
What A Profoundly Loving Vibration!

➤ By Liz Oakes

Stichtite has a profoundly loving vibration and has a strong effect within the heart chakra and higher heart chakra also known as the thymus chakra.

It is helpful to heal unresolved issues, as it stimulates feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness and healing of emotional distress.


It brings a deep spiritual connection, which also assists emotional healing. It is highly protective, and may help to release negativity and ease fear

Their energy may help you when you are having relationship problems and this includes friendships too.

This stone will help you if you want to stimulate kundalini awakening. It combines well with Green Serpentine and a number of other stones that are used for this purpose. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Stimulates Love Compassion and Forgiveness

This lovely stone embodies the energy of the purple ray, and creates a highly spiritual connection.

This connection to the Divine will aid you to forgive others, and through this create deep emotional healing.

This stone works through both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra. It creates a shield of protection around the body to protect you from negativity.

Raw StichtiteRaw Stichtite

They are helpful crystals for friendship as the energy of this stone will help you to more easily forgive old issues that you have had trouble letting go of and that may have stood in the way of healing old hurts.

Stichtite will help you to be aware of negative feelings and attitudes you may have that stops you from achieving your desires.

It is a stone that provides psychic protection too, so it will help to prevent you from being impacted by the negative attitudes of others.

If you have been having emotional problems caused by relationship issues, this stone will help you to heal.

StichtitePale Lavender Pink Stichtite

These purple crystals aid emotional healing and can help you to feel more affectionate towards others.

It assist you to break through the barriers that have stopped you from reaching out to others in friendship.

Who Should Use It? Healing Properties Of Stichtite

Stichtite is an excellent stone for physical healing, and is particularly good to aid issues related to the brain and spinal column.

It is said to help health problems such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's and is also said to help children with ADHD.

If you have food related issues such as eating disorders it may assist you as it has a strong action in the brain to aid you to change the way you are thinking.

Stichtite TumblestoneStichtite Tumblestone

It has been known to aid allergies, blood pressure and problems in the nervous system, and to assist gum disease and problems with your teeth.

It is said to be helpful to regenerate the skin and aid elasticity, helpful after the birth of a baby or after weight loss.

Stichtite has a strong healing vibration to aid you to deal with emotional problems.

This stone stimulates both the crown chakra and the third eye chakra, and brings Divine light down from the higher realms for healing the emotions.

By bringing this light down into both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra, it will aid you to feel more loving towards others.

Stichtite in Serpentine aka Atlantisite pendantStichtite in Serpentine Pendant Also known as Atlantisite

The higher heart or thymus chakra is related to compassion, truth, Divine love and forgiveness as well as helping you to let go of fear.

Its energy within this chakra aids you to release old ego based problems, and to reach out to others. 

Shop Here For Stichtite Stone. It may help you if you are inclined to have difficulty making friends if you feel shy or lack confidence.

How To Use It: Wearing Stichtite

This stone is on the list of zodiac birthstones, and to make the best use of this stone, keep it on your body for as long as possible each day.  

As Stichtite can assist the healing of a number of issues, simply keep a piece of the stone on your body somewhere.

Stichtite PendantStichtite Pendant

As long as this crystal is within your energy field it will be effective to help you. As it a Virgo birthstone, you may find that it is available made into jewelry. 

It has a most effective vibration at the heart chakra or higher heart chakra, to aid emotional healing, so if possible a lovely pendant would be most effective jewelry to wear.

Stichtite helps you to become conscious of the presence of spiritual guides, angels and other spiritual beings in the higher realms.

So if you desire to do this maybe you might like to combine it with other stones that will help you to find your guides or to make an angelic connection.

It allows you to mindful that they are there for you to reach out to if you wish to.

Magenta StichtiteHot Pink or Magenta Stichtite

But it will not actually help to create a connection.

The lovely green and silver Seraphinite is a stone that will aid you in this, as well as helping you with self healing.

This lovely purple-pink stone helps to stimulate contact with your higher self. It is an excellent stone to use to do a meditation with crystals.

It assists you to make the connection with the innermost part of yourself, sometimes called the Divine Presence.

Where Is It From? Stichtite Meaning

This stone is found in a number of places, and its color occurs in a range of shades from a light pink, a medium hot pink, a deep purple color, and quite a few shades in between. 

This stone has a lovely soft almost soapy feeling to it, and has a quite sweet vibration. 

Stichtite is found on the island of Tasmania in Australia, as well as in South Africa and Canada.

The meaning of this stones name relates to when it was first discovered in Tasmania in 1910, as it was named after the mine manager there, Robert Stich.

In Tasmania it naturally occurs with Green Serpentine stone, and this mixture of Stichtite in Serpentine is now called Atlantisite

This combination has some quite potent applications, including using it for kundalini awakening.

Beautiful, Profoundly Loving Vibration

These lovely stones also has a number of powerful reasons that make it a stone to have in your collection.

Stichtite is one of a group of stones that helps to activate the kundalini energy.

They will help you to move the kundalini energies, up from the base of the spine, through the entire body via the spinal column to the crown chakra.

StichtiteLavender Purple Stichtite

They have a beautiful and profoundly loving vibration, that creates a strong result within both the higher heart chakra and the heart chakra.

They stimulate feelings of love, compassion, forgiveness, release of fear and healing of emotional distress, and are helpful to heal old unresolved issues.

Why Would You Use It? Kundalini Awakening

Stichtite is one of a group of stones that will help you to move the kundalini energies, up from the base of the spine, through the entire body via the spinal column to the crown chakra.

Purple Stichtite StonePurple Stichtite Stone

As mentioned above, Stichtite is a powerful stone for kundalini awakening, and may be combined with other strong stones if you desire to achieve this aim.

Stichtite in Serpentine, also known as Atlantisite is a naturally occurring mixture of Stichtite and Serpentine, and is a powerful combination to use.

The stone that is said to be foremost for kundalini awakening is Green Serpentine.

There are a number of other strong kundalini stones that you might use in combination with it for this purpose.

It helps you to bring the kundalini energy up from the base or root chakra, located at the base of the spine.

Natural Stichtite

The energy moves up through the entire body via the spinal column to the highest bodily chakra, the crown chakra

Because this process should not be taken lightly, I suggest you read up on the subject first before attempting to do this.

If you wish to do this, read the dedicated article on the kundalini awakening process, where you can learn more about the best way it might be utilized.

Best Crystals To Use With Stichtite

What are the best crystals to combine with Stichtite? To boost the vibration that makes contact with your higher self you may combine it with Scolecite, Lilac Lepidolite, Morganite or Shiva Lingam.

To aid spiritual healing it may be combined with Purple Amethyst, Sugilite or Violet Flame Opal, all crystals which embody the energy of the violet flame.

This is an excellent physical and spiritual healing energy. For added psychic protection combine it with Black Tourmaline or Amethyst Crystals.

It is a protective stone that combines well with the high vibration stones. Some of the stones that work most effectively with it could be used together for an amazing psychic meditation experience

Combine it with stones such as Moldavite, Magnesite, Phenacite and Yttrium Fluorite, also known as Lavender Fluorite.

These crystals have a good energy to assist the release of fear. If you are finding that you often feel fearful, pair them them with other stones for the same purpose.

There are a number of crystals that help to conquer fear, and these work well in combination with these purplish stones.

This includes any of the Scapolite colors, Witches Fingers Quartz, Red Spinel and Rose Quartz.

To strengthen this crystals vibration for aiding love, compassion and forgiveness, combine it with other stones that also embody this vibration.

Use crystals such as Golden Healer Quartz, Green Calcite, Garnierite or Hanksite.

For the purpose of kundalini awakening, you could combine it with Serpentine, Shiva Lingam, Seraphinite, Atlantisite or Red Jasper to boost how it works.


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Stichtite Meaning & UseStichtite Meaning & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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