➤ By Liz Oakes
Sillimanite has a strange name, which you can read about below. But it is a lovely stone to keep on you, as it has an energy that makes you feel good to be alive!
Their vibration is well known to stimulate feelings of euphoria, like that experienced by athletes after exercise.
They also boost the development of the gift of psychic hearing or clairaudience.
It has a very uplifting energy that you may find helpful to aid stress and depression.
Their vibration brings with it some excellent healing properties, and they have a strong energy that is beneficial to assist your spiritual journey.
They have useful metaphysical properties and are beneficial healing crystals for you to use because they energize all of the chakras.
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This lovely stone has an excellent energy to aid you to align your spiritual journey with what you would like it to be.
Its vibration helps to create a connection between yourself and the Universal mind or Spirit.
This can assist you to discover ideas of a higher spiritual value, and this energy may aid you work out how to bring these beliefs and values into your day to day experiences.
Perhaps because of the surge of endorphins that are felt when using these crystals, they have an action to boost feelings of confidence and hope about your life.
If you feel that your life has gone a little off track, using this stone may be helpful to aid you to think more clearly and to gain an awareness of how you can utilize the events of your day to day life to achieve what you desire.
These crystals have a strong action to help you if you are feeling down-hearted and they are helpful to boost happiness and may aid the relief of stress.
Healers may find this stone helpful to align the chakras and you may discover that using it at any chakra will help to bring all of the chakras into alignment.
It is a useful stone for metaphysical healers to use to assist them to determine what their client needs help with.
Use your intuition to help you to decide where to use it, as it will assist any chakras you may choose to use it at.
It is particularly helpful when used at the heart chakra, or the higher heart, especially if you need to improve how you feel about yourself.
The energy of these stones will stimulate happiness, bringing an improvement in how you feel about yourself, and when required may encourage emotional healing and the growth of self-love.
The vibration of these stones are known for their ability to aid you to focus your attention and concentrate on subjects of interest.
This aspect may be helpful if you find it hard to knuckle down on the matter at hand and get things done.
They are known to help you to have the determination to stick to a diet or exercise program through their action to boost restraint and self control.
While in meditation with one of these stones you may find that it is possible for you to adjust your thought processes. This may also help you to reorient the direction of your life path.
This may help to ensure that you follow the path you need to be on to achieve what you desire from life.
Hold this stone when you are doing meditation as it has quite large number of attributes that you will find beneficial. Allow it to help you to journey within your body.
This will help you to use it to discover situations in your body that are related to emotional and mental disturbances.
You may also like to use this inner journey to look at your life and to discover what has been holding you back.
The energy of Fibrolite may assist you to bring your life back into alignment with your original ideals, before you strayed off the path that you originally envisaged.
This is a lovely stone to wear, especially if your mood is low and you need to cheer up.
These crystals for happiness are known for their action to lift your spirits and this is said to be caused by its action to aid the release of endorphins in your body.
If you are miserable, unhappy or depressed, or just feeling out of sorts, keeping a piece of this stone on the body can be beneficial to help you.
If you are feeling panicky or anxious it is known for its invigorating action which is beneficial to aid the release of stress.
Wearing it at the ears is helpful to stimulate the third eye and throat chakras and may activate your psychic hearing.
Wearing it is also helpful if you find it hard to apply yourself to the matters at hand, as it can boost your self control and aid you to concentrate on what you need to get done.
The stones in the earrings shown in the picture above are quite small, yet they have a strong action to boost clairaudient gifts.
Check out the healing attributes below, and if you are suffering from any of these issues you may choose to wear it as close as possible to the area of your body that is affected.
These stones have good healing properties, and may assist you if you have health issues related to your stomach area.
One of the reasons I first bought a piece of this stone was after I broke my wrist and had surgery.
This was because this stone is known to help the body to adjust to having a foreign object put in it, like the plate and screws the surgeon put in my wrist.
It was also useful to assist how I was feeling at the time, as I was despondent about the circumstances that led to the fall that caused the break.
Fortunately this stone was also very helpful to improve my stress and stimulated a lift in my mood.
These crystals are also useful to assist sinus infections, and are also said to be beneficial to assist those suffering with lung complaints.
They are also known to help you if you have an illness where the body is degenerating or wasting away.
These stones are also known for their action to assist with aging, as they are said to help to preserve you physically by helping to prevent or slow the rate of physical break down of the body.
The meaning of the name Sillimanite relates to the American geologist Benjamin Sillman who it was named after.
These healing stones are also known as Fibrolite. The name Fibrolite relates to the way it looks, with parallel bundles of fibers in the stone.
It occurs in the massive form, as fibrous aggregate stone as well as gorgeous prismatic or acicular crystals.
The crystalline form of the stone is often made into beautiful transparent gemstones.
These are commonly bluish violet or quite lovely yellow crystals or yellowish green transparent stones.
This transparent stone makes stunning gemstone jewelry, and the fibrous type is also quite beautiful.
I love the way the colors are mixed in the fibrous lines in the pink stone in my pendant below.
While it is not common and may even said to be rare, it is found in quite a few locations including the United States, Brazil, India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (formerly Burma), Czech Republic (formerly Czechoslovakia), Italy and Germany.
It is closely related to Kyanite and Andalusite, and is known to be a polymorph of these stones as they all have the same chemical composition.
It comes in a number of colors and there is a yellowish variety called Cats Eye.
Although not all colors are common, it comes in a number of colors, including yellow, white, brown, pink, grey, violet, green, blue and colorless.
As you will see below, both the transparent and the fibrous types of this stone are found made into jewelry, and while these crystals are not common, specialist crystal suppliers do sell it.
What are the best crystals to combine with Sillimanite? Many people feel the need to improve their level of self discipline in order to assist them to get more done in life.
If you need to improve your ability to give your attention to specific areas of your life that you have not been able to concentrate on sufficiently, you may like to combine this stone with other crystals.
Stones for this purpose includes Sodalite, Yellow Scapolite, Green Prehnite or Blue Sapphire.
Sillimanite is an excellent stone to increase optimism and may encourage a more positive attitude to life.
If you feel you'd like to create an even higher level of joy and optimism in your life, use it with other crystals that stimulate these attributes.
Other stones that also have a vibration that boost your level of optimistic feelings Smokey Quartz, Snakeskin Agate, Gem Silica or Green Apatite.
This is a lovely stone to boost endorphins and used alone it has a wonderful action to assist you to feel better if you are depressed.
But if you would like to boost this action, using it with other stones that aid depression may be helpful. This includes stones such as Lilac Lepidolite, Unakite, Sardonyx and Chrysoprase.
If you need extra help to deal with stress or anxiety, possible crystals that you may find helpful includes Chrysoprase, Mt Hay Thunderegg, Amethyst, Howlite, Lithium Quartz or Lilac Lepidolite.
To boost its action to stimulate your psychic hearing abilities, you may choose to combine it with other stones that also aid clairaudience.
Stones that may assist you to develop this psychic gift includes Labradorite, Hypersthene, Herkimer Diamonds or Blue Apatite.
For assisting the health issues that are related to aging, you may choose to combine one of these stones with other crystals that help with you to deal better with aging.
There are a few crystals you might choose to use for this purpose, including Augite, Peridot, Turritella Agate and/or Maori Greenstone.
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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