Vesuvianite or Idocrase

Follow Your Hearts Desire

➤ By Liz Oakes

Vesuvianite has a strong vibration that will assist you to follow your heart's desire.

Its action helps you to override the energy of the ego, and its vibration is a strong aid for spiritual growth, and forward movement in your life.

It has a strong energy to help you to be more organized and may help you to release clutter from your life, including mental clutter.


It has strong metaphysical properties, that help you to embrace the desires of the higher self and the true yearnings of the heart.

It was named for the major deposits found at the volcano on Mt Vesuvius but is also called Idocrase.

It is a zodiac birthstone for Sagittarius and Capricorn and is often found in jewelry as it makes beautiful birthstone jewelry. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use It?

This is a lovely stone that will work within all chakras, and while its vibration is positive for all chakras, some colors resonate more strongly within particular chakras.

Although the actual result may depend on its color, the deep green stones carry the vibration of the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra, as do the lighter green Vesuvianite stones.


The light green crystals will vibrate within both of the heart chakras, and within the solar plexus chakra.

This stones specific energy is powerful to unite these chakras, and will aid you to follow your hearts desire.

Much of the time the ego controls your will, and this energy dominates much of your life, and you may feel restricted and are unable to follow your true path.

The solar plexus holds the energy of the will, and this light green stone will free your will, and allow you to unite the energy of the heart with the will, and follow your true calling.

The courage to allow your heart to rule your life, is enabled by the vibration of the yellow-green Idocrase stones.

Release Fear & Old Patterns

Idocrase aids you to release fear and any old patterns, including past life issues affecting your current life, that you may be holding in your subconscious.

They are good crystals for helping you to conquer fear, and by releasing this energy, you may be enabled to move forward with your spiritual growth.

Once this has occurred you may also be able to make changes within other areas of your life that may have been holding back your progress.

Idocrase or Vesuvianite with both purple and green in.Idocrase or Vesuvianite with both purple and green in

This movement forward in your life may help you to eliminate depression. Using this stone will help you to move in a new direction spiritually. 

This may aid your overall spirituality and health. It furnishes a connection to the higher self, and this may aid you to access knowledge on your souls present incarnation. 

It may aid you to become aware of past life situations that may be affecting your life.

Its action within the second chakra, the sacral or navel chakra, it may also inspire inventiveness and flair, and stimulates and enhances creativity.

It may encourage you to release blocks that have stopped you from following your heart's desire.

How To Use It: Meditation Benefits

Meditation with this stone is extremely helpful, and you may engage your Higher self in the process.

If you want to make major changes, if your heart is being tugged to take your life in a new direction, meditate with this stone.

Via its energy in the sacral chakra area, it will assist you to take notice of your feelings, and has the potential to increase the development of clairsentience.

One of the best Vesuvianite uses is to start meditating with it. This may help you if your relationship is not what you want it to be.

Their energy may be helpful to give you guidance if you are stuck in your job and are unsure which way to go.


As its energy helps you to better organize your mind, and align your thoughts with your physical reality, major change may happen.

It stimulates your mind to be more organized and this may also help you to organize things too, as it has a good energy to assist de-cluttering.

Using these crystals to declutter and organize your home or workspace may be advantageous, especially if you have too much stuff and can't find things.

Begin working with the energy of the beautiful pale green crystalline Vesuvianite stone within the solar plexus chakra, and its vibration will also resonate within the sacral or navel chakra.

For best results you may wish to keep it on you for as long as possible each day.

This doesn't mean that you have to wear jewelry made from it, as you can carry a piece in your pocket or wear it in a macrame crystal holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder and they come in a range of colors and sizes.

Wearing Vesuvianite Or Idocrase

Vesuvianite is also called Idocrase but may be sold as Idocrase in many parts of the world.

It is a natural crystal that will assist you to live your life in line with what you truly desire.  

This stone is on the zodiac birthstone list, as it is both a Sagittarius and a Capricorn birthstone.

Lovely Idocrase crystals are popular made into birthstone jewelry, and should be found fairly easily.


It is a chakra stone for quite a few chakras, and its vibration is extremely effective when worn at the heart, higher heart and solar plexus. 

Idocrase or Vesuvianite pendants or necklaces are an excellent way to wear these beautiful stones, as its energy within the chest area will resonate within all of the nearby chakras.

If you are going through a troublesome period where you may be finding it difficult to cope, wear jewelry made from one of these stones.

Alternatively put a piece of the stone in your pocket, to aid you to surmount the problems.

It will aid you to let go of fear, and help you to find out where you really want to be, as you envisage how you really desire your life to be.

Vesuvianite Healing Properties

Vesuvianite crystals are known to be beneficial healing stones. They are known to have a number of useful healing properties.

This green mineral is said to strengthen the enamel of the teeth as well as helping your sense of smell, and may aid the healing of skin break-outs.

VesuvianiteGreen Idocrase Cluster

It is known to aid the body to better assimilate minerals from food.

Its action within the sacral chakra may also help the healing of gut problems such as diverticulitis.

It also has healing attributes that relate to those who are having trouble dealing with emotional issues as it has a good action to aid depression and anxiety.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

It may help you to develop your intuitive abilities, and will help to create a sense of inner security. 

As the energy of this stone resonates within the third eye, it may assist you to release any beliefs that are not in your best interests.


This stone has a lovely spiritual aspect to it, and for this use you might choose to find an Idocrase stone that is either purple, or with some purple within it.

Its energy within the higher heart will facilitate the break down of fear and the release anger and negativity, as it engenders feelings of wholeness and integrity.

In summary: this stone may help you to be more confident and assured, and to speak in a straightforward manner when encountering negative people.

It may promote patriotism and loyalty to others. Many people find it hard to be candid when confronted about their beliefs, because of fear of what other people will think of you.

This lovely green stone's vibration supports you to collapse negative thought patterns that have been holding you back.

Where Is It From? Idocrase & Vesuvianite Meaning

The original meaning of the name Idocrase relates to the classical Greek word 'Eidos'.  

The meaning of the name of Vesuvianite stone is relates to the location where it was found on Mount Vesuvius in Italy.  

It is also found in Quebec, Canada and various locations in the United States, including in Vermont and Maine. 

It is also called Idocrase, depending on where it is sold, and both names are acceptable. In the jewelry trade it may be sold more often as Idocrase.

Brown VesuvianiteBrown Vesuvianite

It may be white, pale blue, purple, red, yellow, brown, yellowish-green or green. Some stones may have purple colors within the same stone.

If you are looking for the answer to what Vesuvainite is, the mineral make-up of this stone is hydrated silica.

These green stones natural growth may be in a massive, compact form, or in short prismatic or pyramidal crystals, which make lovely crystal jewelry.

I have also been told that some places are selling a similar stone as Vasanite or Vessonite, and while it may be the same stone I am not sure if this is the case.

Best Crystals To Use With Vesuvianite

What are the best crystals to combine with Vesuvianite, also called Idocrase?

Its lovely energy is powerful within the higher heart or thymus chakra, and combining it with some of the more effective thymus chakra stones such as Green Kyanite, Tugtupite and Dioptase will be helpful.

To assist with forgiveness, Green Selenite combines well with this stone.

Combine it with Golden Labradorite, Heliodor, Emeralds or Kunzite or any of the green Garnets such as Tsavorite Garnet, to intensify the vibration of the Vesuvianite crystals.

To encourage spiritual transformation, combine the light green or yellow green stones with Moldavite or Libyan Desert Glass, also known as Libyan Gold Tektite.

This crystal combination will advance the release of fear, and help you to release negative attachments.

Other crystals that will help you to let go of fear includes Staurolite, Rutilated Quartz, Moldavite or  Witches Finger Quartz.

Crystal Books

The crystal books shown here are all very in-depth crystal reference books. You may notice that I show many books written by Judy Hall.

Her explanations are very clear and this makes these wonderful books to help you to understand the crystals you own.


I like Cassandra Eason's book, as she organizes the stones by color. This is very helpful if you can't remember the name of the stone you bought.

Looking through the pictures in the color group may help you to remember the name. To read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

Vesuvianite Meaning & UseVesuvianite Meaning & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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