
Helps Clear Thinking & Brain Fog

➤ By Liz Oakes

Thomsonite crystals may boost concentration, stimulate clarity of thought and may help you if you are suffering from brain fog.

They resonate within the crown chakra where they work to remove barriers that are blocking clear spiritual communication.


They are excellent healing crystals to use if you do reiki as they have a soothing energy that may calm users. Other properties of these stones include their action to unite your emotions with your thinking.

They are good healing stones to use as like many other zeolites, they may assist the removal of toxins from the body.

They are helpful to boost you when you feel listless or inactive and if you easily fall into habits of laziness or are work-shy. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Thomsonite?

The strong energy of these crystals within the crown chakra makes them powerful to enhance spiritual growth.

They are excellent stones to use in meditation as they make a strong connection at the third eye chakra.

They are good crystals for mental clarity and may boost concentration power, so using them within any of the higher chakras during meditation may be helpful.


They are excellent third eye stones that may enhance your intuition and your psychic gifts and may help you to connect with spirit guides.

They have a strong action to help you to gain awareness of your spiritual evolution, and this can help you if you are investigating past lives you might have had.

They are known to enhance past life recall which may to help the process when you wish to learn more about former lives you may have lived. 

Use them when you think you need help to release associated negative energies.

Their vibration within the crown chakra may aid you to reach a deeper level during meditation. They may also improve focus and aid spiritual communication.

BTW: If you are not sure how to meditate it is easy to learn how. 

Check out my page about meditation to see simple tips, and easy to follow instructions to aid you to easily learn how to meditate.

How Will It Help You?

Although Thomsonite resonates strongly within the higher chakras, these stones also vibrate within all of the chakras from the heart chakra down to the base chakra.

Their heart based energy works to stimulate a positive outlook and this helps to provide increased emotional support.

They are also strong solar plexus chakra stones that have an energy which improves interest in life and may boost creativity.

Their vibration at this important chakra works on the emotional level to enhance willpower, self esteem and personal growth.


If you feel you have been stuck in a rut and think you might need to make changes in your life, use them in meditation to obtain guidance on your next steps forward.

They are valuable base or root chakra stones that may help anyone who feels fatigued and unable to take action to get things done.

Crystal Tip: these crystals can look quite different to each other. The mushroom shaped stone above was the first piece I bought. 

It attracted me because I thought it looked like scoops of caramel ice-cream. Always be aware of this type of message from your higher self, as this can be the way Spirit gets your attention about what you need!

Who Should Use It? Healing Properties

Thomsonite is a member of the zeolite family, and all zeolite stones are known to have good healing properties.

They are strong stones to assist reiki practitioners by enhancing the flow of reiki energy to the person being healed, including if you are healing yourself.

They have a calming and soothing energy and a useful action that aids the emotions and also works to help the physical body.

Crystal healers are generally aware that all types of zeolite have a good action to assist with the removal of toxins from the body.

Use them during the flu season as they stimulate the thymus located within the higher heart chakra, which makes them good healing crystals for the immune system.

They are known to be a beneficial crystal to use when influenza is widespread, as they are purported to help to reduce your temperature when you have a fever.


They strongly work on the physical level where are known to aid heart healing and may assist the circulatory system and the health of blood vessels.

Other ways that they are purported to help includes their role to aid water retention, by improving energy flow within the body.

This is a strong stone to release negative feelings in your energy field that may be making you feel stressed or tense.

For anyone doing crystal healing, the action of these crystals to reduce the stress level of the body is an excellent benefit of Thomsonite use.

They are a powerful crystals to aid emotional healing and they have a good energy to increase feelings of inner peace and harmony.

How To Use It: Wearing This Crystal

Wearing Thomsonite gemstones within your auric field is very helpful to assist clear thinking, and its vibration may help to lift brain fog.

Having it on your body each day is one of the more effective ways to produce the good results you need, and may also boost your energy levels.

If you often feel listless and unwilling to do things that require effort, an alternative is to keep a piece of this stone in the area where you spend the most time.

Ongoing fatigue is not always understood and may be labeled by others as laziness. While Thomsonite jewelry is not common, it can be obtained from specialist crystal sellers.

Thomsonite PendantThomsonite Pendant

If you can't get a piece of jewelry, an excellent way to still wear it on your body is by placing it in your pocket or in a macramé crystal holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and these holders make the wearing of this stone easier. Buying one with a bead on the top will ensure the stone is kept safe and will not fall out. 

If you find that wearing it each day won't work for you, keep it where you spend the most time, as this may assist you to feel less lethargic and more energetic. 

How To Use It: My Final Thoughts

Once you have used them for a while they may help to increase your energy levels and make it easier to do things requiring effort.

Reasons why crystal enthusiasts may choose to use these crystals is their role to boost motivation and increase enthusiasm for a project.

They embody such metaphysical properties as being very helpful on the emotional level, and may enhance passion for doing new things.

These stones are said to help you to organize your thinking and may aid you to clear confused ideas that are creating physical clutter.

Thomsonite SpecimenThomsonite Specimen

In summary: use them in meditation within any of the higher chakras to boost spiritual growth and healing.

The properties of stones like these have a lot in common with other members of the zeolite group of minerals.

They are strong crystals for stress and tension and have an excellent vibration to encourage emotional healing.

Their soothing energy helps to release negativity and they are also helpful to assist you to be more organized in your manner of thinking.

Meaning Of Thomsonite and Mineral Makeup

The meaning of the name of this stone is related to the chemistry professor who first analyzed this mineral, Professor Thomas Thomson.

Thomsonite’s meaning comes from the name of this professor because he was the first person to have studied these crystals.

This zeolite mineral was first identified in Scotland in 1820. They are tetrosilicate minerals with an orthorhombic structure.

ThomsoniteThomsonite in vug

Many pieces of this mineral have a lovely pearly lustre, and while they are said to be transparent to translucent, translucent stones are not as common.

They may form as acicular radiating clusters and sphericules and might also occur as needle like prismatic crystals and they may also form in a mushroom shape.

The crystal structure varies, as stones from various locations may be different. They are also found in vugs or cavities in rocks, see image.

They are a rare member of the zeolite group, and are commonly found with other zeolites in basaltic volcanic rocks and granite pegmites.

Where Is It From? Thomsonite Color and Appearance

They have been found in a number of places, including in the United Kingdom in Scotland where they were first found as well as in the Faroe Islands and various places in Europe such as Italy, Germany and Russia.

Other locations where they are found include quite a few areas in the United States, Nova Scotia in Canada, India, Sri Lanka and in Australia.


Their appearance is similar to many other zeolites, as they are part of the zeolite family. 

They may occur as colorless minerals as well as in a range of different colors, some more frequently seen than others.

The colors that are most well known include pale pink or peach, white, beige, cream, pale yellow, pale brown, gray, pale orange and green, although some colors are more common than others.

Best Crystals To Use With Thomsonite

What are the best crystals to combine with Thomsonite? While Thomsonite helps to release negativity, there are a number of excellent stones you might pair with them to stop you from thinking negatively.

Other excellent crystals for preventing negative thinking that will be powerful to use in combination with these crystals includes Red Tourmaline, Black Tourmaline, Crazy Lace Agate and Quantum Quattro Silica stone. 

If you need extra help because you are unable to think clearly, there are a number of other crystals that can help to boost clarity of thought including Analcime, Albite, Glendonite or Turquoise stone.

It may be beneficial to use this stone with other zeolites as they all have some powerful attributes that will benefit you, so click on their links to go to their page, and read more about them.

Some of the more potent members of this mineral family includes Scolecite, Natrolite, Green Heulandite and Stellerite and they all have some excellent qualities.

More Pictures Of Thomsonite


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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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