Treasure Agate

Helps You Persevere With Goals

➤ By Liz Oakes

Treasure Agate crystals have an obvious resonance within the higher heart and heart chakras, which may assist the growth of love and compassion in your life.

Their energy may also assist you to discover anything that may be stopping you from achieving your goals. 

Treasure AgateTreasure Agate

They make a good connection within the throat chakra and are powerful to use in meditation to enhance journeying in the higher realms.

This throat chakra connection may help you to communicate better with others about any issues or concerns you may have about situations you find yourself in.

They are helpful to aid you to progress towards your objectives and may help you to stay the course.

Their energy will encourage you to persist even when you might otherwise want to give up.

They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use and although you won't see it selling in many places it is worth tracking down as it has some excellent qualities. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Treasure Agate?

These stones have a really lovely vibration, and it is quite high vibration unlike anything else, as the mix of minerals is so unusual.

Its energy can be easily sensed within the heart and higher heart chakra areas, bringing through a  loving compassionate energy that may also help with the release of fear.

These stones may assist you when you are working on a particular goal, as they encourage you to keep going even when you feel you are getting nowhere, and seem to be a long way from achieving your objectives.

As it is from only one location it is not a common stone. But if you would like to obtain some.

Treasure AgateTreasure Agate

Their vibration may help you to discover what is holding you back from achieving your goals, and to persist even if you are have been unsure that you will ever attain your vision.

Its energy also helps you to see that sometimes what you think is the path to your aim may need to be changed, and your goal may even need to be released in order for you to reach your objective.

I know that this may sound sort of odd, but sometimes, until you release the energy, you are unable to find the next step that can lead you to the attainment of your desire.

Using them in meditation is powerful to assist you to discover impediments to reaching your goals and may enhance your understanding of what needs to be done to reach your objective.

How Will It Help You? Powerful Meditation Stones

Like most crystals, the best way to use these unusual stones is in meditation, and they have a quite easily felt vibration that can effortlessly assist a deeper meditative experience.

Their vibration will encourage you to allow yourself to travel on a deep spiritual journey to discover more about why you are here and what the purpose of this and past lifetimes were for.

Taking such a voyage of discovery within the higher realms can bring you quite enlightening experiences and amazing spiritual insights about the progress of your soul.

It magnifies your ability to see the bigger picture, enlightening you about the karmic paths that you are progressing on, and have been traveling on.

Treasure AgateTreasure Agate

This journey may help you to gain quite remarkable knowledge that may assist you to discover your souls path, allowing you to see where you have been in past lives.

You may learn about what karmic debt has been accrued throughout your soul's passage through various lives, and by gaining an awareness of obstacles of a karmic nature, you may discover just what it is that is preventing your from reaching your desires.

This may assist your spiritual development and may stimulate insights about possibilities that exist for you to clear impediments to attaining your dreams.

Who Should Use It? Healing Properties

They have good healing properties within the throat chakra as their energy resonates well within this area

They are is known to be helpful to assist physical issues in the throat area and this  includes it having an action to aid healing within the ears.

They are also said to help gallbladder problems as well as helping to heal issues within the lungs and chest, and may help the circulation and bones.

It is also known to help to provide protection against electromagnetic emanations.

Treasure AgateTreasure Agate

As these stones commonly contain quartz, this will make them easy to program. If you need more information about how to program quartz crystals check out the specific page.

When you are programming a crystal, it is most effective to use the program to boost the expansion of the embodied energy of the stone you are programming, in order to enhance its effectiveness.

How To Use It: My Final Thoughts

These crystals embody a good higher heart chakra energy which may be beneficial to aid you if have been having difficulties in you personal relationships.

It can be useful to keep a piece of the stone in any area where you spend most of your time to encourage the spread of its vibration, and assisting it to be effective to assist you and your loved ones to communicate better.

Treasure AgateTreasure Agate

In summary: the properties of these stones, like many blue stones, relate to their strong energy within the throat chakra, and this may enhance your communication. 

Their vibration may assist you to communicate with ease and grace, assisting you to be able to speak out about issues that are concerning you and improve your ability to listen and to speak the truth to others.

Where Is It From? Treasure Agate Meaning

Treasure Agate is found in only one location, so it is not a common stone. I have heard that its name was given to it as it contains so many precious metals. 

It was discovered fairly recently in just one location in Arizona in the United States and is a lovely mixture of a large number of minerals.

These include precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum along with some other well known minerals.

Other minerals that these stones may contain includes Cuprite, Copper, Azurite, Pyrite, Malachite, Manganese and Quartz, and as it commonly contains quartz it has many of the attributes of quartz crystal. 

Pieces occur in a range of colors depending on the specimen, and while some of the stone have spots of gold clearly visible, not all do.

Their color is commonly deep brown and a lovely blue color, but some have tiny dark spots that are said to be manganese.

Some pieces are known to also contain silver and red inclusions, but none of the pieces I obtained have the red in them, but have a lot of the lovely blue and earthy colors combined with a white colored mineral that is said to be quartz.

Best Crystals To Use With Treasure Agate

What are the best crystals to combine with Treasure Agate? These stones are beneficial to assist you if you are working to set goals.

To strengthen your ability to make your goals come to fruition, you might choose to use them with other stones that can assist you to set goals such as Hornblende, Ruby, Dalmatian Jasper, Moss Agate or Malachite.

It can be hard to keep going and to persevere when the going gets tough.

If you are having trouble making yourself continue on when things are tough there are a few stones for perseverance that can help.

Specific stones that you could use for this purpose include Nuummite, Pollucite, Stellerite or Gold Sheen Obsidian.

There are a good number of strong higher heart chakra stones, and there are quite a few that are very effective when combined with these crystals.

All higher heart stones have an excellent action to stimulate and increase in feelings of compassion towards others.

Some stones that you may choose to combine with it includes Dioptase, Tugtupite, Mangano Calcite or Grandidierite, another uncommon stone.

If you need help to communicate better you may combine them with other stones that stimulate your throat chakra. There are a large number of crystals that you read  about on the in-depth page about throat chakra stones.

Some of them that may be effective when used with this stone, includes Sodalite, Azurite, Turquoise or Blue Sapphire.

It may also be beneficial to use them with other minerals that are commonly part of the mineral make-up of these stones, including Cuprite, Azurite, Pyrite, Malachite and any of the quartz crystals including Clear Quartz.

Sadly at the moment it seems that the mine where they came from is closed. 

More Pictures Of Treasure Agate

Treasure Agate
Treasure Agate
Rare Treasure Agate creates deep spiritual meditationRare Treasure Agate creates deep spiritual meditation

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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