➤ By Liz Oakes
Vogesite helps past life healing and also assists you to release any feelings of guilt, shame or trauma related to these former lives.
It helps you to have faith in yourself and its energy helps to heal any pain caused by negativity that may have filled your spirit in the past.
The vibration of this stone helps you to realize that you already have what you need inside of yourself and encourages you to look within for answers.
The meaning of crystals like these relates to their energy to help you to have greater confidence in your life journey.
The vibration of this stone helps you be aware of the show side of yourself and aids you to discover parts of yourself that you have repressed.
It helps you to let go of negative or harmful parts of yourself as it is known to be a stone of innocence that may aid you to release dishonesty and may reawaken the innocent child within you.
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Vogesite has a good action to assist you to understand where you are right now in your life so you will have greater faith in yourself and your decisions.
Their vibration may assist you to remember where you have been in the past, in order to encourage you to go forward with confidence.
The meaning of these brownish orange crystals concerns how their energy may aid you to have confidence in your life journey.
They may assist you to understand where you are and where you have been so that you can go forward with assurance.
The energy of these stones encourages you to have a greater level of understanding of who you really are.
This may help you to realize that you already have what you need inside of yourself, and to look within for answers.
They are good crystals for inner child healing and there is a specific meditation on that page to use if you feel you have problems related to your childhood.
The Vogesite healing properties relate to its action to aid past life healing and releases any guilt or shame related to these lives.
It is said to be a stone of innocence that may help to reawaken the innocent child within and to heal any pain and negativity that have filled your spirit.
It resonates within the sacral chakra and is said to assist healing of problems such reproduction and issues within the kidneys by its action to clear any energy blockages in your energy system that needs healing.
They are known to boost the immune system and may assist with the release of toxins being held in the body.
They are good crystals for stress and anxiety that is being caused by issues from the past that have not been dealt with.
By their action to assist you to work through old problems, they may aid the healing of any stress or tension you have not released.
These stones are known to assist inner child healing, by bringing old issues forward into your mind to be dealt with and released, and are known to help issues that are psychosomatic in nature.
The meaning of crystals like these relates to their energy to aid you to have confidence in your life journey, and to understand where you are and where you have been so that you can go forward with assurance.
This stone's energy helps you to realize that you already have what you need inside of yourself, and to look within for answers.
They are strong crystals for creativity and like most orange crystals have a good vibration within the sacral chakra.
The sacral chakra has a good action to help emotional healing and these crystals also enhance relationship, especially if feelings of guilt and shame are causing problems.
As you move forward with releasing old past life trauma, they are also said to boost confidence and self assurance in the steps needed to choose the way ahead in your life.
Vogesite is found in South Africa and is said to be a type of jasper or chalcedony, that is purported to contain feldspar, hornblende and orthoclase.
It commonly has swirls and patterns in a range of earthy colors, such as yellow, red, brown, olive green and cream, and some pieces contain dendrites.
Dendrites are formations that may resemble a tree and often look like branches in a stone. Often these are very small.
This is a variety of jasper that was discovered fairly recently, and while it is not a common stone, it is reasonably easy to obtain.
The meaning of the name Vogesite comes from the Vosges mountains in France, where stones of a similar nature were found.
What are the best crystals to combine with Vogesite? It is known to boost your level of confidence in your life journey.
It may aid you to understand what is needed to feel sure of your abilities and how you use them.
There are a number of other stones that boost confidence and self assurance, and pairing them with Vogesite may assist you to be at ease over your choices.
Some excellent stones that can help you to feel sure about your own decisions includes Uvarovite, Serandite, Pyrolusite and Piemontite.
The energy of these stones are known for their action to assist the healing of past life trauma.
Past life healing can be needed if you have been investigating your past lives and feel those lives may have created spiritual wounding that needs tending to.
It you feel you need more help to discover if past lives have caused you any type of trauma, including both physically and spiritually you might find it beneficial to pair them with other stones known to help past life healing.
Specific stones to pair with them for this purpose includes Black Onyx, Ancestralite, Dream Quartz and Kambaba Stone.
If you discover that there is any guilt or shame associated with anything that has happened in past lives, you may find it useful to pair them with some of the stones that help with the release of guilt or shame.
Crystals that might assist you with releasing these feelings includes Chrysocolla, Rhodolite Garnet, Angelite or Blue Apatite.
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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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