Tourmalated or Tourmalinated Quartz

Has Highly Protective Energy

➤ By Liz Oakes

Tourmalinated Quartz encourages a large amount of light to encircle your body. 

The protective field of energy embodied in these unique crystals fills your auric field and shields you from harm. 

The light being brought into your being makes these powerful healing crystals that can make a major difference to your life..

Tourmalinated QuartzTourmalinated Quartz

This quartz variety will help to heal you on many levels as they have strong metaphysical properties. 

They have a strong energy because their combination of minerals embodies both the energy of Black Tourmaline and the strong vibration of Clear quartz crystals. 

Your Tourmalinated Quartz may be clear or white quartz with inclusions of Black Tourmaline pieces within it. The included pieces can range from fine pieces through to bigger chunkier pieces. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Will Tourmalinated Quartz Help You?

Although Black Tourmaline has many powerful metaphysical and healing attributes, it the combination with the clear quartz that makes Tourmalinated Quartz so powerful.

They are also one of the crystals for home protection as they are an excellent environmental cleanser.

Black Tourmalinated QuartzBlack Tourmalinated Quartz

This crystal is an excellent asset on a number of levels and they are highly beneficial healing crystals for you to use.

Their energy amplifies the vibration of the Black Tourmaline out into the environment of the area where they are located, to transmute any negativity and create positive feelings.

All Quartz crystals have powerful amplifying properties, and they may also be programmed to use for specific purposes

Clear quartz alone has excellent ability to infuse the auric field with light. 

It will amplify the energy of other stones it is with and amplify your thoughts and may aid clear thinking. 

Unfortunately this may be a problem when you are going through a negative period and the thoughts that are being amplified are not positive. 

Strong Metaphysical Properties

These quartz crystals have strong metaphysical properties and healing attributes along with an excellent psychic protection energy and a strong spiritual grounding capacity as well.

Tourmalated Quartz crystals have a powerful ability to clear your auric field of negativity and a potent energy that encourages a large amount of light to encircle your body.

Buy Tourmaline in Quartz from Exquisite Crystals a trusted seller. 

Tourmalinated QuartzTourmalinated Quartz

When the light that resonates from these crystals surrounds the body, this acts as a powerful protective field of energy, to keep you safe, and shield you from harm.

The addition of the light from this crystal into your being, makes these effective healing crystals.

Just like Black Tourmaline, these stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones.

They are powerful healing stones, on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

Their energy will heal you in a number of different ways because this stone embodies the vibration of Black Tourmaline.

tourmilated quartz 6-500

It also encompasses the strong resonance of Clear quartz crystals, which will amplify the Tourmaline energy.

Clear Negativity From Environment

This crystal brings through the capacity of this mineral to aid you to clear negativity from your environment.

This is why the presence of the Black Tourmaline in this stone is so welcome.

Tourmalinated QuartzTourmalinated Quartz or Tourmaline In Quartz

It is known to aid you to clear emotional problems as it helps to dissolve crystallized patterns within the auric field.

It also aids astral travel and creates harmony within all of the chakras. 

Shop here for Tourmalinated Quartz aka Tourmaline in Quartz. 

The energy of the quartz amplifies the Tourmaline energy. These crystals are clear or white quartz which has pieces of Green or Black Tourmaline within it, although commonly black. 

Just like Black Tourmaline, Tourmalated Quartz stones have a strong spiritual grounding energy as well as being potent psychic protection stones and much more.

Tourmilated Quartz

It is usual when most people are talking about Tourmalinated Quartz, to be referring to stone with fine dark Green or Black Tourmaline inclusions.

There is also a type of quartz that embodies big chunky pieces of Green Tourmaline or Pink Tourmaline that may also be embodied within quartz.

The pink or green chunky tourmaline in quartz is not the stone discussed here.

Where Is Tourmalinated Quartz From?

Most of this stone comes from Brazil, and although most stone has inclusions of Tourmaline that is Black, you may also get some rare Green Tourmalinated Quartz as well.

Like most other types of quartz, these crystals come in a number of different configurations, and a variety of configurations or formations.

There are quite a few spelling variations of its name, all based around the word Tourmaline.

It is also known as Tourmalated Quartz, Tourmilated, Tourmalined Quartz, as well as Tourmaline in Quartz.

You can program this quartz variety. It is easy to program a piece of this stone to use in your daily crystal meditation.

Black Tourmaline is a powerful stone that transmutes negative energy into positive energy.

This is why these black crystals are so powerful to use for protection from psychic attack.

Tourmalinated Quartz

The Tourmalinated Quartz will amplify the program that you place within the stone, and will also enhance the action of the Black Tourmaline.

So any negativity in the situation will be transformed or deflected, as it transmutes negativity at an even more powerful level than if you had used the Tourmaline alone.

Why Would You Use Tourmalinated Quartz?

These stones embody Black Tourmaline, that has a vibration that creates a strong action at the base or root chakra and the earth star chakra.

The basis of these stones are commonly Clear Quartz Crystals, or white snow quartz stones, and both of these have an excellent energy at all of the chakras.

Tourmalinated Quartz TumblestoneTourmalinated Quartz Tumblestone

Clear quartz create a particularly strong resonance within the third eye chakra, the crown chakra, the soul star chakra and within the higher transpersonal chakras.

This aids these chakras to emanate more white light.

The crown chakra is your connection to the Divine Mind, and it from here that white light emanates.

This link with the higher chakras makes these tourmaline quartz crystals have a strong vibration that aids clear thinking and emotional clarity.

Wearing Tourmalinated Quartz

As this is such an excellent stone to wear, it is worth looking for jewelry made from this stone.

You may find it made into birthstone jewelry, as it is a Libra birthstone.

Wearing a Tourmilated Quartz Pendant will act as a shield preventing negativity and promoting and amplifying positive energy for increased harmony in your life.

You will find this crystals on the zodiac birthstone list, and Tourmalinated Quartz jewelry is excellent to have within your aura.

Tourmaline In Quartz PendantTourmaline In Quartz Pendant

This stone embodies the energy of both Black Tourmaline and the clear quartz.

Having the powerful light embodied within this stone in your environment will help to heal you in many ways, including your mental, spiritual, emotional and physical bodies.

This crystal has a powerful action to aid your lightbody, and as it works through the higher chakras, it may assist the development of your psychic gifts.

How To Use It: My Final Thoughts

Learn easy ways to meditate, as this stone brings you clarity of thought during meditation, while encouraging you to release any negative thoughts you have been concentrating your attention on.

Using a piece of this quartz crystal in combination with the power and energy of positive affirmations may enable you to improve your life.

Black Tourmaline In QuartzBlack Tourmaline In Quartz

In summary: By using Tourmalinated Quartz you create a balancing action, which may be classified as a yin-yang energy, encompassing the dualities of light and dark, negative and positive. 

It shifts opposites into balance because the black neutralizes any negativity and the white or clear quartz enhances positive energy.

All quartz crystal varieties are excellent stones to program for almost any purpose.

You may use this aspect to create a piece of this crystal to use particularly to aid you when you are feeling depressed or negative.

Best Crystals To Use With Tourmalinated Quartz

What are the best crystals to use with Tourmalinated Quartz, also called Tourmalated Quartz?

Citrine Crystals are excellent in combination with this quartz variety, as they work through the third eye chakra to enhance your mental clarity.

Both Amethyst Crystals, Smokey Quartz and Rose Quartz are other quartz crystals that may benefit by being used with this stone.

This quartz crystal is beneficial combined with all other colors of Tourmaline, including Blue Tourmaline, Black Tourmaline, Rubellite or Red Tourmaline, Golden Yellow Tourmaline and Pink Tourmaline.

Green Tourmaline as well as Dravite Brown Tourmaline and Champagne or Yellow Tourmaline will also combine well with it, as does the unusual Watermelon Tourmaline, which embodies the energy of both Pink and Green Tourmaline.

If you want to stimulate your problem solving capacity, use it with other crystals that can help you to solve problems. 

This includes stones such as Cassiterite, Blue Aragonite, Boulder Opal or Scapolite.

It is beneficial to use a number of different stones with Tourmilated Quartz, as it will amplify their energies and transmute any negative energy released during the process.

You may use it with Jet, Sugilite or Moldavite or Black Obsidian, to help to amplify their energy.

More Pictures Of Tourmalinated or Tourmilated Quartz

Tourmalinated Quartz
Tourmalinated Quartz also called Tourmalated Quartz Meanings Properties & UsesTourmilated Quartz also called Tourmalinated Quartz Meanings Properties & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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