Shiva Lingam

Increase Vitality & Pranic Energy

➤ By Liz Oakes

Shiva Lingam are a sacred stone of the Indian Hindu religion. Their energy will intensify the vitality and level of pranic energy within your body.

The vibration of these stones is powerful to stimulate the energy system of the entire body.

Shiva LingamShiva Lingam Stone

They help you to understand that you are special in your own right, and this has no bearing on anyone else.

These stones have a good action to help to generally enhance your health and may aid an overall improvement in your health and well-being.

Shiva Lingam encourage you to see the uniqueness of yourself, and to spiritually see that each of you are part of the whole, yet you are a separate individual within the whole. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Unity And Duality

Interesting Information: This stone holds within it the feeling of unity and duality. On one hand you can see the masculine part of the stone within its phallic shape.

At the same time you may notice the feminine in the egg shape and in the beauty of the markings on the stones.

Shiva Lingam

The stone as a whole recognizes that they are one, yet they are each a separate entity within the one.

Its vibration has a different action depending on where you place it on the body.

What Is The Meaning Of This Shape?

Within the temples there are beautiful Shiva Lingam stones that have occurred naturally in this shape, and they are particularly sacred to the devotees.

While some Shiva Lingam stones occur naturally, this is not common. Most of the stones are hand polished and shaped by the people who live in this area.

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Shiva LingamShiva Lingam

Hindu tradition speaks of the Goddess Parvati, who shaped a Shiva Lingam out of sand then worshiped Lord Shiva.

What is the meaning of the shape of Shiva Lingam?

  • These stones are deliberately made into the well-known phallic shape, as this shape has a specific meaning. 
  • This shape is symbolic of the phallus of the Hindu God Shiva, and of his union with his consort Kali.

Within the form of the stones, there is also the shape of the cosmic egg, out of which all creation has emerged.

  • This therefore makes these stones encompass both the male and female, and their union, within the one sacred object.

Why Would You Use It?

These unusual stones are basically quartz, and have a lot of minerals included, with impurities from the river where they originate mixed through.

They have strong metaphysical properties as they carry a lot of energy, and are potent stones for spiritual healing and growth. 

shiva lingamShiva Lingam

Perhaps much of the reason why they have such a strong energy is the fact that stones of this shape have been worshiped by devotees for many centuries.

This creates a particular type of resonance within the field of pure potentiality, that creates all that is. They aid you to tune into this field of energy that encompasses the Divine Mind.

The crown chakra is related to spiritual growth and it is where we connect to the Higher Self, and this stone encourages your direct connection to the higher self.

This aids you make contact with the sacredness that these stone have carried for centuries.

Kundalini Awakening

The quartz within these stones resonates sacred energy via the universal mind to all who use them.

They carry the energy within them to activate the kundalini energy and begin the process of awakening the kundalini.

Shiva LingamShiva Lingam

For kundalini activation you may choose to use this stone alone, or you may use it in combination with other stones that are powerful to aid the process. 

The kundalini process may be about transformation, and you may use other stones with it to aid this process.

The kundalini energy will rise up the spine from the base or root chakra through the spine and through each of the chakras, to end up where it emerges at the crown chakra, like an enormous serpent above your head.

How To Use Shiva Lingam

It is easy to buy Shiva Lingam stones which intensify the vibration within your energy system, and will enhance your overall health and well-being.

This stones vibration within the three lower chakras, is based upon its need to work on the physical body, as these chakras are about your physical existence.

Shiva LingamShiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam stones can be used in a number of ways including:

  • These crystals are known to be powerful to aid any on the lower three chakras, particularly if used at the sacral or navel chakra and base chakra. 
  • They can be used to help problems of a sexual nature and may be utilized within sacred tantric practices.
  • For men, they may help the healing of disorders of the prostate and may assist impotence.

For women, they are said to be beneficial to relieve menopausal symptoms and menstrual cramps.

They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use for healing of any reproductive problems, and are known to assist the healing of infertility.

My Final Thoughts

Its action within the throat chakra allows you to recognize your connection with your etheric body, and how you can communicate this to your own higher self.

This stone helps you to recognize that you can use the aspects of the pineal gland, without the need to utilize the normal senses.

Its resonance within the third eye chakra is about your visionary abilities, and this stone enhances a direct connection to the higher self.

Shiva Lingam are objects of beauty, and their energy carries a strong feeling of divinity and sacredness.

If you desire to become enlightened add these lovely stones, as they will boost your pranic energy and level of vitality as you connect with the Creator.

Shiva LingamShiva Lingam

If you center the energy of these stones at the heart chakra, its vibration at both this chakra and the higher heart chakra connects you to the Divine Mind.

This supports all aspects of your personal divinity, and is powerful to aid you to overcome the need to judge others, and encourages forgiveness.

It helps to unite separated people, as it has an energy that encourages a feeling of togetherness and community.

Where Is It From?

These egg shaped stones come from only one place, the Narmada River in Western India, one of India's most holy sites.  

The villagers gather the stones from the river and hand polish them so that they are a smooth rounded shape.

The word 'Lingum' comes from the Sanskrit word for symbol, as these stones are a symbol of Lord Shiva. Their colors vary, but they are all a tan color.

These stones are a type of cryptocrystalline quartz with inclusions of various minerals within them, including basalt, feldspar and iron oxide. 

They occur with a range of patterns on them with various brown, red or grey stripes, spots or patches on the stones. 

These unusual stones are an integral part of their worship practices, and have been for hundreds of years.

Best Crystals To Use With Shiva Lingam

What are the best crystals to use with Shiva Lingam?  There are a number below that combine well with them. Jet pendants are excellent to wear, as it will build up an electrical charge when worn against the skin.

Although these are powerful stones used alone, for transformation Shiva Lingam stone will combine beautifully with Moldavite.

Shiva Lingam will combine easily with any of the quartz crystals, and will boost the amount of energy you can utilize, if you are using them to do quartz crystal healing.

Use it with Peach Morganite or Tiffany Stone to boost sex drive and aid tantric love practices.

To aid you if you are working on activating the kundalini, using it with Atlantisite,  also called Stichtite in Serpentine or with Serpentine is one of the more beneficial combinations to choose.

AtlantisiteAtlantisite also called Stichtite in Serpentine

Other stones that can be used for stimulating the kundalini includes Red Jasper, Tigers Eye, Atlantisite, Jet and Stichtite as they are all stones that aid the process of raising the kundalini.

Crystal Books

If you are interested in books relating to stones that have a more spiritual or sacred nature, I highly recommend Judy Hall's "Crystals and Sacred Sites".

It is an interesting and quite beautiful book that is definitely worth reading.

This book covers Sacred sites all over the world, including information about the crystals that this article is about.

Shiva LingamShiva Lingam

The crystal books that are shown below are some of the wide range of crystal reference books available. 

If you wish to read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

More Pictures Of Shiva Lingam

Shiva Lingam
Shiva Lingam
Shiva LingamShiva Lingam

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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