Shaman Stones 

Balance Male Female Elements

➤ By Liz Oakes

Shaman Stones come in pairs of one female and one male stone, that aid you to balance your male-female energies.

Their energy will aid you to be aware of the approach of totem animals and spirit guides, and they may potentially put you in contact with extraterrestrial beings.

Shaman StonesShaman Stone

They have strong metaphysical properties for spiritual growth and healing and are known to help you to overcome deep seated fear.

They will help you to become aware of parts of yourself that may be hidden, and that are remnants of a past life in ancient times.

They are potent psychic protection stones that will prevent negative entities from attaching themselves to you. 

This is especially important when doing out of body journeys.

As they are very helpful stones to aid you when you are doing shamanic journeys, their name comes from this aspect of their energy. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Release Deep-Seated Fear of Death

These stones are also known by a few other names, including Moqui Marbles, Mochi Balls and Shamanic Star Stones.

They will aid anyone who has started their spiritual growth and feels inclined towards doing spiritual journeying.

They have a strong protective energy that will keep you safe at these times, as their vibration prevents any negative entities from attaching themselves to you.

Moqui MarbleShaman Stone

Shaman Stones also elevate your level of intuition.

This helps you to perceive which entities are negative and allow the approach of positive spirits and guides.

During shamanic journeying you may desire that some of the higher vibration beings might be able to assist you.

These stones will aid you to overcome any fear you may feel at this time, and their strong vibration will aid you to let go of deep seated fears about many aspects of life. 

This includes any fear you may feel about moving forward on the spiritual path and fear of death.

How To Use It: How Will It Help You

Shaman Stones are highly protective, so healers may use them to guard both yourself and your client.

They have a lovely friendly energy, and they feel good held in the hand during meditation.

Use Shaman Stones in meditation and they may align your chakras as well as attuning your etheric and astral body.

Shaman StonesLarge Shaman Stones

There are a number of ways that you can use these stones to help you, including:

  • Shaman Stones are supportive healing crystals for you to use if you are a healer.
  • They may be an excellent addition to a healing practice as they encourage and ease healing on many levels.
  • They have a lovely energy and are very robust and easy to use, and are excellent aids for spiritual growth.
Shaman StonesShaman Stones Pair

They may be especially helpful if you are working with someone who has any type of negative entity attached to them that needs to be removed.

  • You may use them to guard both yourself and your client from negative entities.
  • A pair of Shaman Stones will help you to balance your male-female qualities.
  • They will help you to overcome fear, particularly if you feel a fear of death and the after-life, and this is important when doing out of body journeys. 
  • They may also be used at both the solar plexus and the sacral or navel chakra to help your digestion and adrenal glands.

Why Would You Use It? Meaning & Use 

These stones have a strong element that will protect you psychically, and this is a benefit regardless of whether you wish to use them for inner journeying or within your daily meditations.

Shaman StoneShaman Stone

Shaman Stones have a lovely energy and are great stones to hold. They have a strong vibration that enables you to balance your female-male energies.

The recommended way to use them to achieve this, is to place the smaller female stone at your crown chakra, and the other stone under your feet.

This is also an excellent technique for grounding you spiritually.

Shaman Stone

Their energy will move any build-up of excess high vibration energy, that may have built up within your body and ground it to Mother Gaia, through your earth star chakra.

Unlike many crystals, they are quite robust and need very little in the way of special care. They have been possibly somewhere in the environment unchanged for a very long time.

Where Are Moqui Marbles Found?

These specific stones are also called Moqui Marbles or Moqui balls, and are found at the north rim of the Grand Canyon in Utah in the United States.

They were named after the Indian tribe that lived in the Moqui Desert.

The children of the Indian tribe who lived there were known to play with these stones, particularly the smaller stones.

They used them like children today use marbles, hence the name Moqui Marbles.

Similar stones have been found in other parts of the world, and their energy may be similar.

Shaman stones are concretions, made up of a variety of different minerals that have formed into a ball shape naturally, without human intervention.

They are brown in color with a natural rounded shape, and their size ranges from small ones of 1/2 inch through to bigger ones up to 2 inches across.

Who Should Use It?

These stones aid you, when you want to develop your intuition in a new way, that will guide you to take the right steps needed to achieve the aspects that may lead to personal transformation.

Shaman Stone

If you are using them for shamanic journeying, they have powerful attributes to aid you when you are doing highly transformative spiritual work.

Although many of you may feel that you would like to participate in this type of inner work, sometimes it is difficult to feel sure of the direction that you hope to move in spiritually.

By using these stones before beginning your inner work, you may 'turn on' a specific part of your inner being, or spirit, that desires to make major change happen.

Shaman Stones

This part of your being is aware of what your subconscious mind has within it, that needs to be brought forward, into your conscious mind. These deep desires are part of your spiritual journey.

Best Crystals To Use With Shaman Stones

What are the best crystals to combine with Shaman Stones?

There are a variety of stones that may aid you if you are using these stones specifically for shamanic journeying.

Combine blue Lavender Iolite with them to aid you to attract the patronage of well-intentioned spirits, and to aid you to better access information from the higher realms.

If you use them during your shamanic journeying with Fulgurite this may aid you to retrieve lost soul parts. Combine them with Baryte or Owyhee Blue Opal  to give you extra guidance to return safely.

By using them with Merlinite, Covellite, Nuummite or Indigo Gabbro also called Mystic Merlinite you trigger the release of past life trauma and relieve any associated karma.

These stones hold 'dark night of the soul' energy, so be aware that this may be challenging to many people.

Use them with Prophecy Stone, Sacred Light Stone, Cryolite or with Astrophyllite to help you to bring more spiritual light into the body.

You may use it with other stones that aid access to the Akashic records, including Blue Apatite, Libyan Gold Tektite or Libyan Desert Glass, Cavansite or Chiastolite also called the Cross Stone.

If you intend your journey to take you to the higher realms, use this crystal with some of the high crystal energy stones

Crystals with a higher vibration such as White Heulandite, Phenacite, Hackmanite and Scolecite are positive stones to aid you.

Used with Turquoise Stones, you may attune to the akashic records to access memories of past lives as a Native American Indian.

Other stones that aid a good connection to the akashic records include Ethiopian Opal, Elephant Skin Jasper and Creedite.

If you have a requirement to harmonize your male and female energies there are a number of other stones that you may choose to use it to boost its energy.

Specific stones you might choose includes Golden Yellow Labradorite, Magnetite, Amazonite and Yellow Labradorite.

You may also choose to combine them with either Ascension Stones or Boji Stones, which are also stones that come in pairs of a male and female stone.

Use them with Owyhee Blue Opal or Shamanite, the black variety of calcite, to aid shamanic journeys.

More pictures of Shaman Stones

Shaman StoneShaman Stone
Moqui MarbleMoqui Marble
Shaman Stones aid shamanic journeyingShaman Stones Balance Male-Female Elements

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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