Shungite, Nuummite, Tugtupite, Charoite and Sodalite
by Leigh
I am relatively new to the use of crystals, however, I am immensely curious and wonder as to other people experience with being unknowingly attracted to all the high vibrational stones.
So far I have acquired many pieces of Charoite, Tugtupite, Nuummite, Sodalite, Sugilite, Shungite and Kyanite, just to name a few. Also, many of the higher blue and green chakra stones.
However, I seem to attract these without actually meaning to or intending to do so... I just keep stumbling across them and they end up coming home, and then I learn about them all afterwards.
Reading the info on this site, it seems these stones are used to aid or enhance psychic abilities etc, particularly in association with meditation. However, besides being new with the stones, I also have zero meditative abilities and am not overly excited at further enhancing my psychic abilities. So why am I drawn to these?
And in fact, is it a good idea to dive straight in at the top as it were, without working on the lower chakras first and moving from the base up?
As a side story, I recently had an interesting experience with a new and rather large crystal mass of Kyanite. I understand it is good with aligning all the chakras, so I lay down and placed it one by one against them. Eventually I must have fallen asleep and woke to find it resting under my pillow, and giving me the most intense feelings of buzzing and disorientation I have ever experienced.
These quickly subsided after I ran away from it. Also, my mother finds her migraine triggered whenever she passes near by.