Watermelon Tourmaline

Boosts Joy & Happiness

➤ By Liz Oakes

Watermelon Tourmaline embodies a strong heart based energy and lightens your mood by infusing you with blissful feelings! 

They enhance the growth of joy and happiness in your life and may lift you emotionally. They help to promote friendship and loving relationships and aid you to let go of stress, tension and fear.

Genuine Watermelon TourmalineGenuine Watermelon Tourmaline

These wonderful stones awaken the heart and higher heart chakras, which encourages the growth of compassion, forgiveness and the release of fear.

The color of these beautiful stones is are quite beautiful to look at as well.

They are quite unique and you only have to look at them to understand the reason for their name.

While the colors of these stones look like a mixture of Green Tourmaline and Pink Tourmaline, the meaning of stones like these is a little different to each of the colors on their own.

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Why Would You Use Watermelon Tourmaline? 

These beautiful crystals embody a potent heart based energy as they connect strongly within the heart and higher heart chakras.

They are a lovely merging of the energy of Green Tourmaline and Pink Tourmaline or in some cases the darker Rubellite crystals.

Green is very well known as a heart chakra color and magenta pink is a color that resonates within the higher heart chakra.

Watermelon TourmalineWatermelon Tourmaline

The vibration of these colors within Watermelon Tourmaline is effective to unite the heart and higher heart chakras.

Shop Watermelon Tourmaline here. The unity of these chakras is powerful to enhance the growth of Divine love and can assist emotional healing.

Their strong heart based energy is highly beneficial to help anyone who is finding current situations are filling you with fear and dread.

They may help you if you have been finding that you feel like climbing the walls in your search for release from panic or dismay from world events. 

Watermelon TourmalineWatermelon Tourmaline Raw

Thy are excellent crystals to help you to conquer fearful feelings you may be experiencing as their energy aids the release of fear, panic and distress.

Note: that if you have been finding it hard to release feelings of fear and alarm perhaps you might choose to use them with others stones that aid the release of fear.

There is more about this in the section below about combining stones for various reasons.

How Will Watermelon Tourmaline Help You? 

The energy of these unique crystals is highly beneficial to stimulate the growth of feelings of joy and happiness within you.

These joyful feelings can improve relationships with those closest to you, and by their energy to increase patience and tact may improve communication with others, including your partner.

Watermelon TourmalineWatermelon Tourmaline Specimen

By virtue of its activity to boost feelings of authentic joy in your life, it may assist both Spiritual healing and/or emotional healing.

Its vibration also helps you to identify soul agreements or soul contracts entered into before you came into your current life, and this can assist you to understand your partner better.

Through its action to help you to release wounded feelings that may have been marring your relationship.

They are excellent crystals for friendship and they have an energy that encourages both your friendships and your intimate relations to be more harmonious.

Watermelon TourmalineWatermelon Tourmaline Tumblestone

Your relationship can be improved by placing it in the bedroom, so that the energy impacts you while you both sleep.

Many people find that it also helps you to sleep better and they are known to be good crystals for patience so they may assist you to keep going at difficult times.

How To Use It: Healing Properties

In common with both the Rubellite or Pink Tourmaline and the green variety of these stones, they have some beneficial healing properties.

Healing properties of Watermelon Tourmaline include:

As they resonate within the area of the heart and higher heart, they may assist healing of heart related health problems and they are also known to aid angina.

  • They are also known to bring emotional healing and may help disorders of the lungs. 
  • They are said to help the immune system.

As it contains Green Tourmaline, in common with the green crystal it is known to help with healing of the eyes and the brain.

The green variety is also known to assist ADD and hyperactivity and may help to prevent panic attacks.

Tumbled Watermelon TourmalineTumbled Watermelon Tourmaline

These crystals are also beneficial to use if you are feeling a disconnect from Spirit due to the situation rolling out in the world right now.

Use them in a crystal meditation to calm and soothe you, and to balance your emotions.

The combination of the energy of the colors of Tourmaline in the stone may bring stability, serenity and self control as you go about your life.  

Wearing Watermelon Tourmaline

It is possible to buy Watermelon Tourmaline jewelry, and if you are able to find a piece that you can wear, this would be highly beneficial.

Alternatively simply keeping your crystal in a pouch in your pocket is beneficial as the important thing is for it to be within your auric field.

Watermelon Tourmaline Bead BraceletWatermelon Tourmaline Bead Bracelet

Jewelry like the bead bracelet above may be less expensive as the beads do not have the obvious coloration of specimens of this stone.

By wearing it on your body you may find that you feel greater love as it resonates within both the heart and higher heart chakras.

It has a quite soothing energy that helps you to feel serene, peaceful and balanced.

Its energy to boost patience is advantageous and it may be beneficial to wear at times when you feel tense or strained by situations around you.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

The energy of these lovely crystals is powerful to aid you to have confidence in the power of love, and may enhance your feelings about yourself.

They are beneficial crystals for self love. It has an energy that is advantageous to assist the growth of your ability to love yourself as you do need to love yourself in order to love others.

They are also helpful crystals to enhance friendships with others, a different kind of close relationship that may bond you lovingly to others.

Watermelon TourmalineRaw Watermelon Tourmaline

In summary: using these crystals for meditation is helpful as they help to soothe you and allow you to more easily go into the inner silence needed for successful mediation.

They are useful stones to use if you are finding that severe distress or panic has been filling your life.

They may help you to feel calmer when sadness, heartache or sorrow is part of your life and give you the patience to persist until things improve.

Where Is It From? Watermelon Tourmaline Meaning

Watermelon Tourmaline is the name used to describe crystals that commonly have layers of color that resemble a Watermelon.

This name is easy to understand, as they have a deep pinkish red coloration on the interior, with a lovely green section on the outside, like a watermelon.

It is a variety of bi-colored Tourmaline that is comprised of sections that are pink or red mixed with green sections.

Some stones have a fine white line dividing the green and reddish colored sections, and you'll notice that the area to the outside is a deeper green.

This stone was first discovered in a mine in Newry in the state of Maine in the United States, and delightful specimens of this stone are still found in this location.

It has since been found in other places including in Nigeria, Malawi, Mozambique, Madagascar, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Russia, Burma, Brazil and Kangaroo Island in South Australia. 

Watermelon TourmalineWatermelon Tourmaline Natural

It may be obtained as slices of stone, as tumblestones or as beautiful specimens that are in the raw or natural form.

Look for stones that are a deeper magenta or ruby red color rather than light pink.

Many pieces of this stone do not have the classic watermelon look, and you can see this in some of the images below where the colors are merged.

Its makeup varies and may contain a number of minerals, including aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium or potassium.

Regardless of the look they have the same energy, but many people prefer to obtain stones that have the classic look.

Watermelon TourmalineWatermelon Tourmaline

But if you are more interested in the metaphysical properties, the stones with merged colors may be less expensive.

This is one of the stones that are commonly faked, so if you find that it looks too good to be true, it may in fact be a fake so be careful.

Best Crystals To Use With Watermelon Tourmaline

What are the best crystals to use with Watermelon Tourmaline? These are good stones to stimulate an increase of joy and happiness.

Using them may assist you to feel more cheerful, as the energy is quite uplifting! To increase this even further, you may choose to use them with other stones known to boost happiness.

In the article about crystals for happiness, I talk about a number of crystals and stones for this purpose. 

You can use any of these, but there are a few that I can suggest that blend well with this stone.

Other happiness stones you could use with it includes Polychrome Jasper, Peridot, Ocean Jasper or Poppy Jasper, which all have an uplifting energy.

These lovely stones have a good energy to help with emotional healing.

While it works well on its own, to stimulate stronger healing of your emotions use it with one or more of the other crystals for emotional healing.

This includes Chrysocolla, Rainbow Obsidian, Uvarovite or Petoskey Stone.

These crystals may help you if you have found that you are often bogged down with feelings of panic, foreboding or other distressing feelings.

If this is a problem for you, you may wish to use it combined with some of the other crystals that aid you to release fear.

Specific crystals that help you to conquer fear includes Beryllonite, Black Jade, Red Spinel or Tigers Eye.

Being able to be tactful is useful when it is needed. You may use this stone with other stones that boost tact and greater discretion in how you communicate.

Other stones that increase tactful communication includes Howlite, Snow Quartz, Witches Finger and Albite.

Use Different Tourmaline Types Together

The other colors of Tourmaline combine well with this stone as their properties blend well with them.

In particular Red Rubellite Tourmaline, Blue Tourmaline also known as Indicolite, Green Tourmaline and Pink Tourmaline are excellent when used with these crystals.

Other members of the Tourmaline family also work well with them, including the rare Purple Tourmaline, Dravite Brown Tourmaline, Yellow Tourmaline and the well known and powerful Black Tourmaline stone.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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