Sphene also called Titanite

Accelerates Your Learning

➤ By Liz Oakes

Sphene has a strong vibration within the third eye chakra that will aid mental activity and is an excellent crystal to aid you to think more clearly.

It may help you to feel more organized by assisting your thinking to be more ordered and will help you to absorb new information and is useful to accelerate your learning.

Sphene Titanite wide 2Sphene also called Titanite

Its vibration will stimulate you mentally and may enhance your creativity. It is also known as Titanite.

It has a practical and sensible energy that will help you to take the right action to move your life in the direction required to achieve your dreams.

Within the crown chakra, it resonates with the mystical golden ray of Christ consciousness, and is helpful to use in meditation.

It has a good healing action, and like most yellow-green stones it stimulates the solar plexus and aids manifestation.

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How Will Sphene Powers Help You?

There are quite a few ways that this stone will help you as it has some excellent metaphysical powers. 

Sphene not only helps you to absorb new ideas, but aids you to make intuitive correlations with similar ideas from other disciplines.

If you work in a job where you are in a position of authority, this stone will help you to organize your co-workers. This may help you to get what they need to get done more efficiently.

SpheneYellowish Green Sphene

This stone embodies some strong powers and it has a dynamic action to stimulate the mind and may help you to feel more organized.

Being organized is related to the way you think and this can become obvious if the environment where you live or work is disordered.

If you have allowed stuff to accumulate, and this has led to an inability to easily locate what you are looking for, it may mean that your mind is not as ordered as it could be.

Titanite are helpful crystals to declutter and organize your space if you can see that this is required. Clutter is often one of the first signs that your mind needs help to be more structured.

While it is a strong stone to aid organizational abilities, this can take some time, but combined with all of the above properties may help you to organize your actions.

By its action to stimulate your intuition, it aids you to intuitively move in the right direction to achieve your aims.

In common with many of the other yellow or yellow-green stones, Titanite has strong powers that aid manifestation of abundance and prosperity on all levels of your life.

TitaniteSphene also called Titanite

The vibration of Sphene at the solar plexus chakra has a number of impressive actions, including engaging the power of your will.

As it stimulates this area so strongly it creates a powerful activation of your will and helps you to use the power of your will to achieve your desires.

Many yellow-green or yellow crystals have a strong action within the solar plexus or power chakra that is a powerful vibration to benefit you.

 Why Would You Use Sphene? Aids Spiritual Learning

The combination of its metaphysical properties, stimulates both your mental processes and your psychic abilities. 

The vibration of Titanite stone within the third eye chakra has a strong action to aid you to develop your intuitive abilities.

Stones that resonate within the third eye will often stimulate mental abilities. They are excellent stones for students to use who are studying.

This stone is on the list of crystals for memory as it has a vibration that is helpful to enhance your ability to recall information.

It assists your ability to make correlations between information read and what you have previously studied.  

The pineal gland is also located at the third eye chakra, and this gland is associated with the birth of psychic abilities.

TitaniteDark Green Titanite Crystal

These unique crystals have a strong energy to aid your thinking and help you to have a healthy balanced mind during difficulties.

By encouraging strengthened visionary abilities, this may boost spiritual enlightenment and help your ongoing spiritual learning and development.

If you wish to discover more about your past lives, these visions may aid you to learn more about the issues that are causing you problems.

While it is not a high-energy stone, it vibrates within the crown chakra and may stimulate the higher etheric chakras as well.

This may help to enhance your thinking, and may encourage a sharp mind, assisting you to achieve greater spiritual growth.

Sphene is known for its action to assist clairvoyant abilities and is said to boost your intuition and is very helpful to aid you to be more organized.

Use When Studying: Find Solutions To Problems

The vibration of this yellow-green crystal works in a number of ways, but possibly its strongest asset is its strength to aid your ability to learn new material.

If you are studying in a new field, this stone will be extremely helpful to accelerate your learning.

If you are learning new information in a current field of learning, Sphene will help you connect the new material with what you already know more easily.

SpheneSphene Cluster

By its stimulation of your mental abilities it may help you to manifest your aims and visions for your life into reality.

This energy may also assist you if you choose to work in esoteric disciplines, as they are beneficial crystals for tarot readers and numerologists. 

The combination of intuition and mental abilities is highly effective.

They also have a strong action to help you find solutions to problems through this stimulation of the brain.

These crystals are helpful to aid you to manifest money, and they may also help you to find creative solutions, by their action to enhance your creativity.

Embodies The Energy Of The Golden Ray

Titanite has a vibration that aids you to use the energy of the Golden ray embodied within Sphene crystals. 

This is associated with Christ consciousness, a vibration of peace, joy and unselfishness.

It is known to have magical uses and this may relate to its mystical vibration that resonates within the third eye and the crown chakra.

Sphene Titanite Crystal ClusterYellowish Green Sphene Crystal Cluster

These greenish yellow or yellow stones resonate within all of the higher chakras and help you to create a stronger connection to the higher realms.

This includes connecting with ascended masters and other spiritual teachers in the higher realms.

Once you have made that connection, this energy will help you to take the journey to connect with many different beings in the higher realms.

When you are working on making connections to these teachers in spirit, by its stimulation of your mental abilities it will help you to understand what you are learning.

How To Use It: Boosts Mental Activity

This is a powerful crystal to use in meditation as it will help you in number of ways. 

There are number of easy meditation methods you can use, and using them with this stone can be helpful to stimulate your intuitive abilities, clairvoyance or psychic visions.

Sphene is also called TitaniteSphene is also called Titanite

Sphene has a strong action at the third eye chakra, and will boost mental activity, and aid you to absorb new information.

It is within the crown chakra that it resonates with the mystical golden ray of Christ consciousness, so this makes it helpful to use in meditation.

By resonating within this area it will also stimulate psychic visions and help you with developing intuition.

It is helpful to assist clarity of thought and is an excellent crystal to aid you to think more clearly.

Who Should Use It? Sphene Healing Properties

Sphene has a number of good healing properties that it make it an excellent stone to use for crystal healing.

It is said to be helpful for older people to use and is known to help those who have a chronic medical condition that affects the physical body.

It is known to aid reiki healers and has a positive effect to aid healing of issues in the muscles and may help with a muscle strain or sprain.


In particular it is said to help broken bones to heal, and to assist those with osteoporosis, and muscle problems as well.

This is a quite calming stone that is also known to aid recovery from bone issues and may assist inner ear and balance issues.

Crystal Tip: The action of Sphene crystals to stimulate the mind may aid you to work out better ways to handle your health issues.

It will aid your body to heal a number of physical health difficulties.

This includes helping your vision and hearing, because it has a strong action to stimulate the third eye chakra.

It may help you if you have trouble with your teeth and it may also stabilize gum disorders.

This is a soothing stone to use to aid the healing of the skin, and using an elixir made from it may be helpful.

It is known to stimulate the immune system and may ease a fever, so having a piece nearby during illness may be beneficial.

It is said to increase red blood cells and to balance the white and red blood cells in the body.

Wearing Sphene: Benefits Of Its Energy

This is not a common crystal but you can get pieces of the green gem made into lovely Sphene jewelry.

The color of natural Sphene varies, but the intense green Sphene makes beautiful precious stone gemstones.

Although Titanite jewelry may not be common, it is prized in the gem trade for its unusual optical qualities.


Pieces of this stone make beautiful jewelry and Titanit gemstone jewelry is known to be quite beautiful.

If you can get earrings made from this stone, this would be the most beneficial place to wear it, as having it on the ears keeps the energy close to your third eye.

A Titanite pendant would also be very effective to aid you, and by simply by keeping a piece of this crystal within your auric field it will help you.

My Final Thoughts: Can Make You Ungrounded

It has so many unique qualities, but be aware that it may make you ungrounded if you have it on you on its own.

So it is best to also keep one of the spiritual grounding stones on you when using this stone. Being ungrounded can cause you to feel quite unwell. 

If you are not sure what the symptoms of being ungrounded are, please take a look at my in-depth article about grounding.

Read more about grounding here: Are You Ungrounded?

Sphene TitaniteSphene Titanite

In summary: It has a good healing action, and like most yellow-green stones it is a strong solar plexus chakra stone.

The vibration of Sphene will stimulate you mentally and help your creativity and is very helpful to aid you to be more organized.

It is a stone of good fortune that aids you to manifest an increase in money.

Regardless of whether you wish to develop your psychic abilities or work with other aspects of its energy, this is an excellent stone to utilize.

This is an excellent stone for relieving fear and is known to boost good luck and enhance positive energy.

It is a good stone for those who enjoy gardening as its energy is beneficial to help the physical world and is said to assist plants to grow better.

What Is It? Sphene Colors & Titanite Meaning

The meaning of the original name Sphene was taken from the Greek sphenos. This Greek word means 'a wedge'. 

Many of them are wedge-shaped crystals, so this name was chosen as this is the form that the crystals commonly resemble.

This is a titanium calcium nesosilicate mineral that often occurs in combination with other minerals.

Both the transparent and the Yellow Sphene gemstone are very popular in the gem trade due to their unusual optical qualities and high luster.

Most stone is transparent or translucent and most stone on the market is a green to yellowish green, like the specimens you see on this page.

Other less common colors it may occur in is yellow, yellow-brown, blue, pink, red, brown, black and colorless.

The mineralogical community call this stone Titanite. The name Titanite is due to its titanium content, so you will find it selling under both names.

They also named it Titanite because some stone has a low fe content and is a very dark brown color almost black color.

Where Does Sphene Come From? 

It has been found in a number of places in the world, and mined because it is a good source of titanium dioxide.

These metamorphic rocks have been found in the alps of European countries and in Russia and Canada. 

There are also Sphene deposits in Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Brazil and Mexico. 

Beautiful but somewhat rare pieces of the bright green chrome Sphene have been found in Baja California in the United States.

This crystal contains a few different minerals and is said to be mildly radioactive as it contains rare earth metals.

For more information check out this article on the radioactivity of minerals. If this aspect concerns you, you might prefer not to use this stone.

Best Crystals To Use With Sphene

What are the best crystals to combine with Sphene or Titanite? Using it with other third eye chakra stones will benefit your mental abilities.

To stimulate your psychic gifts, combine it with other stones known to aid these powers including Sugilite, Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli, Iolite and Rainbow Moonstone.

To help how Sphene operates to help you to solve problems, use it with other crystals that might help you to pin-point what is behind a specific problem you are experiencing.

Stones that may be combined with it for this purpose includes Muscovite, Variscite, Thulite and Zebra Stone.

This stone combines well with any of the golden stones which stimulate the solar plexus chakra, and this will strengthen its action to manifest.

There are some specific stones that are highly beneficial in this area such as Yellow Labradorite, Yellow Apatite, Brazilianite, Citrine Crystals and Heliodor, also called Golden Beryl.

Golden Yellow Topaz is also a manifestation stone as well as having a strong vibration to stimulate Christ consciousness, so is a beneficial stone to combine with Titanite to aid your spiritual growth.

Using Titanite can make you ungrounded, so it may benefit you to keep a grounding stone nearby when using it.

Good stones you could choose for grounding yourself could be some of the stones in the pictures below.

This includes stones such as Black Tourmaline, which is a very strong psychic protection stone, and Black Obsidian Stone which is another strong protective stone that also has an excellent grounding action.

These are also good stones to release negative energy and are also protective.

Blizzard Stone is another of this group that also aids the expansion of your mental abilities. Iron Pyrite will not only ground you, but is also a solar plexus stone that aids manifestation.

Sphene ClusterSphene Cluster
Sphene or Titanite Meaning Properties And PowersSphene or Titanite Meaning Properties And Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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