
Premier Love Stone! Embodies Violet Ray

➤ By Liz Oakes

Sugilite embodies the violet ray and boosts the flow of Spiritual based love between couples. It also helps to relieve pain.

Jewelry shops sell it as 'the premier love stone', because it is one of the most important love stones and it stimulates positive feelings that help you to let go of stress and tension.


This is a crystal that offers you many gifts that may allow you to make your life better.

It is one of the strongest crystals to wear to give protection from negative entities. Its energy helps to remove negative attachments and assists you to let go of worry.

There are many excellent qualities that this stone brings to you. It is a violet flame crystal so it is a wonderful aid for healing. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Use 'The Premier Love Stone' For Healing And Spirituality

Sugilite crystals are known as 'The Premier Love Stone' and this relates to the way they assist you to bond more profoundly with your partner.

This allows deeper more spiritual love to flow in your life, and may help to heal rifts in romantic relationships.

These purple stones embody powerful properties that will benefit those who are in relationships and this includes enhancing friendships.

They are highly beneficial to use to help you to develop deeper more heartfelt feelings towards your partner or to your close friends.


They are excellent healing crystals for you to put to use to teach you how to live authentically.

These purple crystals assist the development of stronger more sincere and authentic loving relationships.

Their energy may assist you to become aware of why you incarnated to earth at this time, and they may assist you to be more loving, forgiving and compassionate towards your loved ones.

These beautiful purple crystals accelerate positive feelings.

It is an asset to use as it is strongly nurturing, and aids the release of anxiety and brings peace of mind, calmness and emotional healing.

It has powerful properties that help to bond you more profoundly with your partner and will help you if you have emotional problems.

Why Would You Use Sugilite? Healing Properties

Sugilite crystals are highly nurturing, and because of the amount of manganese within its makeup it may help problems that originate in the head. 

They are known to be beneficial to aid the healing of headaches and may also assist stomach related problems.

These stones are also reputed to have the capacity to attract healing power to them, so this is another useful reason for healers to use or wear them.

This stone is particularly helpful to assist health issues that occur in the area of the crown chakra.

Buy Sugilite from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.


They have a strong protective energy, so alchemical healers may also decide to wear these on their body.

These crystals are powerful aids to use in the healing environment and are known to be helpful to assist insomnia.

They are strong crystals to prevent bad dreams or nightmares by increasing feelings of serenity through their action to repel negativity.

By bringing an increase of spiritual light into your energy field it helps to relieve worry that may be causing bad dreams.

Good Crystals For Pain Relief

Sugilite are good crystals for pain relief, but be aware they must be used with care.

These purple stones work to relieve headache pain and the symptoms of flu or stomach problems, by transferring the pain into the stone itself.

So make sure that you cleanse them after use, and give them a break too. If they absorb too much of your pain, they could potentially end up breaking.


The healing properties of this violet ray crystal may assist you, as they will aid you to free yourself from worry.

If you have been experiencing anxiety, stress or tension, using the vibration of these crystals supplies you with a helpful way to relieve stress.

Sugilite stones may aid in treating dyslexia and other learning difficulties. It is said to have been effective in some cases of autism treatment.

It has a number of good healing properties so it may be helpful to keep a piece within your aura during the day and under your pillow at night.

Doing this may assist Spiritual healing and may aid you to make a significant movement forward in your spirituality.

Its energy may assist your spiritual growth to go to a higher level, as you lift your thinking to a higher more loving place.

Sugilite StoneSugilite Stone

These stones are helpful crystals to boost inspiration and as many of you came here right now at this time for a purpose, you might relate to this.

It may aid you on your journey to find your true calling and to find the life path that was decided by your soul before you were born.

They are excellent crystals to aid you to find your life purpose and this stone has the capacity to inspire you to discover what your purpose or reason is for being here. 

Sugilite is easy to buy, and if you wish to explore past life healing, using this lovely lilac stone may be of benefit.

Brings Through Violet Healing Ray Healing Powers

Sugilite is an exceptional asset to use as it has the capacity to bring through the violet ray energy healing powers.

The crown chakra is located above the top of the head and is the top chakra of the body.

This ray is associated with spiritual healing and growth, deep spiritual love and wisdom, and with the crown chakra.

This is the area where most spiritual development is birthed. Your chi enters the body here and makes its way down to the chakras below.

This crystal's energy will open the third eye chakra, crown chakra, soul star chakra, then right up to and including the fourteenth etheric chakra.

It is one of the violet ray crystals and has powerful metaphysical properties that will enhance your spiritual growth, through their energy within the higher chakras.

Use Sugilite In Meditation

By meditating with one of these stones you may become aware of amazing scenes that may aid your overall transformation. 

This stone is one of the most powerful members of the violet flame group, and this may be part of the reason that it is reputed to be such a powerful healing stone.


This violet crystal has the ability to aid you to improve your health, and is highly protective. Overall it is one stone that is a must-have within your collection.

Wearing Sugilite jewelry is an excellent way to keep this stone on your body. 

But if you are unable to do this, get either a rough piece of this stone or a tumbled stone instead.

It's easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and this makes it easy to keep any stone on your body and to change them regularly.

Developing Your Psychic Abilities

Luvulite stone may be helpful if you have been working on developing your psychic abilities or spiritual gifts.

As you become more spiritually advanced, it may aid the growth of your psychic powers.

Your channeling abilities may be especially aided by using Sugilite and they may also assist you to experience clearer and more enlightening psychic visions.

Using it may assist you to develop the psychic gift of automatic writing

By doing daily journaling and using this stone along with this, you may open up your powers and ability to use this psychic gift.

Wearing Sugilite

Lovely Sugilite jewelry is easy to buy and using violet flame crystal jewelry made from any of the violet flame group, has the potential to create amazing healing results.

Wearing a Sugilite ring or pendant keeps the energy on your body, and protects you from any negativity that may be attracted to your 'light'.

SugiliteSugilite Ring

These gorgeous stones are on the zodiac birthstones list, and they are wonderful stones to utilize to assist with emotional healing.

Wear a piece of this lovely stone as jewelry, or simply keep it on your body to uplift you both emotionally and spiritually.

Many of you who are working on your spiritual development and are opening yourself up to the light may attract darker energy.

Therefore using a strong protective stone is recommended. 

It is a January birthstone so this lovely violet crystal is on the list of birthstones according to the month you were born. 

 How To Use It

It is possible to purchase lovely jewelry made from this stone, as well as tumblestones, and rough stones can also sometimes be found, though less commonly.

Luvulite can be found in quite a few different forms, and depending on what your budget is, it may be available in a variety to suit you.

Delightful jewelry made from this stone is easy to find, as they are a Virgo birthstone.

So it is possible to easily find beautiful Sugilite gemstones made into lovely quality birthstone jewelry.

Sugilite Gemstone PendantSugilite Gemstone Pendant

Sometimes Sugalite stones are combined with one of the others of the 'violet flame' group, and using the energy of others in the group with them can be beneficial.

Use them with other violet flame stones such as Purple Amethyst, Tanzanite or Purpurite may be helpful, as these are potent protective combinations, and are highly beneficial.

They may also be mixed with any of the other psychic protection stones and they are potent used in these combinations.

Where Is It From? Sugilite Meaning

Most of the deposits of this violet stone come from South Africa, where there are large manganese mines.

Sugilite or Sugalite as it is sometimes called, has been found in Japan, Canada and South Africa and is also known as Luvulite.

The original discovery was in Japan and this crystal is named after Ken Sugi, who was the geologist who discovered it.

It is within these mines that much of the worlds Sugilite is found, including the beautiful gem quality stones.

It's color may be pale lilac, pink, magenta, with lots of shades through to deep purple.

This mineral may be found in the massive form, as inclusions within quartz, inter-grown with manganese and is also found in a variety known as gel.

The gel variety is less common and is the gem quality type that is so prized. 

The pronunciation of this crystal confuses many people and there are a few pronunciations used. The correct way to say its name is not one that is used much.

But it should really be said the same way that the name of the person it was called after pronounces his name, which is soo-gi-lyt (with the g said as in geese)

How Will Sugilite Help You?

There are a number of ways that this crystal may help you.

Sugilite are beneficial crystals for friendship as they may encourage loyalty and support committed companionship with others.   

It is also a powerful stone for dreaming and dream recall and may help you to remember important dreams and helps to prevent nightmares. 

Using it may create lucid dreams if you place a piece under your pillow. It has the capacity to open up your visionary abilities, and set free your imagination.

Any healer who may be aiding clients to release negative energy, should protect themselves.

Protection from psychic attack is very important, and this crystal is an excellent solution for this reason, as it creates a shield of protection around you.

Use Sugilite For Violet Flame Healing

Sugilite stones are recognized as ways through which the violet flame may be brought into your body.

They may be used for healing yourself, and having it within your aura during this work may protect you from any spiritual shocks from this type of journey.

If you have been wondering what direction you should head towards, try using this lovely stone, as it may help you to find the answers.

Use this crystal along with the stones shown above. Stones pictured are Tanzanite, Morado Opal also called Violet Flame Opal, Purpurite and the lovely high vibration Vera Cruz Amethyst.

In addition you can use them with any other type of Amethyst, including the well known Purple Amethyst Crystals and Amethyst Cacoxenite.

Best Crystals To Use With Sugilite

What are the best crystals to use with Sugilite? To boost this stone's healing qualities, combine it with Seraphinite and/or Stichtite. 

If you combine it with Amethyst or Amethyst Cacoxenite, which are also quite potent third eye chakra and crown chakra stones, it will strengthen the level of protection offered.

These combinations are also efficient at aiding you to overcome addictions.

Iolite is another of the violet ray crystals, and may also be added to the combination, for aiding you to let go of your addictions.

You may also use it with Unakite, Dravite Tourmaline, Hematite or Astrophyllite as they are other stones that are very effective for helping to beat addictions.

If you are working on developing your mediumship or channeling abilities, there are a number of other stones to use for this purpose.

Crystals that you might like to combine with it includes Yttrium Fluorite, Shattuckite, Snowflake Obsidian or Blue Hemimorphite.

It is useful to combine it with high crystal energy stones such as Herderite, Datolite, Herkimer Diamond and Tanzanite or with the most potent stone for transformation, the green Moldavite tektite.

Hematite may be combined with it to aid you to feel more grounded, as it will aid stronger spiritual grounding through the earth star chakra.

Another strong grounding aid you may combine with it is Blizzard Stone, a type of Gabbro, as it not only assists grounding but is helpful to magnify this stones energy.

Use it in combination with Tourmilated Quartz or Black Amethyst to strengthen the level of psychic protection.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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