How To Use A Pendulum

To Communicate With Spirit 

➤ By Liz Oakes

Need to know how to use a pendulum? Want to learn how its done? 

Using a pendulum is a simple way to access insight and Divine guidance and they are very accurate, if used correctly. 

The pendulum is a tool used to communicate with spirit via your higher self, your subconscious mind or your guides.  

How To Use A PendulumChevron Amethyst Crystal Pendulum: Learn How To Use A Pendulum

Use for more accurate decision making as this one way that you can confidently make decisions based on a precise method.

A pendulum is a spiritual tool that can be used to aid you to make decisions about healing, and is a fast and easy way to get answers to problems.

An interesting use of your pendulum is to find lost objects. It can also be used to help you decide if a crystal you are buying is the right one for you to use. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Pendulum Use: A Simple Pendulum

There are quite a few different types of pendulums available, if you want to buy one. So why would you want to use a pendulum? 

If you are a person who has been working on your spiritual growth or psychic gifts, this will be an aid to boost the flow of spiritual energy coming through to you.

A simple pendulum is a very ordinary little device, you just need to learn how to use it. 

Learning how to use a pendulum is easy, and is just is a matter of making the time to become competent. 

Interesting Fact: What you are doing is communicating with your higher self, and accessing insight and Divine Guidance when you do it. 

This is often called pendulum dowsing or divinationYour spirit guides may also help you if its needed.

Boost Your Overall Vibration

You do not need to have any sort of spiritual experience to do this, as it will work for you regardless.

One of the reasons that you might choose to regularly use a pendulum, is that every time you develop another gift that you can use to communicate with spirit, your overall vibration gets higher.

Once you make a strong connection with Spirit or your higher self, as this happens, the overall level of the gifts that you have may increase and therefore these abilities are easier to use.

Sodalite pendulumSodalite pendulum

It is beneficial to learn how to use a pendulum, as this is also a simple tool that you can utilize to aid you in making decisions about healing.

You will see that they are available to buy in a choice of beautiful natural crystals, and there are many beautiful pendulums in different styles that are lovely to use.

You will see many examples of different stones used to make them, so there are lots of types to choose from. 

Use your own intuition to help you to decide what is right for you.

How To Use A Pendulum: Gemstone Pendulum

It is helpful to learn how to use a pendulum so you can be confident about what you are doing from the start.

Natural Citrine pendulums, like the one below, are excellent healing crystals for you to use for the purpose of crystal dowsing.

There are also many other gemstone pendulums similar to this that are very easy to buy and you may find one made from your favorite crystal.

You can buy a gemstone pendulum in a range of shapes and sizes, and the specific shape is not very important.

Most pendulums work regardless of whether they are smooth or have a number of sides.

Pendulums Are Made In A Variety Of Stones

You can get pendulums in a variety of different stones, and I have successfully used ones made from an assortment of stone types.

Those that have a ring on the chain, or a ball on the end of the chain, are perfect, as it is beneficial to have something to hold onto.

Alternatively just wrap the chain around your finger.

The reason that I suggest that you use one made from quartz crystal, is that quartz crystal is a strong amplifier of energy, so is a popular choice.

Using a crystal pendulum made from quartz is good, as it helps you to more easily pick up more subtle vibrations within the messages coming through.

My favorite type of pendulum is made of crystal, and in particular made from quartz crystal, and these are available at most crystal shops.

Dowsing Natural Remedies With A Pendulum

A wooden pendulum may be more appropriate when using a pendulum to dowse for solutions to some health issues.

This is valuable if you are using one to dowse for a specific remedy to take, such as any type of bushflower essence or homeopathic remedy. 

Shungite is a carbon based stone so will have a similar effect to a wooden pendulum.

A dowsing pendulum is quite easy to make yourself, so I suggest you may want to make a simple pendulum first to get you started.

As they can be made quite easily, once you learn how to use a pendulum you can start work immediately and begin using a pendulum.

Buy any weighted object. This includes a crystal or stone that is a shape that is equal on all sides as this will work best.

This ensures that they swing without being affected by their shape, as this can cause them to always go in one direction.

The main thing is to be able to attach it easily, to either a piece of chain or a length of light cord.

If you already have a crystal necklace or pendant, and especially one made from quartz crystal, that would be a good choice. They are that simple to make.

Cleanse Your Pendulum

If your pendulum is made from any type of crystal, please remember that it is important to cleanse your crystals regularly to remove negative energy.

Important Note: although some people use sea salt to cleanse crystals, a lot of people find that this damages the stone.

My personal preference is to simply use cold tap water to clear any negative energies. 

Use Of A Pendulum: Learn How To Use A Pendulum

Before looking at how to use a pendulum, to get started with using a pendulum, the best way is to buy yourself a proper pendulum.

They come in a variety of stone types, and you will see a number of different kinds illustrated here. For your first pendulum there are many sorts of stone to choose between.

A pendulum basically is made up of a reasonably long chain or cord, around 6 to 8 inches in length, with a ring or weight on the end of the cord.

Those shown here are all pendulum's that I have purchased as they appealed to me, including the lovely purple and white Chevron Amethyst Pendulum in the image.

It's up to you whether you buy one straight away when you are learning how to use a pendulum or whether to wait until you have become proficient at using it.

Although I have a few pendulums that I have bought and that I use regularly, it is quite easy to make a simple pendulum to get you started.

Some people like to keep a single pendulum for doing divination work, but the best part is that once you learn the process any pendulum will work for you to get answers.

While you may choose to always use a specific pendulum, and I usually use my Amethyst pendulum, once you have learned to receive answers from your unconscious mind any pendulum will work.

How To Use A Pendulum To Receive Guidance From Spirit

When start working on how to use a pendulum, one of the first things to do is to discover how you, and your higher self like to communicate with your pendulum. 

Once you get the answer and you have a better understanding about how you receive yes and no, the process of using a pendulum can begin.

The first thing you do, to reassure yourself how it works, is to ask it some easy questions that you already know the answers to.

Then work up to using it to divine the answers to things you do not know. Over time you will learn how to use a pendulum properly and see how accurate the answers are.

It is valuable to use this divination tool to receive guidance from Spirit, your guardian angels, spirit guides, or your higher self.

This may be especially helpful when you need the right answer to questions you need answered related to any type of spiritual practice you may be undertaking.

You can use your pendulum to aid you in working out answers to all sorts of things. Using a pendulum is really quite simple.

One of the things I use a pendulum for is to choose crystals.

An example of this may be when you are looking at a number of stones that may look similar, such as Green Prehnite and Light Green Aventurine.

You can use your pendulum to help you find out if they are really what they are labeled.

Pendulum Divination: A Pendulum Is A Useful Tool

If you don't have your own pendulum with you when shopping in a crystal shop, you can always borrow one of the shops pendulums.

Once you know how to use a pendulum you can take it to a quiet corner of the shop, then ask your question.

Although using a pendulum made from crystal may be your personal preference, any sort of weight on the end of a string will work for this purpose.

But be aware that you may end up buying it, as that is how I ended up owning the lovely Amethyst pendulum shown further down the page!

I made an instant connection with it, and just had to take it home, and it works beautifully, because of course it is made from quartz.

I also bought the Clear Quartz Pendulum below at a crystal shop I was visiting as once you connect with the right pendulum it makes it easy to get correct answers.

Have fun learning how to use it!

Have fun learning how to use it! 

The fun part is that you can also use it when shopping for your crystals, as this is one of the easiest ways to use to aid you to decide which piece is the right one.

It is a very useful tool to have in your collection, and using a pendulum is very helpful to get accurate answers, so it is good to learn to use it. 

This may help you to get additional answers and guidance from spirit, your higher self or your subconscious mind. 

If your intuition or sixth sense prompts you that the stone in front of you may not be what it is labeled, use a pendulum to get the answer.

If there are a few stones to choose between, you can use the pendulum to help you to decide the one that will work best, for your highest good. 

If you have been developing any gifts, including any type of psychic gifts, such as clairvoyance, use a pendulum in combination with your other gifts.

First Find Out How It Wants To Communicate

The very first step in learning how to use a pendulum, is to find out how it wants to communicate its answers to you.

You will need a "yes", a "no", and a "maybe" answer, and if you want, "I don't want to answer that".

In order to be sure that your answers are accurate, especially when you start, a good idea is to sit down at a desk or table, so there is support under your elbow.

But note that once you learn how to use a pendulum, you'll use it just by standing still and connecting to it.

So: start by taking a few deep breaths to calm yourself and to clear your mind before you begin.

The First Step

The first step when you begin using a pendulum is to hold it in your dominant hand. 

To make your pendulum work properly, the important thing is that you don't try to control it in any way.

It must hang loosely so that the flow of energy is not blocked and it can easily move in different directions when required.

I like to loop my chain over my index finger with the end of the chain between my thumb and index finger, ensuring the pendulum swings freely.

Getting Started

Getting started:

Hold it in your hand and keep an open mind as you quietly ask the question. You want the pendulum to tell you how it shows: yes, no, maybe and I don't want to answer.

If you do not get an answer, perhaps it is not the right time to be working with your pendulum, or perhaps you need to meditate and soothe and calm yourself.

The first time make sure you only ask simple questions that have a definite answer, such as "Is my name..."

Ask one question that has a simple YES answer and one that has a simple NO answer to ensure that you get a clear answer, to reassure yourself.

How To Use A Pendulum: Connect To Your Higher Self

I start by saying aloud, "Connect to my higher self."

I feel that by speaking these words, this gives notice to my spirit guides that we are beginning, and lets me know that I have connected.

First you would ask "Please show me yes," and wait for its response. If the pendulum does not move, it means that you have got no response.

In that case simply continue on with the next question. Next you ask, "Show me no."

Some pendulums like to answer that question first. Usually when the pendulum moves, the swing of the pendulum will always move in a particular way.

If you get no response to either question you could make a decision and speak it aloud, for example "Yes is ..."

How To Use A Pendulum: Pendulum Questions

Pendulum Questions: In my case the pendulum showed me:

  • No as.... moving in a circular motion, usually in a big circle.
  • Yes as.... moving backwards and forwards.
  • Maybe as.... moving in a tiny circle, similar to yes but barely moving.
  • I don't want to answer... this varies. Sometimes it will move all over the place... or stay perfectly still... not moving at all.

If you are extremely skeptical, you may hold it back from answering. Just relax your mind and tell yourself to allow the process to happen.

Then do it again. Most people find they get the answer straight away.

How To Use A Pendulum: Working With Pendulums

Pendulums are easy to buy and it is possible to purchase a range of pendulums, similar to the ones shown on this page.

You will find that as they are completely symmetrical you can be totally sure that your answers will be correct.

I like this Rose Quartz pendulum, as it seems to communicate more easily than the others.

Perhaps because my guide likes the loving, heart based energy of Rose Quartz.

Once you have your pendulum you will want to work out its program. Before using a pendulum you need to know its way of communicating its answers to you.

Your spirit guide is working through your pendulum, and if you have not previously worked with your spirit guide, this may be your way of contacting your spirit guide for the first time.

Choosing When To Work With It

Choosing when to work with it is valuable, as it is important to choose a time to work with your pendulum when you will be undisturbed, and when you have the time to do the process properly.

Approach using a pendulum in a respectful way, and do not do it if your own energy isn't strong or if you are unwell or over-tired.

The reason for this is that if you are using the pendulum at times like this you may not correctly interpret the answers.

Now you have your pendulum you will want to work with it, to decide its directions.

When you are contemplating how to use a pendulum to communicate with spirit, you may wish to approach this in a reverent way.

How To Use A Pendulum: Make A Pendulum Chart

If you are not sure about how to use a pendulum with this simple yes/no system, look at different ways that people use for divination work, such as using a chart or pendulum board.

It's easy to buy a pendulum chart or board or you can make one yourself, as for some people this gives better results.

Some people like to make a chart, to aid them in ensuring that their answers are accurate. This is a tried and true method to add to the above, to give you total surety.

The next steps would be to draw a circle and dissect it, showing eight different points on the circle, eight different directions.

Put "Yes" on the top and bottom, "No" to the left and right, "Maybe" on the diagonal one way, and "I don't want to answer" on the diagonal the other way.

Then instruct the pendulum to show you the answers via the chart.

It will work perfectly once you have given the pendulum, which is connecting to your higher self, the instructions.

Auralite 23Auralite 23

If you are wondering what type of healing you should have for a health problem, you can utilize your pendulum to get the answer easily and quickly.

They can be used to help you to find lost objects too, as long as you ask the right question.

This sounds simple, but if you aren't getting an answer, refine the question, make it more targeted.

Or if the question is too specific, make it less so, and remember it also depends on how you are thinking, so only do this when you are feeling positive.

It May Take Time To Become Competent

There are many different ways of structuring your questions. Write out sample questions to use to keep you on track, but remember that simplicity is important.

If you read tarot cards, you can also combine pendulum divination with the cards for added accuracy.

There are many ways of utilizing your pendulum and what I have outlined are the simple basics.

In summary: once you start to use it you will become adept at getting answers and it will help you to plan your life. 

If you are a healer and are not sure at any time about what your client needs, by using a pendulum you may learn the specific area where the problem is.

This may make it easier for you to make decisions about the treatment, or even what questions to ask them. 

My Final Thoughts

My Final Thoughts: Using a crystal pendulum is easy, and is just is a matter of making the time to become competent in how to use a pendulum.

There are many possible answers you can get when using a spiritual pendulum and this does depend on the types of questions you ask.

How to use a pendulum for best results:

  • Ask a question where a simple yes or no is the answer.
  • Avoid complex questions so that you do not get the wrong answer.
  • If your intuition tells you the answer is not right, ask another different question. 

Ametrine PendulumAmetrine Pendulum
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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