Silver Leaf Jasper

Protective Energy, Aids Peaceful Sleep

➤ By Liz Oakes

Silver Leaf Jasper has a highly protective energy so carrying them is known to be particularly beneficial when you are on a journey.

Their protective energy also applies to when you are using them during meditation, as they may keep you safe when you're travelling in the astral realm. 

They have a good grounding energy, may help you to sleep better and they heighten peaceful dreams. 

Silver Leaf JasperSilver Leaf Jasper

They may help children fearful in the night that they may have bad dreams

These crystals resonate within the solar plexus chakra where their vibration may help to boost willpower, self esteem and personal power.

They enhance clear thinking and are good emotional healing stones that help you to know that you are cared for. This helps you to feel both cherished and emotionally supported. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Silver Leaf Jasper?

Silver Leaf Jasper is a variety of chalcedony that has quite clear patterns, that looks a little like leaves, within a grey, green and/or silver colored stone.

The metaphysical properties of stones like these relate to their action to provide protection to those that carry them.

Silver Leaf JasperSilver Leaf Jasper

Having them on you may benefit you when you are traveling, as they place a shield around your energy field to protect you. 

This also applies to traveling in a spiritual sense, within the astral realm.

Silver Leaf Jasper is a good crystal to boost mental clarity, helping you to more easily to clearly understand situations as they occur and before they are a problem.

They have a good grounding energy, and like many other types of jasper it will aid healing.

Silver Leaf JasperSilver Leaf Jasper

The energy they emit may help you to feel more contented within your life, as it helps you to feel nurtured.

How Will It Help You?

They have a good energy to assist emotional healing and may be helpful for those in relationships that are not going smoothly.

They both help to improve your sleep and in addition will enhance how you dream, bringing more peaceful and harmonious dreams. 

Silver Leaf Jasper generates peaceful energy that can help you or your children, as they are good crystals to help to prevent bad dreams.

Silver Leaf JasperSilver Leaf Jasper

They resonate within most chakras but at the crown chakra have a good energy to encourage clearer thinking.

They have a lovely action that encourages an optimistic approach to situations and their action may enhance your self worth and this can help to improve your life.

They are good solar plexus chakra stones as they work within this important chakra to help to boost willpower, self esteem and personal power.

Who Should Use It?

Their energy to boost willpower is particularly beneficial if you are someone who finds it hard to say no when asked to do something by someone else.

This is especially helpful if the person who constantly asks you to do things is your partner and when the problem is causing you to feel discontented.

Silver Leaf Jasper

The vibration of this crystal may improve your relationship as it may aid you to easily state your thoughts and may prevent you from being taken advantage of all the time.

Benefits For Meditation

Silver Leaf Jasper is a beneficial crystal to use in meditation, partly because it is known to assist to ease into a deep and tranquil state.

This same action means that they are excellent crystals to enhance your sleep.

They have a protective action that may also be helpful to prevent anything happening that might cause problems for you is helpful if you are journeying to ensure that you to return safely.

They are also good crystals to relieve any fear with an action eases fear that may be generated by anything that may occur when you are traveling within the higher realms.

Silver Leaf JasperSilver Leaf Jasper

Use them to help you to develop your intuition, as they help you to concentrate on the issue you need help with.

Where Is It From? Silver Leaf Jasper Meaning

Silver Leaf Jasper is a variety of opaque chalcedony that is a type of microcrystalline fibrous quartz.

Due to the inclusion of various minerals you may see markings in these stones that resemble leaves. Its name is related to the patterns that you can often see in the stone.

Silver Leaf JasperSilver Leaf Jasper

These quite obvious naturally occurring patterns, swirls or designs that look a little like leaves and veins or other types of vegetation.

These leafy markings occur within bluish grey, green, brown, cream, reddish, tan, black and silver colored stone.

Deposits of this stone have been found in Russia, France, Germany, India and Africa.

Best Crystals To Use With Silver Leaf Jasper

What are the best crystals to combine with Silver Leaf Jasper? If you feel that you are ungrounded, use it in combination with stronger grounding stones that will help to bring you back to normal more quickly.

There are a number of strong grounding stones you might choose, including Black Diopside, Black Amethyst, Augite and Black Spinel.

Although these stones have a good psychic protection energy, if you feel you are at risk and need more help you may benefit from combining them with other protective stones.

Stones that ill combine with them includes Fire Agate, Quantum Quattro, Malachite and Libyan Desert Glass which are all highly protective.

If you are using this to aid emotional healing there are a number of other stones to combine with it to help you.

Stones such as Cleavelandite, Turritella Agate, Rainbow Obsidian and Tsavorite Garnet are all good crystals for emotional healing.

Turritella AgateTurritella Agate

Due to the situation in the world at the moment many people are filled with fear, which is stopping them from making good decisions.

If you are feeling fearful combine these stones with crystals that relieve fear such as Witches Finger Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Black Jade and Red Spinel which will all help you to release fearful feelings.

More pictures Of Silver Leaf Jasper

Silver Leaf Jasper has a good grounding energy, helps you sleep better with peaceful dreamsSilver Leaf Jasper has a good grounding energy, helps you sleep better with peaceful dreams
Silver Leaf Jasper

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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