay, Russia and United States, but it is said that the best stone comes from India.
This stone is type of banded or striped Chalcedony, and is a mixture of Onyx and Orange Carnelian.
Also known as Sardian Onyx, it may be clearly banded or have a less defined mix of colors.
Sard stones have been in use since the bronze age. Many stones are a similar color to Carnelian except most are a darker orange.
Sard stones were named for the ancient Turkish city named Sardis.
The meaning of the name Sardonyx relates to the fact that it is a mixture of Onyx and Sard, a type of Orange Carnelian that was well known in ancient times.
My final thoughts: because they are strong spiritual grounding stones they will help you to remain grounded.
They also have an advantageous energy that is known to aid back problems and may help to heal the bones, and their vibration may also assist you to regulate the flow of fluid in the body.
If you have been suffering from grief, sadness or are stressed by
life circumstances, using this stone is one of the ways to ease stress.
They may help you to let go of stress, and assist you to release anxiety and depression.
What are the best crystals to combine with Sardonyx? This stone combines well with both Onyx and Carnelian stones, to strengthen their attributes.
If you use them with Yellow Apatite or Sunstones this will bolster your mental clarity as well.
They can be combined with any stones that aid psychic visions and are excellent used to do a crystal meditation, as they have a good level of spiritual grounding.
Combined with Fire Agate they are powerful to aid protection.
To boost your will power, combine them with solar plexus stones, such as Carnelian, Libyan Desert Glass also known as Libyan Gold Tektite or Preseli Bluestone.
They combine well with sacral chakra stones to enhance your creativity, and they work particularly well with Anyolite.
You may also use them with Zincite, Sunstones, Dravite also known as Brown Tourmaline or Chrysanthemum Stone.
It is a strong psychic protection stone, and it may be helpful to use it with any of the high crystal energy stones when doing spiritual journeys.
They can help to prevent problems caused by visits to the higher realms and at the same time may reinforce the action of the other stones.
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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