
Eases Jealousy Resentment & Distrust

➤ By Liz Oakes

Serandite is a beneficial stone if your relationship is having problems because either you or your partner is jealous and you feel you need help.

Having this stone nearby will resonate loving energy where it is located and can help to reduce negative feelings and ease resentment or distrust.


This stone has a good energy to release negativity and frustration and may help to increase feelings of self confidence.

It helps anyone with a tendency to fight with others as it calms those who allow their mood or basic outlook to control their words.

It helps to stimulate harmony and friendliness and may prevent disagreeableness that has been causing arguments and confrontations with others. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Serandite?

Serandite is a helpful stone if you have difficulties in your relationships or if you feel dissatisfied and envious of others.

The metaphysical properties of stones like these are quite powerful to help you to let go of jealousy or distrust.

Keep it nearby in the bedroom at night to help you to if you or your partner are feeling jealous or spiteful.

It also helps those who are feeling cruel or malicious, as it helps to prevent them or you from doing something unwise.

Pink SeranditePink Serandite

Its vibration may be helpful to prevent you from taking rash actions in reprisal when you may not fully understand the situation. 

This stone's energy may help you to reconcile to situations that make you feel frustrated about the circumstances of your life.

The light pink crystals are good heart chakra stones that help you to release guilt, and to admit to it when it is required, in order for your life to improve.

It helps you to let go of self pity, depression, sadness and the desire to take revenge on others. Its energy may also create harmony as it helps to remove negative entities from your environment.

Who Should Use It?

For anyone working in sales or as any sort of health practitioner, this stone is known to attract customers to you in some quite unusual and interesting ways.

This crystals vibration may help you to attract the appreciation of others, and aid you to feel more self confident and assured regarding your abilities.

They are good the sacral or navel chakra stones and are known to be good crystals for anyone working in the musical fields to stimulate your creativity.


Serandite are good crystals for problem solving as they have a good energy to aid you to discover solutions when you feel unable to work out what to do going forward.

Their vibration may be helpful when you use them to need help you to attain success in what you are doing, as their energy can help you to work out exactly what you want in life.

They are excellent crystals to enhance creativity that may help you to find new original ways of reaching your aim, thus enabling you to set realistic and worthwhile goals. 

Serandite comes in a number of colors and those that contain dark inclusions have a strong action within the root or base chakra.

How Will Serandite Help You? Healing Properties

While Serandite does not have a large number of healing properties it is helpful to assist a number of health issues.

They are known to have a beneficial action to help assist anyone who is suffering from addiction and are particularly purported to help an addiction to sugary soft drinks.

They are good crystals for emotional healing and may help to bring unstable emotions back into balance.

Orange SeranditeOrange Serandite

They are also said to aid issues with the cartilage and are known to help you to absorb the mineral calcium and may aid you to stabilize sodium in the body.

They are purported to help your hearing and are also said to be helpful to boost the psychic gift of clairaudience or psychic hearing.

Their vibration is also said to aid water purification.

The way they are used is to place them on top of a water filter where they are purported to prevent impurities from getting into the water.

Benefits Of Wearing Serandite

Wearing Serandite may help if you are in a relationship where you or your partner often experience feelings of jealousy that make it hard for you to discuss situations rationally.

Wear it if you are the one who needs help, either by wearing jewelry made from it or by keeping it in your pocket or nearby during the day.

If both you and your partner need help, place it on the bedside or under the pillow, where it can have a positive effect while you sleep.

Serandite PendantSerandite Pendant

While jewelry made from this stone is not common, it is possible to get pieces from good crystal sellers.

There are a couple of alternative to wearing jewelry, including purchasing a cloth bag for your pocket or a macrame crystal holder.

Its easy to buy a macrame crystal holder and these are helpful as you can wear stones in them when needed.

Get one with a bead on top to allow you to change the stones once you feel you want to work with something else.

Where Is It From? Serandite Meaning

The meaning of the name of this stone relates to it being named after J M Serand who was a mineral collector who helped in the collection of the original pieces in Guinea.

It was discovered in Guinea Africa in 1931 but has since been found in Australia, Japan, Namibia, South Africa, Italy, Norway, Russia, Canada, Brazil and the United States.

It has been found in places where a number of other minerals occur, including Aegirine, Albite, Fluorite, Analcime, Arfvedsonite, Sodalite, Astrophyllite, Eudialyte and Nepheline.

Almost all of these minerals have had their own in-depth page written, so you can see images of each one with a link under so you can read more about each one of them.


It is a sodium manganese calcium silicate and is a member of the Wollastonite family of minerals.

The pinkish colors in most stones relates to its mineral make up containing manganese.

Its color may be orange, salmon pink, pinkish orange, rose red, brown, black or colorless.

It occurs in the massive form as well as acicular, blocky, tabular, bladed or prismatic crystals.

Best Crystals To Use With Serandite

What are the best crystals to combine with Serandite? These stones have a good energy to assist creative pursuits. Although they are very helpful to boost musical creativity they may help all types of creativity.

Using them with other good stones for creativity will boost their energy and using stones such as Ethiopian Opal, Peach Aventurine, Carnelian, Yellow Apatite or Sunstone may be helpful.

These crystals are well known for their action to assist you to find solutions to difficult to solve problems, but if you need extra help with this use them with other crystals for problem solving.

Specific crystals that may help you with this includes Variscite, Chiastolite, Fuchsite or Thulite.

The energy of these stones that is known to help you to create goals may be boosted by combining them with crystals for goal setting.

Specific crystals you may choose to pair with them includes Carnelian, Ruby, Malachite or Moss Agate.

The following minerals were mentioned in the section above about this stone's mineral make-up so you might be interested in seeing pictures of these stones

You can see images of Astrophyllite, Eudialyte, Aegirine, Albite, Fluorite, Analcime, Arfvedsonite and Sodalite to learn more about the individual minerals that might be included in these stones.


More Pictures Of Serandite

Pink Serandite

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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