Snow Quartz

Aids Good Fortune & Boosts Mental Clarity

Snow Quartz Crystals have a feminine vibration and a calming and soothing action that helps to support you while you are learning life lessons.

Like many white stones they stimulate all of the chakras but most strongly affect chakras from the heart up to the soul star chakra above the head.

Within the crown chakra they work to enhance mental clarity and help to heighten innocence and purity and are known to bring good fortune into your life.

Snow Quartz Cluster wide-3Snow Quartz

Any type of quartz or silica rich stones are easy to program, see more below. These crystals are also known as white quartz, milky quartz or quartzite. 

Milky Quartz may be used in meditation to strengthen spiritual growth, enhance psychic abilities or gifts and may help you to connect with your spirit guides.

They are good stones for crystal healers as their energy may help stress and tension and heighten immunity and they have other good healing properties.

They particularly resonate within the higher chakras so may assist you to more easily connect with your higher self.

These white crystals have many properties in common with clear quartz crystal except that milky quartz has a more gentle energy due to its feminine vibration. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Best Snow Quartz Benefits: Why Would You Use It?

The best Snow Quartz benefits relate to their strong metaphysical properties that bring clarity of mind and may help to balance your energy.

Milk quartz resonates within the heart chakra and embodies a strong feminine energy and they are powerful stones for balancing masculine feminine energy.

This is also called your yin-yang energy and this vibration is powerful to aid women who find it difficult to live in a world where men are controlling things.

Snow Quartz CathedralSnow Quartz Cathedral Formation

They have a lot in common with clear quartz in that they resonate within the higher chakras, including within the crown chakra and the soul star chakra and make a powerful connection to the higher realms.  

They are strong healing stones and embody excellent metaphysical benefits that are powerful to help you to release negative energy causing problems.

They are advantageous crystals to release negativity from your thinking and from your auric field.

Snow quartz has a quite positive energy that is said to enhance good luck and they are good crystals to encourage good fortune.

Use Milky Or Snow Quartz In Meditation

Using milky quartz in meditation is the best way to get the most from their energy as they easily connect you to the spiritual planes and are said to be a deep soul cleanser.

These white quartz crystals have a strong action within your energy field and are excellent crystals to assist your inner journeys through deeper meditation.

If you are not confident about meditation, checkout my article that outlines some Easy Meditation Techniques that might assist you.

These white crystals are helpful for spiritual purposes as they aid spiritual growth and inner wisdom and make an easy connection to your higher self.

They are useful crystals for past life healing and are purported to help you to let go of past life imperatives, as well as delusions and phobias related to a past life.

Snow Quartz TumbleSnow Quartz Tumblestone

They have a soothing feminine energy that brings inner peace and can help you to release negative thoughts.

They are a great crystal to use in meditation as they stimulate the third eye chakra which may boost your psychic abilities, including enhancing intuition and can help you to contact spirit guides.

They are helpful to encourage deep meditation and may be particularly advantageous if you find it hard to get deep enough to heighten your connection to teachers in spirit.

Once you make a stronger connection to beings in the higher realms you may be able to work with them to enhance the birth of psychic gifts that you have been slowly developing.

How To Use Snow Quartz? Healing Properties

Snow quartz crystal has similar healing properties to clear quartz and both may be thought of as a master healer.

In common with the clear stone, crystal healers often utilize the healing energies of these stones for physical healing and also for spiritual healing.

Their energy enhances the health of the pituitary gland and the pineal gland which are located in the brain as well as the nervous system and all master glands.

This type of quartz is a powerful asset for crystal healing as it may be beneficial in a number of ways and is specifically known to help with healing bone marrow issues.

Snow Quartz ClusterSnow Quartz Cluster

These white crystals work within the physical body and are known to help the immune system and are said to ease abdominal cramps.

White quartz has a strong feminine energy and a calming and soothing vibration that may aid you to let go of negative thoughts that have been hampering healing.

It may be helpful for you to use Snow Quartz to help any tension, stress and anxiety you have. These crystals are also known for the way that they work to heal the teeth and bones.

 Wearing Snow Quartz

The properties of Snow Quartz makes them excellent crystals to wear every day if you wish to enhance any of the effects of their specific attributes.

They are excellent crystals to encourage thoughtfulness, kindness and compassion towards others.

It is advantageous to wear a piece of this stone every day as it helps to release negative energy from the body and may enhance inner peace.

If you are unable to wear them each day, for best results ensure you keep your stone nearby, in the area you spend the most time, as this is the best way to intensify how they work to benefit you.

Snow Quartz Tumble 3-500Snow Quartz Tumblestone

Unfortunately milky quartz jewelry is not common, but the natural crystals and tumblestones are easy to obtain so its simply a matter of working around the problem.

Both natural Snow Quartz and tumble stones are easy to obtain and can be used by keeping one in your pocket in a cloth bag. Alternatively buy a worry stone as they are quite flat and will sit evenly in a macrame crystal holder.

It is easy to buy macrame crystal holders in a range of colors and sizes. Simply get one with a bead on the top so you can easily take the stone out for cleansing.

How Will It Help You? More Benefits Of Snow Quartz

You may find it helpful to work with feng shui and to place a piece in the area of the home related to the color white, as many people swear by the use of feng shui to help their life.

For this purpose you may choose a piece of this stone that has been fashioned into a beneficial shape for home decor such as spheres or crystal balls.

The round shape of crystal balls made from milky quartz is said to be beneficial to place in areas where the pace is inclined to be fast paced.

This shape may slow people down and prevent accidents from happening and is also said to improve productivity.

All quartz types work well to resonate into the area where they are placed and even further as all quartz has strong amplification properties.

Its easy to get pieces like the carved point pictured below, as like most quartz, white quartz is easy to carve.

Snow QuartzSnow Quartz Point

They are recognized as good crystals for communication as their vibration enhances discretion and discernment and may encourage you to feel calm under pressure.

They may encourage increased tact and diplomacy and help to build trust between those who are working together on a project. 

They are said to be excellent crystals to stimulate the growth of good luck, and are known to bring good fortune when required.

These crystals have a sweet and peaceful energy that resonates within all areas of the chakra system and brings clarity of mind to both yourself and everyone nearby.

Milky Quartz are useful crystals for patience, that help you to think clearly and be able to know when the right time has arrived for you to share information.

This is helpful when you want to share important details with someone and especially if it is not an easy subject that needs time to get across what needs to be said.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

This is an excellent crystal to use to help you as they have a positive energy that creates a beneficial influence when kept within your energy field.

When used close to the crown chakra, they encourage the growth of clear thinking as they are good crystals for enhancing mental clarity.

Snow Quartz Cathedral ClusterWhite Quartz Cathedral Cluster

While many of the properties of clear quartz are similar to the totally white stone, Snow Quartz has a feminine energy with a more gentle and serene vibration.

This is why the metaphysical properties of White quartz with its strong feminine energy and calming and comforting vibration works so well.

It will help you to deal with ongoing stress, anxiety and tension by settling your emotions and calming and soothing you as it does.

As mentioned, they are easy to program, and there are simple instructions on a simple way to do this in the article about how to program crystals.

Where Is It From? Snow Quartz Meaning

Quartz is the most abundant mineral on the planet and many pieces may be known as clear quartz crystal even when they are not totally clear.

The word quartz comes from an ancient Anglo-Saxon word 'Quertz' and the name of these stones may be rock crystal, although this is also related to clear quartz.

There were a number of tales told in olden times about the meaning of both clear and white quartz, as it was believed that it formed from ice similar to the principle of petrified wood.

This continued to be believed until early scientists investigated minerals and they discovered in the middle ages that crystal quartz was a silica rich mineral that contained minerals that created various colors.

Milky Quartz ClusterMilky Quartz Cluster

While it is found in a number of places, it is in Brazil that much of the Snow Quartz that is selling comes from.

It is also found in various places in New Zealand, Morocco, Europe, India and the United States and is said to have been used by the Native Americans before European settlement.

They were known as the crystal of the snow moon by the American Indians. 

The fully white quartz is not as common as clear quartz and there are some obvious differences between the crystal properties of the white or milky quartz and the clear stone.

White quartz crystal commonly looks quite different to clear quartz, even though some pieces of the clear crystals do have white inclusions, most stone known as Snow Quartz is entirely white.

Regardless of this fact, many of the metaphysical properties of clear quartz crystals are the same as the white quartz as both are powerful master healers.

The white inclusions in many other quartz crystals are comprised of Snow Quartz, including Banded Chevron Amethyst, Amegreen, Green Tourmaline and Pink Tourmaline crystals.

Snow Quartz Structure

Snow Quartz is a bright white opaque variety of macrocrystalline quartz that contains microscopic water bubbles which helps to create its milky appearance.

It is called by a number of different names including Milky Quartz, Quartzite, White Quartz and in some places as White Chalcedony.

Snow QuartzSnow Quartz Candle Quartz Generator

Most other quartz crystals are similar to Milky or White Quartz in structure and most quartz types occur in a variety of crystal formations.

This white stone is a totally natural form of silicon dioxide or rock crystal so is in the quartz family.

While it does embody many of the same properties as the clearer stone, the meaning of clear quartz can have some different properties but it commonly forms in similar quartz configurations.

Best Crystals To Use With Snow Quartz

What are the best crystals to combine with Snow Quartz? White rock crystal has a beneficial effect and a good action to help you if you are upset and need help to deal with emotional distress.

Combining them with other crystals for emotional healing may be beneficial to ease your emotional pain including Kornerupine, Lake Superior Agate, Amethyst, Black Tourmaline or Cleavelandite.

These crystals have a good energy to assist you if you know that you are inclined to not always be as sensitive or tactful as you need to be when dealing with others.

Crystals that may help you to speak more tactfully includes Smithsonite, Witches Finger Quartz, Pollucite and Mariposite.

These white quartz crystals are known to aid good fortune and this can be enhanced even more by combining them with other stones that have a similar purpose.

Other crystals for good fortune that may be paired with them includes Pyrite, Polychrome Jasper, Merlinite and Flint and all of these may be helpful when combined with this white quartz crystal.

These crystals have a good action to boost your immunity. If you feel you could benefit from strengthening your immune system pair them with other stones that enhance immunity.

Good choices include Smithsonite, Lapis Lazuli, Black Tourmaline, Chrysoprase or Yellow Topaz.

One of its quite helpful properties is its action to assist you to reach a deeper state during meditation.

Going deeper within the higher realms may also enhance the growth of a number of psychic abilities especially if you are already working on them.

Use them with other stones that enhance deep meditation, including crystals such as Prehnite, Stilbite, Mt Hay Thundereggs and Trolleite which is a high vibration crystal that has become available in recent times. 

These white crystals are strong crown chakra stones that embody an excellent energy to use to boost mental clarity and to help when you are working on your spiritual growth.

They work well paired with other stones that stimulate this powerful chakra including with Montebrasite, Kammererite, Citrine Elestial Quartz or Natrolite.

There are many wonderful quartz varieties that are a popular choice to pair with these crystals. Some of the well known quartz crystals to pair with them includes the beautiful Strawberry Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rose Quartz and Blue Quartz.

There are some very powerful types of quartz that work within the crown chakra as well as within the soul star chakra and the higher transpersonal chakras.

Other potent crystals that stimulate this area will be a powerful pairing. This includes Nirvana Quartz, Satyaloka Quartz, Herkimer Diamond, Clear Quartz and Clear Green Ridge Quartz.

More Pictures Of Snow, Milky or White Quartz 

Snow Quartz Meaning Properties And PowersSnow Quartz Meaning Properties And Powers
Milky Quartz ClusterMilky Quartz Cluster
Snow Quartz TumbleMilky Quartz Tumblestone

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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