Seraphinite 'Angel Crystals'

 Contact Angels & The Divine Feminine

➤ By Liz Oakes

Seraphinite has a lovely spiritual energy that aids your connection to beings in the angelic realm

It may also help you to make contact with the Divine FeminineThey may stimulate clairaudienceand  may help your search for spiritual enlightenment.

SeraphiniteSeraphinite Crystal

This green and silver crystal has a number of very powerful characteristics, including being one of the stones that aid contact with nature spirits.

They are excellent healing crystals for you to use for self healing. It will assist you with self healing as it has impressive healing attributes for both physical and emotional healing.

Their vibration aids you to bring Divine Light into your being, and this brings with it spiritual healing. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Use To Contact Angelic Beings & Divine Feminine

These beautiful green stones have a sweet vibration that centers you and brings through spiritual energy, and are powerful to assist spiritual healing.

By regularly meditating with them, you may discover that you can make a deeper connection with The Divine Feminine.

Also known as Angel Crystals, many of you will learn quite quickly the reason why, as they have a powerful vibration to assist you to make a connection to the angelic realm.

SeraphiniteSeraphinite Crystal

They also have a strong healing vibration, and are known to bring all of the etheric bodies into alignment with the energy field of the spinal cord.

It can help you to clear blockages in your meridians and in your auric field that are holding back your spiritual growth, and this can assist with spiritual healing.

Once your energy is enabled to freely move between all of the chakras in the body, linking may occur between the soul star chakra and the heart chakra.

The energy may move up via the thymus or higher heart chakra, through to the crown chakra and then up to the transpersonal chakras within the etheric body.

Seraphinite StoneSeraphinite Stone

As any blocked energy within any of the etheric bodies clears, this allows the movement of energy to normalize in the body.

You may then begin to make contact with beings in the higher realms as you resonate with this higher vibration energy and light.

Seraphinite is known to open the crown chakra and the soul star chakra above that, to bring Divine light through into your being. 

How Will It Help You? Powerful For Meditation

Seraphinite stones are easy to buy, and their energy will also aid emotional healing, as you let go of old issues that you no longer desire to have in your life.

As you see this in the context of your own life, you may begin to behave towards others in a more balanced and peaceful way. 

The energy of the stone may stimulate an awakening of the kundalini. As the kundalini rises up the spine it will clear and activate all of the chakras.

Exquisite Crystals is my most trusted source to buy Seraphinite.


It has been found by many users of this stone that out of body journeys are made easier by the presence of this stone close by.

These lovely green stones are said to be a powerful aid to protect the physical body while you are gone.

Meditating with this lovely stone is a powerful way to use it. It may be combined with any of the high crystal energy stones for this purpose.

Seraphinite may be used by placing a stone on the third eye chakra, as this aids contact with the higher spiritual realms.

Seraphinite PendantSeraphinite Pendant

Many people find that contacting the angels is common when you have this stone on your body during meditation, regardless of where you place it.

As it is known to stimulate clairaudience, having stronger psychic hearing will aid you to better hear the messages that come through from beings in the angelic realms.

Healing Properties

This crystal is an excellent choice if you are a healer or if you simply want to use this stone for self healing.

Shop for Seraphinite crystals here. It is one of the more powerful stones for the healing of the physical body.

This lovely green healing crystal is known to aid cellular regeneration, and may allow you to become aware of the diseases that are linked to issues from past lives.

Seraphinite PendantSeraphinite Pendant

By aiding the decoding of the DNA it will help to bring about the decline of former systemic diseases.

As they subside the vibrations of the new arrangements within your DNA become prominent.

As it strengthens the blood, this will flow to all of the body to bring physical wellness throughout. The vibration of this stone brings an influx of light into the cells to aid healing on all levels.

Wearing Seraphinite: Why Would You Use It?

The energy of this beautiful green crystal encourages you to live from the heart.

It is easy to buy Seraphinite jewelryAs it is such an attractive stone, pieces of this stone that have been made into jewelry are lovely to wear. 

Wearing a pendant in the area from the heart chakra up will be most effective, as it keeps the energy close to where it has the most beneficial effect.

Seraphinite PendantSeraphinite Pendant

As it has a strong energy within both the heart and the higher heart chakra which is just above the heart chakra, keeping a Seraphinite pendant on your body is very effective.

You may find after you have used it for a while that you seems to be infused with the light that is now resonating within you. 

These green crystals are known to stimulate clairvoyance or the gift of psychic visions, and this may enable you to see the angelic beings in all their glory!

If you make contact with beings in the angelic realms using this crystal, this commonly involves a review of your current life and your current issues.

These spiritual beings may then help you to identify what you need to do to make changes in your life, to bring yourself into alignment with your soul purpose for incarnating at this time.

Seraphinite Bead BraceletSeraphinite Bead Bracelet

As you allow the joyful energy that this stone brings to flow through you, and out into your entire auric field, you may be open to understand more clearly the meaning of enlightenment.

Develop Psychic Gifts

It is easy to buy Seraphinite, and it's an excellent aid if you wish to make contact with angels and with other beings in the higher realms, including the Divine Feminine.

Pieces of stone that have a pattern within them, almost like the wings of angels, may be even more powerful to encourage angelic contact, but any of these stones have an excellent vibration.

Seraphinite Crystal

They are a powerful asset to have in your life as they are known to help you to develop psychic gifts, especially when you use them in meditation.

They may stimulate psychic visions or clairvoyance, as well as clairaudience, also called psychic hearing, and may aid contact with nature spirits.

By keeping a piece of this crystal on your body for as long as possible each day, this will have a strong benefit to bring healing on all levels.

You could wear a piece of stone on your body or keep one in your pocket, as keeping it within your auric field is the most important thing.

Seraphinite stones are easy to buy, and one of the most advantageous ways to wear this lovely green stone is as a pendant.

Wearing jewelry is an easy way to keep it on your body. But if you are unable to get jewelry an easy method is to use a macrame pouch.

Its easy to buy macrame crystal holders and they are a great idea as it makes it simple to keep crystals on you, and it's easy to change the stone if you wish to work with a different crystal.

Where Is It From? Seraphinite Meaning

This green stone is a type of clinochlore and is also known as Serafina and by its original name of Green Chlorite.

This green stone is mainly found in the Lake Baikal area in Siberia, Russia.

These lovely stones are known for the beautiful mixture of the deep green color, shot through with lovely silver markings that in many Seraphinite stones resemble beautiful angel wings.

These markings are the major reason for it being given this name. 

The meaning of this stone's name is derived from the name Seraphim, the angels of highest spiritual level.

While most of these stones are green, some are a darker green or gray color, and there are now Black Seraphinite stones available as well.

As these stones have a strong energy to contact the angelic realms, their name is quite fitting.

My Final Thoughts: Contact Nature Spirits 

Nature spirits are often present anyway, especially if you have a healthy garden and avoid the use of harsh chemicals in it.

These beings live close to you and may make contact with you, if you are open to the contact. 

Children will naturally make this contact as they are open to believing, unlike many of us who have let go of this openness once we reached adulthood.

SeraphiniteDark Gray Green Seraphinite Crystal

This stone has a strong energy to aid contact with nature spirits and elemental beings that inhabit the green areas around your home.

They aid you to heal the earth, and this may also flow through to your health too.

By encouraging them to live near you, these beings will help to improve the health of the area where you live.

This beautiful green and silver crystal has a large number of very powerful aspects.

Among its most helpful features are its healing vibration, that aids healing on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels. 

It may also bring you inner happiness and personal fulfillment.

Seraphinite Stone

In summary: another less well known way that it may helps you is to assist you to be more diplomatic in your communication.

This may be helpful at times when its necessary to speak to others in a more in a more sensitive manner. 

Best Crystals To Use With Seraphinite

What are the most beneficial crystals to pair with Seraphinite? Using it with any of the high crystal energy stones is very effective for boosting contact with the spiritual realms.

The high vibration stones such as Moldavite, Herkimer Diamond, Nirvana Quartz, Beryllonite and Amethyst Cacoxenite combine well with it.

Seraphinite is a stone that aids you in a number of different ways and that works well in combination with almost all other crystals.

Having said that here are some suggestions for ways you may choose to combine it with other crystals.

Please read each of the pages on the individual crystals for more information on how it might work with any particular crystal.

For healing use it with Chrysanthemum Stone, Larimar, Dream Quartz, Epidote, Fuchsite or Sugilite.

If you find that you are often in situations where you need to communicate more diplomatically, and could use some extra help with this, use it with other crystals that are known to assist you to speak in a more careful and diplomatic way.

Crystals to use for this reason includes Mariposite, Witches Finger, Nunderite or Copper.

CopperCopper Sphere

It is important at these times of global changes to encourage nature spirits to help you, as the earth goes through the transitions required to bring the planet to a higher level of being.

Combine Seraphinite with stones to attract nature spirits. You may choose to use it with the stones shown below, such as green Fuchsite Mica, Green Apophyllite, Moss Agate or with Prasiolite aka Green Amethyst.

You may use Seraphinite on its own for this purpose or you may combine it with other stones that also attract the members of the Devic kingdom.

Green ApophylliteGreen Apophyllite

As mentioned above, this crystals is a chlorite rich stone, and was known at times as Green Chlorite, although now that name is usually used for Chlorite in Quartz.

Pairing these stones with other chlorite rich stones may be helpful to boost the energy that this minerals brings when you use it.

Other chlorite rich stones include Chlorite in Quartz and Kimberlite as well as two other chlorite rich stones that are not green including the lovely Kammererite which may be pink or purple and pink Cookeite.

For connecting with angels there are a number of other stones that are also highly effective. 

These include Amphibole Quartz also called Angel Phantom Quartz, Petalite, Owyhee Blue Opal and Prehnite.

To boost its action to aid your clairaudient abilities, there are a number of stones you may choose to use it with including Tiffany Stone, Aqua Aura,  Labradorite or Que Sera.

If you are doing spiritual work including raising the kundalini, there are a number of other stones that you might use with it. 

This includes Green Serpentine, Red Jasper, Tigers Eye or Shiva Lingam.

Seraphinite Meaning & Use: Contact Angels & Divine Feminine
Seraphinite Meaning Properties Powers & UseSeraphinite Meaning Properties Powers & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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