➤ By Liz Oakes
Variscite is a stone with a lovely vibration that will kindle joyous feelings and bring peace and harmony to your heart.
It enhances life by generating feelings of inner peace, love and compassion, and helps you to find solutions to problems.
They have an excellent energy to help anyone with stress or anxiety and aid you have greater trust in the power of spirit and helps emotional healing.
Their energy is known to help you to discover more about your past lives, particularly in connection to the reasons for your present illness.
It is beneficial for anyone who is an invalid or who is caring for someone who has been sick for a long time.
It is especially helpful if they are feeling despair about the length of their illness and their recovery.
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The lovely energy of this stone establishes a connection between the etheric body, known as the lightbody, and the physical body, and stimulates healing on both levels.
It is a known as a stone of transformation that has a strong healing action at the heart chakra to help you to heal emotional problems.
This stone is especially helpful if you have emotional trauma, and are feeling full of despair and unable to find hope for the future.
This crystal helps you to feel calm as it has a strong vibration of harmony.
It has a strong action at the higher heart chakra, where it stimulates feelings of unconditional love and compassion.
This helps you to rise above any anxiety, depression or stress you may be feeling. Its lovely energy helps you to embrace the joy that comes through to you from spirit.
Variscite is easy to buy, and this stone of love has a harmonious energy that does not need any special way to use it.
You will benefit by using it in meditation, as Variscite helps to calm your mind and aids you to slip easily into the meditative state.
By its strong connection to the loving vibration of spirit, and by aligning you with the energy of the earth, a meditation using this stone will be very helpful.
You may find you are enabled to make a connection with past lives while using this stone. This may give you insights into why your life is currently the way it is.
It connects with both the heart chakra and thymus chakra, and this brings through a powerful energy of love and compassion.
This is very helpful to assist you to love yourself first, as only by loving yourself can you truly love another.
It resonates strongly and connects the etheric body to the physical body.
This is beneficial to relieve stress which helps this way of feeling to become a normal state of affairs in your life, and assists you to feel the courage to deal with life's problems.
This is a good crystal healing stone that has a good healing action in the body, and has quite a few highly beneficial physical healing properties.
It is known to particularly help problems of the central nervous system, is said to help male reproductive issues, such as impotence and is said to aid the immune system.
There are a number of other health issues that the energies of this stone may help including:
As many of these stones are a more yellow green, they can be helpful to aid manifestation, although they will not bring great amounts of increased wealth.
The yellow green stones work within the solar plexus chakra to enhance self confidence and personal power.
These green crystals are easy to get, and come in various sizes and colors.
Variscite stones aid you to find solutions to problems and to have deeper trust in the power of spirit to assist you to find the best answer to your situation.
This green stone is an excellent crystal for problem solving that also enhances your life by generating feelings of inner peace, love and compassion.
The energy of this stone may aid you to learn better, and to find solutions to difficult problems that you have been previously unable to solve.
They are a stone of prosperity that may encourage you to solve any issues you may have, in order to manifest the things you have a scarcity of in your life.
Rather than simply being a stone of prosperity, they are known to manifest ideas that may be helpful for solving problems to bring the best solutions to improve your life.
Using one of these stones is one of the powerful practices to enhance inner strength and is one of the best solutions to relieve stress.
This is one of the crystals for mental clarity, and by bringing clarity of thought and releasing stress it encourages a positive mental state by healing your emotions.
They are a good stone to help you to learn more about your past lives, particularly in connection to the reasons for any current illness in your present life.
Variscite is a true worry stone that will open the heart and help you to release negative energy into the light to enhance good health and harmony in your life.
This is a powerful crystal to use to to cleanse your auric field, and by creating a connection to the energy of the earth and Universal love may help you to release disharmony and negative feelings.
It has a lovely energy of love and strong compassion that can help to create connections between people who might otherwise find it difficult to find common ground.
This stone has a positive effect on your auric field, and will clear negativity and disharmonious energy from it.
Variscite is a calming stone that is helpful to aid you if you are in any type of relationship with others.
This even applies to relationships with work colleagues with whom you find difficult to feel any connection.
It helps you to feel more congruent with others who may have quite different ideals or beliefs from you and may bring a sense of community to the situation.
Its energy encourages the sense of 'live and let live', and helps everyone to work together and cooperate, regardless of background or beliefs.
You may like to place a piece of Variscite in your pocket, or for the girls, in your bra, as the closer it is to the heart the more you will find that its loving vibration will be of benefit.
If you wish to wear a piece of the stone instead of jewelry, you could wear it by putting it in a macrame crystal holder.
Macrame crystal holders are easy to buy, and if you get one with as sliding bead above the stone, it's easy to change the crystals when you want to use something different.
This lovely crystal is on the zodiac birthstones list, and you can buy some truly lovely Variscite jewelry pieces.
Semiprecious gemstone jewelry will be most beneficial to you if you wear it close to your heart where it may encourage feelings of love.
This is an excellent relationship stone and it makes a perfect stone to give someone as a gift.
It is possible to jewelry made from this stone, and this stone has such a lovely vibration to clear emotional distress and trauma.
For best results, wearing a lovely Variscite pendant will help to immerse you in its energy.
It is a birthstone for a number of different signs including being a Gemini and Scorpio Birthstone as well as a Taurus birthstone, so you should be able to buy attractive birthstone jewelry made from this stone.
This is a favorable stone to help you if you are suffering from depression, anxiety or stress and may bring good luck and
Variscite is a calming stone with a heartfelt vibration that will give rise to joyous feelings, and bring peace and harmony within the heart chakra area.
In summary: it is advantageous for anyone who is an invalid or who is caring for someone who has been sick for a long time.
It may be especially helpful if the person who is sick is feeling disheartened about the length of their illness.
It is one of the crystals for negativity, and wearing it is one of the best solutions to help you to clear negative emotions.
It is found in the Congo, in South Africa, Bolivia, Germany, Austria, the Czech Republic and in Australia.
It has a long history in the United States in where it comes from Arizona, Nevada and Utah, where it is known as Utahlite.
The meaning of its name relates to the area in Germany where it was originally discovered.
Most of this stone is a green color, and it occurs in a number of different shades with the color range going from light green through to apple green and a deeper green.
There are even some bluish green stones, and less commonly it can also be white or gray, and may have brown inclusions and white veining.
This is a rare hydrated aluminium phosphate mineral that may occur as Variscite nodules, as crusts or in the massive form.
What are the best crystals to combine with Variscite? To accentuate its loving vibration you may choose to combine it with crystals that have a similar energy, including any of the other heart chakra stones.
Many of the green heart based crystals are very helpful to combine with it. Stones such as Amegreen, Green Calcite, Green Tourmaline or Ajoite would be good choices.
Other useful stones that you may like to combine it with, includes some of the lovely higher heart crystals, such as Emerald, Pink Danburite, Chrysoprase or Pink Tugtupite.
Use it with the lovely green Dioptase crystals. These are potent higher heart chakra stones, that stimulate stronger feelings of compassion towards others.
It is a wonderful stone to use in a grid combined with clear quartz, also called the master healer, to aid healing.
Use it with Green Turquoise Stones, Pink Tourmaline, Rose Quartz, to help you to understand and heal yourself if you lack self love.
There are a large number of other crystals that work well with it, as it has such a strong loving vibration that is beneficial combined with a number of other stones.
In particular other heart and higher heart chakra stones, such as Lepidocrocite, Ajoite, Eilat Stone, Vivianite or Stichtite will combine well with it.
To help how this stone works to assist you to find solutions to difficulties in your life, combine it with other crystals that aid problem solving.
Use stones that are helpful for this purpose such as Chiastolite also known as Cross Stone, Hackmanite, Boulder Opal or Tiger Eye.
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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