Tinaksite Clears Mental Clutter  

And Relieves Negative Thinking

➤ By Liz Oakes

Tinaksite carries an energy that helps you in number of highly beneficial ways, as it will clear mental clutter and negative thinking.

It resonates within the third eye chakra, and this may boost inspired thinking.

Its energy will bring positive thinking and inspiration, and encourages you to find your true authentic path on your spiritual journey.


It has strong metaphysical properties that encourage you to let go of bitterness and negativity caused by past experiences.

Did You Know? This stones energy helps to create privacy, as its vibration serves to make you less visible to anyone who may have been harassing you.

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Where Is It From? Tinaksite Meaning

This stone is quite unusual and seems to be found only in Siberia Russia. The meaning if it's name comes from the combination of the symbols for the minerals that make up the stone.

It often occurs as yellowish to grayish-white radiating crystals. It is a mixture of various colors, including pink, white, grayish white, pale yellow and light brown. 

TinaksiteGorgeous Tinaksite with unusual coloration

It is said that the orange or yellowish inclusions in Charoite may be Tinaksite. 

It may also have inclusions within it of other stones, including Pink Fedorite and black or green inclusions of Aegirine. 

Brings Inspiration and Positive Thinking

The energy of these stones works within the higher chakras to assist you to discover your true authentic path on your spiritual journey.

It resonates within the third eye chakra, and this may assist it to stimulate your visionary abilities which can help you to receive messages in this way.

Its energy may also stimulate the brain which may both encourage an abundance of positive thinking and may stimulate flashes of inspiration.

Tinaksite are good crystals for inspiration that may help you to receive important information in the moment when it is needed.

Inspirational thinking relates to ideas suddenly and unexpectedly arriving in your mind, and they may commonly help you by bringing an answer to a problem.


This is a positive stone generally that will particularly allow your emotional energy to change to a more positive frame of mind.

It creates a tendency towards working within your life to find your true spiritual path and this may be enhanced through using it in meditation.

It allows you to clear your mind of stuff that is no longer required, mental clutter that is obstructing your forward movement both intellectually and spiritually.

The vibration of Tinaksite will help you to remove those things from your life which obstruct your progress forward.

Why Would You Use It? Release Negativity

It allows you to eliminate negativity from both your way of thinking and from how you feel about past issues, which of course flows through to your present life.

Keep in the area where you spend the most time to assist its vibration to work for as long as possible each day.


Used at the heart chakra, the vibration of this stone will aid you to let go of any personal traits that may be venomous, spiteful or acidic. 

If you have been feeling that life is unfair, so have become bitter or angry about life's circumstances, this stone is powerful to bring emotional healing as it aids you to release bitterness and embrace positive energy.

How Will Tinaksite Help You?

Tinaksite has an interesting mixture of qualities and it is active within a range of chakras. This stone has a strong energy to promote the ideal of justice being served.

The underlying meaning of this is that it will aid you to correct problems within your life caused by things that have gone wrong that need correction.

They are helpful sacral chakra stones that also have a good energy to stimulate the solar plexus.

At the sacral chakra it will help to heal problems relating to infections in the body and is also purported to aid the healing of fibrous growths.


If you have been working to become more centered, and to live more genuinely, working towards living a true authentic lifestyle, this stone may assist you.

The action of Tinaksite at the solar plexus will stimulate and activate the energy of this chakra.

This chakra is also called the power chakra as it has a lot to do with the ego and your personal power.

This stone will aid you to cleanse negative energy held at both the power chakra and sacral or navel chakra.

Who Should Use It? How To Use It

It is said to be an excellent stone to grid your home with if you have been the victim of a stalker, or any level of harassment of any sort, including unwanted telephone calls.

The energy of this stone is also excellent to ensure that your privacy remains intact.

Place Tinaksite stones in each of the four corners of your home, so your energy becomes less visible to others.

They are excellent crystals for home protection, that may be boosted by combining them with other stones for protection, especially around the entrances to your home.

Tinaksite With Purple CharoiteTinaksite With Purple Charoite

Its vibration ensures confidentiality of your past and allows you to remain anonymous. Its energy ensures that others take little interest in you personally.

This vibration also works on a deeper level, as this stone was used in the former times in purification ceremonies and rituals to remove dark negative energy originating in a persons past.

Its powerful metaphysical properties will encourage you to let go of bitterness and negativity caused by past experiences.

This will aid you to move forward in your life so that you are living your true authentic lifestyle.

Best Crystals To Combine With Tinaksite

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Tinaksite?

To assist you with letting go of any negativity you have been holding onto, use it with other stones that also aid the release of negative thinking.

Stone that you might use includes Green Tourmaline, Yellow Citrine, Ammonite or Apache Tears.

If you have become extremely negative, you may choose to wear jewelry made from one of these stones.

Wearing a lovely Charoite Pendant will be beneficial, as keeping this stone on your body, may help you to let go of excess negativity.

If you have been feeling any sort of deep bitterness, it will benefit you to combine it with any of the other heart chakra stones. 

In particular it is excellent to combine it with Kunzite, Rose Quartz Crystal and Hiddenite, which all carry a strong love vibration.

It may be combined with other third eye chakra stones, in particular with Charoite, Covellite, Astrophyllite, Amethyst and Blue Cavansite. This blue stone will aid you to deal with life changes more easily.

They are excellent crystals to boost your ability to think in an inspired way, and this attribute may be helped by using them with other stones that boost inspiration.

Use it with other crystals for inspiration such as Citrine, Chlorite Phantom Quartz, Black Spinel and Chinese Writing Rock to boost its action to enhance inspired thinking. 

Chinese Writing RockChinese Writing Rock

More Pictures Of Tinaksite

Tinaksite stone
Tinaksite Meaning Properties And PowersTinaksite Meaning Properties And Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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