
Powerful Ancient Healing Stone

➤ By Liz Oakes

Shungite is very old, ancient in fact, said to be around 2 billion years old. It is an extraordinarily positive stone, and using it may bring you a variety of blessings.

Drinking Shungite infused water is said to have a number of benefits and one of its powerful properties is to boost the immune system and help digestion.


This is an ancient healing stone for today, with an amazing energy, and it's energy is highly beneficial to a healthy life.

The energy embodied within this ancient stone is said to absorb and eliminate anything that is a health hazard to human life.

It has active metaphysical properties and strong healing powers and is one of the only known natural materials known to contain fullerenes, which are powerful anti-oxidants. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Use For EMF Protection & For Grounding

Use Shungite for EMF protection and for grounding as they are strong grounding stones that helps the release of negative energy.

They are highly beneficial healing crystals for you to keep on you, to help and prevent electrical sensitivity.

In addition they embody a powerful ancient mystical energy that is highly protective.

Elite ShungiteElite Shungite

Fullerenes were brought to our attention when research on them gained the scientists a Nobel prize.

This is because the trace amount of fullerenes in this stone work as an excellent water purifier. It will cleanse water then infuse it with a potent spiritual healing vibration.

What is important to me is how this stone works in your life, and I find it the fact that it contains fullerenes very interesting.

There is a lot of information available about the Shungite benefits including:

  • There has been dedicated research done on fullerenes.
  • The scientists doing this research won the 1996 Nobel prize for chemistry as it was deemed that their work was so important to mankind.
  • Fullerenes are a powerful natural antioxidant and their presence in this stone seems to be quite unique.

Buy genuine Shungite from Exquisite Crystals who is my most reliable crystal seller.

ShungiteShungite Pyramid

It has also been discovered that it can assist those who are sensitive to internet and cell phone towers, as well as to computer emanations and wi-fi emissions.

Any type of shape can be utilized for this purpose, but you may also benefit from a cell phone plate or as wearing it on your body.

It may be in a variety of shapes, and this includes spheres or pieces of stone that have been carved in pyramids, as well as pendulums.

It is easy to buy real Shungite crystal, including chips of various sizes which are used to purify water.

Who Should Use It? How Will It Help You?

The presence of fullerenes in this stone is also unique, according to documented evidence collected on it.

It is fascinating to look at possible future uses that are being planned for this newly discovered compound.

Fullerenes are being investigated for many industrial uses and some of these are quite interesting.

Products that you may expect to hear about includes it being used as part of solar electric generating devices in place of silicone, in makeup to stop UV damage. 

Shungite Meanings

Schungite, as it is known in Russia, has been used by the people of the area where it was found for a very long time.

At the Saint-Petersburg Military Medical Academy, they are examining the curative properties of many products and medicines made from it.

These products have tested and studied, and it has been the unique properties of this stone that got the attention of scientists, particularly the fact that it contains fullerenes.

Shungite stone is one of the only known natural source of fullerenes, so this has made the scientists who have been testing it extremely interested in, not only its properties, but how mankind can use it.

Benefits Of Wearing This Stone

There have been many health benefits documented from wearing jewelry made from this stone.

Shungite jewelry is now becoming more common, and you can now get genuine pieces of it from retailers who sell the stone.

It is an extraordinary stone to keep within your aura, and a piece of stone may be used instead, if jewelry is not available.

Shungite beadsShungite Beads

Its generally easy to get by jewelry made from this stone.

These are excellent to keep within your aura both to cleanse your aura of negativity and for their action as powerful crystals for emf protection, as well as the many other health benefits.

If you find it hard to get jewelry made from this stone, a macrame crystal holder can be used to wear it on your body.

It is easy to buy macrame crystal holders. I have one that I also wear, with pieces of Elite Shungite in it.

Wearing a Shungite bracelet or pendant is a great idea as it may assist the body to deal with the effects of EMF's.

I wear my Shungite bead necklace constantly, but be aware that you do need to regularly cleanse it as it absorbs a lot of negative energy.

Use Shungite For EMF Protection

This stone is highly beneficial to add to your crystal collection as it is one of the foremost crystals for EMF protection.

Shungite is a powerful stone to shield the human body from the electromagnetic radiation given off by electrical equipment and mobile phones.

This includes electronic devices such computers, cell phones, microwaves and televisions. This is now being called electronic pollution.

Elite ShungiteNoble, Elite or Silver Shungite

It also embodies an excellent ability to make a connection to the earth, and is a strong grounding stone.

It also has an action that heals those who have developed a sensitivity to man-made electrical devices.

Healing Properties Of Shungite: Water Filtration

There are a number of different classes of this stone. Black Shungite is the most common type used for filtration and water purification.

It is highly beneficial to use for water treatment and to make crystal elixirs.

It is easy to obtain a special water bottle to make crystal elixirs with a separate section below, to make Shungite water.

Natural Raw ShungiteNatural Raw Shungite

This water is known to be anti-bacterial and anti-viral and is said to eliminate free radicals and to have a detoxifying effect.

Health problems that this water is said to assist includes allergies, pain relief of arthritis, chronic fatigue and cardiovascular diseases such as blood pressure.

There are a number of powerful Shungite properties, and this natural mineral embodies many qualities with highly beneficial effects.

They have discovered a list of quite disparate properties, and it is being looked at as a future part of techniques to help other allergic conditions such as asthma.

Noble ShungiteNoble, Elite or Silver Shungite

It has been noted that this stone has strong healing qualities, and that Shungite rocks will help to neutralize any organism within your body that is harmful to you.

This is an amazing claim, but this black stone has been in use for a very long time in Russia where they have been documenting its health benefits.

Since this stone was discovered in Russia in the 1700's, they have been recording amazing results from its use. 

What Is Shungite? Where Is It From?

This used to known as a rare mineral, but in the last few years more of it has become available.

It is only found in the Karelia region of Russia, and has been used since ancient times, so it is not new to people of the region.

Czar Peter was known to have come to the region to use water that had been infused with this mineral.

The mineral makeup of this stone is known to be around ninety-nine percent carbon. The high carbon content is similar to the mineral make-up of both diamonds and graphite.

Water filters contain carbon, as it is highly beneficial to remove toxins, and this is one of the reasons why it is so beneficial. 

The origin of this ancient, 2 billion year old Schungite stone is clouded in mystery, as how it came to occur on this planet is unclear.

Some say this stone may have been formed in ancient oceans, which were inhabited by a variety of microscopic organism that no longer lives in our oceans.

It is believed that when these organisms died, they broke down and became part of the sea-bed, forming these unusual rocks.

Elite Shungite

Later it ended up on the land when land forms changed. Other scientists hypothesize that maybe it came to earth from outer space on a meteorite.

While no one really knows, due to its powerful properties more scientists have been looking into its impressive attributes and how they can benefit you.

Ancient Earth Mystical Energy: Use Of Shungite

This ancient stone, Shungite, has been brought to the attention of the world by the Great Divine Spirit, so that everyone can live a healthy life.

Scientists have been looking at its properties, as it is believed to the ability to cure many health problems. 

This is a good reason to get a piece of the stone and test it for yourself.

Shungite PendantShungite Pendant

I was interested to see Shungite as an ingredient in skin care products, in balms for the feet and in hair care products.

In particular it is known to help skin complaints, so there have been a number of specialized beauty products made containing it.

Water infused with it may also be used to cleanse problem areas of the skin. Like most black crystals, this is a strong stone to aid you with grounding.

It is said that this unique stone may one day be worth more than gold, due to its unusual and unique make-up.

It will assist you to ensure good health by infusing your aura with intense light.

I have also obtained some wonderful and quite beautiful stone known as Elite or Noble Shungite. 

The major reason this variety is worth buying is that it is the highest quality of this stone as it is said to contain a higher amount of pure carbon and fullerenes than the other types of Shungite.

The comparison is said to be 98 percent carbon in Elite samples compared to 50 percent in other natural Shungite stone. 

Silver Shungite aka Noble or EliteNoble, Elite or Silver Shungite

Shop here for Elite Shungite, also known as Silver Shungite.

This less common even rare stone has a wonderful silver sheen and a glassy look and feel and it reflects light like a mirror, as you can see in the picture above.

Why Would You Use It?

This is a stone that makes a strong earth star chakra connection, and its ancient heritage means that it brings the ancient earth mystical energy into play. 

It is both a stone for the base or root chakra and the earth star and it is a strong stone for grounding you to the earth.

Shungite BraceletShungite Bracelet

The number of ways that they are currently using this stone for is growing quite quickly, and you can expect even more of these to become available in the future.

It is also being sold as building products and paint that may be used to prevent EMF's. It is also excellent as an environmental cleanser, and absorbs negative energy.

Crystal Tip: If you are using it, do make sure you cleanse it regularly, and place it out in the sun to be energized and recharged.

Highly Beneficial EMF Protection Crystals

They are highly beneficial EMF protection crystals, that are said to remove hazardous electromagnetic emissions that come from microwaves, wi-fi and many other electronic devices.

As well as being a powerful tool to aid the physical body to deal with the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields, the organic compounds in the stone has many other powerful benefits.

Shungite SphereShungite Sphere

Shop here for Black Shungite stone. The number of uses for this amazing mineral is quite astounding.

It is known to purify water, and taking pollutants such as pesticides and bacteria from the water.

There have been many documented health benefits of this stone.

An extensive number of people have been traveling long distances to take the cure, as it is said to heal a diverse range of health problems.

This is why the people of this area drink water that has been infused with it, to both cleanse the water and add the healing attributes to the water which they drink. 

The actual piece of stone that my pendulum is made from has amazing energy. It is good to keep it close as I often use a pendulum.

I keep both my Shungite pendulum and my lovely ball made from this stone next to my computer, one on each side of it.

It seems to resonate as powerfully as stone pendulums made from quartz.

It is a powerful tool to use as well as to have in the general area as a protective stone.

This pendulum sits upside down on a small stand next to me, where it has a dual role.

It helps to negate electromagnetic energy from the computer, and it is close when I wish to use a pendulum.

My Final Thoughts

In summary: The energy of this stone will help anyone who wishes to do magical and mystical practices, as its deep primordial energy brings ancient spirits into the process in a protective role.

Remember that its ancient energy provides psychic protection and is said to infuse the auric field with light, and allows only positive and beneficial energy to reach you. 

Shungite is a potent healing stoneShungite is a potent healing stone

It is said that they are helpful healing crystals for you to use to aid you if you wish to read the future.

They are known to help to stimulate and emphasize the gift of prophecy and are crystals that can stimulate precognition.

Crystal Books

There are a number of crystal books now available, and some have very in-depth information on the healing attributes of various crystals. 

Crystal Prescriptions Volume Three is an excellent book that goes into the attributes of Shungite and its specific action to assist electromagnetic sensitivity.

In this book, Judy Hall has covered this subject in some detail and explains the way to use it and make crystal essences from the stone.

There are also a number of books about EMF's and how they can be mitigated, which are worth reading.

Elite ShungiteNoble, Elite or Silver Shungite

All of the books below are excellent books to assist you to learn more about the crystals in your collection.

If you'd like to learn more about the various books and what they cover check out my book review page.  

To read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Please Click Here.

Best Crystals To Use With Shungite 

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Shungite?

For spiritual grounding you may choose to combine it with some of the more powerful grounding stones such as Jet, Black Tourmaline, Fire Agate and Black Obsidian.

Every day the number of number of devices that emit electromagnetic fields is increasing, and many people are reacting to their emissions.

If you are affected by EMF's and have electrical sensitivity when you are close to these devices there are quite a few crystals that will also assist your body to deal with this issue.

Stones that are have an energy that may help with healing this type of sensitivity include Aegirine, Fulgurite, Black Tourmaline, Aventurine, Amazonite and Flint.

To aid its ability to treat skin eruptions and allergic conditions, you may combine it with other stones that aid these conditions, but many people find that it is quite effective for allergies if used alone.

To treat skin conditions, combining it with other stones may boost the process.

You may like to use stones such as Lilac Lepidolite, both Golden Danburite and Clear Danburite, Aventurine, Clear Apophyllite, and both the Red Muscovite and the green Muscovite known as Fuchsite.

It has been known to bring through the wizard Merlin, so may be a good combination with the lovely Merlinite stone, and with Preseli Bluestone which is also associated with Merlin.


Shungite Ancient Healing Stone Meanings Properties & UsesShungite Ancient Healing Stone Meanings Properties & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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