➤ By Liz Oakes
Unakite works through the third eye chakra and encourages your visionary abilities by opening your psychic vision or clairvoyant ability.
This aids you to more clearly visualize the things you desire in your life.
It will give you help to break through the barriers that have held you back from being able to achieve your desires.
It will also help to relieve stress or depression, and aids the healing of problems in the heart and lungs.
If you are wondering how to sleep better, this is one of the healing crystals that will assist better sleep.
It has an excellent balancing action for your emotions, bringing your emotions into line with your spiritual aspects.
Addictive habits that you have had difficulty dealing with, will be helped by its energy.
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This is a lovely stone with an energy that is highly spiritual, and has a number of spiritual and metaphysical properties that will benefit your life.
Unakite stone will bring through serenity and optimism about the future.
They are said to be a stone of transformation that may heighten spiritual enlightenment and may encourage your spiritual growth.
This is a good stone to use during the difficult situations the world is undergoing right now.
Unakite has a protective element within its make-up and will help you to release negative energies and addictions that may be holding you back.
Buy Unakite at Exquisite Crystals, who sell high quality crystals.
If you have been feeling depressed or feeling that you don't know what the future holds for you, sleep with a piece of this stone under your pillow.
It is an excellent help if you are have been having trouble sleeping, and it will aid you if you are stressed.
It also has a quite powerful vibration within the heart chakra and the thymus chakra, also known as the higher heart chakra.
The thymus or higher heart chakra is about love and compassion, and also encompasses love for self.
Unakite crystal has a very helpful energy if you have low self-esteem and need to develop a greater love for the essential you.
Unakite crystal meaning is well known as a stone of couples, as they embody a love frequency that may be used to enhance long term happy lasting relationships.
Their vibration is said to be helpful for anyone who is working on a family addition, and keeping one under your pillow may ensure a healthy pregnancy .
Natural healers suggest you place a stone on your womb to enhance your spiritual connection with your unborn child.
Their energy helps to to enhance your reproductive system and ensure healthy pregnancies.
They are a great stone to aid the growth of healthy tissue and may help to clear negative emotions from the emotional body.
Unakite is known to help you to gain weight if you have lost weight during a major illness and a period of lengthy illness.
Weight gain can be helped by directing its energy towards the place you most would like the returning weight to end up.
If you have been sick for any period of time and are now going through convalescence, this stone will help you to return to normal life.
They are excellent healing crystals for you to use to aid healing within the heart and lungs and can aid recovery from injury.
As it contains Epidote, with the greener stones having more of this energy present, their vibration is strong to aid you to create change via your actions.
If you have darker stones you may want to read about Red Jasper, as it is believed that the darker reddish pink stones could have an inclusion of Red Jasper in them.
It is a very grounding stone as its vibration within the base or root chakra and the earth star makes it very helpful for grounding you.
By helping to take any excess energy down through the base to the earth for grounding this may assist you to feel better.
Wearing this green and pink stone is the easiest way to keep the healing properties of Unakite within your energy field.
Many Unakite stones may be a very dark almost red color or a deep salmon pink color.
Unakite connects the vibration of the heart chakra with the higher heart chakra which helps you to be more loving and compassionate towards yourself and others.
Keeping a piece of Unakite on your body may be helpful if you have been feeling emotionally confused, depressed or anxious.
Using these crystals will help to clear stagnant energy, and this may relieve stress and release emotional pain and tension.
If you have been unwell and have had a difficult time recuperating, having a piece on your body can be beneficial.
If you take positive actions towards your goal to get better, this stone will aid the process.
If you have any bad habits it also aids you to release them, including helping you to release addictions.
So keep a piece on your body at times when you need help with dealing with addictions, such as when your socializing.
You can wear Unakite jewelry for this purpose or simply have a piece in your pocket. As long as it is within your aura it will help you.
It is also said that there are a number of Unakite properties that makes this a perfect stone to use as a good luck charm.
Unakite is a lovely stone and is an excellent choice, as it is known to aid you to develop clairvoyant abilities.
It is one of the best crystals to use for meditation as it is known to bring through visions of a psychic nature during meditation.
Any color of these stones are beneficial to use when you are doing your daily meditation.
As it is a strong spiritual grounding stone, this means that you may meditate with it and make contact with spirit, but remain quite grounded while you do so.
Meditating with any type of crystal is a very powerful practice, and you may choose to use any stone for this purpose.
If you have addictions that you would like to break, its energy will give you help to move through the barriers that have held you back.
The energy of these crystals is quite stimulating within the third eye, and it also vibrates with a quite strong energy within the lower chakras.
If you wish to use it for grounding, the darker the pink the better, and it is possible to get them in a number of shades of color, so keep an eye on this.
If you have trouble sleeping and wonder how to sleep better, sleep with a piece of this stone under your pillow or under the bed.
Any issues from the past that you need to resolve may be helped by this practice.
You may also find that when you wake up you may have greater clarity about how to move forward in your life.
This may also aid you to release muscle tension and help to relieve stress.
Recording your dreams by keeping a dream journal may be beneficial, and as journal writing is helpful in a number of other ways this is a good practice to consider doing.
It is possible to buy this stone fairly easily and it has an excellent energy to help you to let go of negative thought patterns so that your life can improve!
The meaning of this stone's name relates to the location in the United States where it is mainly found, in the Unakas Mountains in the river valleys of Western North Carolina or eastern Tennessee.
It is a metamorphic rock also known as Unakite Jasper or Unakite Stone.
Although most of the stone comes from the United States, it is also found in Switzerland, Sierra Leone, Brazil and in Zimbabwe South Africa.
The crystal colors may vary, and this depends on the dominant mineral that is contained in an individual stone.
It is a form of granite made up of a mixture of different materials, including quartz.
The combinations in different types of Unakite are often quite diverse. You can buy tumble stones with reddish pink and green colors in various shades.
This stone is commonly made up of either Red Jasper, Salmon Orthoclase or Pink Feldspar along with olive Green Epidote and commonly is in granite.
Pink Orthoclase Feldspar may also have various other inclusions and can contain pieces of clear quartz.
This crystal has a strong third eye chakra energy and may help you to open your psychic vision.
They are a stone of vision that may aid you to visualize the things you desire in your life so that you can achieve them.
They are helpful stones for emotional healing as their energy is known to enhance emotional balance and personal growth.
They are an excellent stone for meditation that make a strong spiritual connection as their vibration helps to bring your emotions into line with your spirituality.
In summary: If you are convalescing it will help your recovery and will help you to release stress and you may start to learn how sleep better too.
They are a powerful tool to use to help you to let go of anger and negative feelings which may manifest in disease if you keep them within you.
By using this stone to release these negative thought patterns it aids you to move forwards and gain increased good health more quickly.
What are the best crystals to use with Unakite?
You may choose to combine it with high crystal energy stones, particularly if you are working on your spiritual growth.
Specific stones that may work well with this stone may be the higher vibration crystals such as Herkimer Diamonds, Moldavite, Datolite and Phenacite.
Using these higher vibration stones may help you to develop clairvoyance or psychic visions. They are known to assist you to have clearer and more vivid visions when using it during meditation.
To help you to if you wish to release addictions you could combine it with other crystals for addiction.
Stones to use with it includes Astrophyllite, Black Obsidian, Thulite or Amethyst as bringing in the energy of other crystals can create a more powerful result.
Have you been having trouble sleeping? Then you may choose to combine your Unakite with other stones to help you to sleep better.
Stones that you might choose includes Scolecite, Howlite, Stilbite or Kinoite.
If you combine it with Red Jasper Crystals, it may give you added energy, strength and stamina.
Use it with Green Calcite, Variscite, Tugtupite or Dioptase to boost this stones vibration of love and compassion.
There are a quite a few crystal books currently selling.
So it is easy to buy a book about crystals and stones that will assist you to find out more about the many types of stones and crystals now becoming available.
Some authors have been working with crystals for many years in the crystal healing community.
This includes Melody, who has written an in-depth very large crystal book, and Judy Hall, who is one of my favorite authors.
Judy Hall has written the three crystal bibles, and in addition she has many other books that may aid you to work out new ways to use your crystals.
I have written reviews on some of my favorite books, just to give you an idea whether a certain book will suit your way of thinking.
To read my crystal book reviews Click Here.
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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