Golden Yellow Topaz

Manifesting Intentions & Wealth

➤ By Liz Oakes

Yellow Topaz is also known as Imperial Topaz. It may bring new friendships and attracts helpful people into your life that will benefit you.

This a stone to manifest your intentions, in alignment with Divine Will. This will be in alignment with what is for your highest and best good. 

Golden Yellow TopazGolden Yellow Topaz

This beautiful stone is most well known as a November birthstone, and it makes lovely jewelry. 

As well it is on the zodiac birthstone list, as it is a both a Leo birthstone and a Scorpio birthstone.

The energy of this stone has strong metaphysical properties that instill faith that you can bring all manner of good things into your life. 

This golden yellow stone will help to calm stress and irritability or any type of negative or bad mood. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

What Is Golden Yellow Topaz? How Will It Help You

The vibration of the stone is in alignment with Divine Will, so it will manifest what is for your highest good. 

It also acts a bit like a battery and will help to recharge your energy. 

They provide you with ways to relieve your stress as the longer they are with you, the better the energy will work.

The energy of this stone is beneficial, as when you ask to manifest things into your life, you may be assisted to be unselfish in your motives.

This is of course a personal choice as spirit always allows us free will to choose what we do. 

Golden Yellow TopazGolden Yellow Topaz

These natural crystals will instill faith in you, to allow you to have the confidence to manifest what you want in your life.

If you combine the seven laws of attraction with this faith, it will be extremely beneficial to the process. It has the potential to manifest money in line with Divine Will.

But it does depend on your intentions, and if you desire the highest and best for yourself and others, it will aid you to get what you want.

Why Would You Use Golden Yellow Topaz?

This is a stone for friendship, and will attract helpful people into your life. 

Golden Topaz is a powerful stone for manifestation of personal intentions and desires, through the will.

These yellow crystals are good solar plexus chakra and sacral chakra stones that will assist the health of both areas. 

Buy Topaz from Exquisite Crystals, a most trusted crystal seller.

Golden Yellow TopazYellow Topaz

It has a strong healing vibration for strengthening the will, yet the touch of pink color within this golden stone gives you a clue that this manifestation will also be heart based.

This means that the good fortune that may come to you via the lovely vibration of Golden Yellow Topaz, will be loving and positive.

There are two primary ways to use the natural crystals of Golden Yellow Topaz.

The first way is to use it in a meditation with crystals and the second is to wear the stone. It will aid you to be faithful to your ideals when required.

This will allow you to become aware of the amazing spiritual vibration of Christ consciousness and the energy of the higher heart chakra.

Imperial TopazImperial Topaz

It is easy to buy Imperial Topaz, and many Golden Topaz stones are a golden pink color. 

This makes these lovely crystals a stone of the pink ray of the Christ, and includes within it the golden light of spirituality.

If your intentions are good, it will bring assistance for you to manifest good fortune. This includes improved health and happiness as well as money.

Wearing Golden Yellow Topaz

This lovely crystal is on the zodiac birthstone list, and you may benefit by wearing jewelry or you could keep a stone in your pocket.

Wearing Golden Topaz is very advantageous, and keeping the stone within your auric field allows it to work better.

In addition it would be helpful to place a piece of one of these yellow crystals under your pillow at night, to release tension and negativity.

Yellow TopazYellow Topaz

This yellow crystal is on the birthstone list by month, as it is a November birthstone. I suggest that wearing it as a necklace would be advantageous.

Imperial Topaz jewelry including gemstone necklaces, made from the genuine natural stone or crystals of higher quality yellow Topaz would be quite helpful.

This will allow you to keep it close to both the solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra also called the navel chakra, where it has a beneficent effect.

It is possible to buy Golden Topaz jewelry or instead get a piece of the stone. Topaz birthstone jewelry should be easy to find, as it is both a Leo and a Scorpio birthstone.

Whether you choose to wear jewelry or simply use one of these stones, it can be beneficial to keep a piece of this stone on your body.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, which makes it simple to wear the stone, or put a small stone in a bag in your pocket, or for the ladies in your bra.

Why Would You Use It? 

Golden Yellow Topaz are strong crystals for friendship that encourage you to find and attract people and circumstances that you need.

Their energy will aid you to bring your desires to life, will boost your faith and may bring helpful people to your side, to help you to achieve your intentions. 

This golden orange crystals are lovely stones that brings joy and peace, to the process of manifestation.

If you are in the quest for enlightenment, this stone will help you to find the right path too.

Golden TopazGolden Topaz

It will instill confidence and faith in your endeavors, and it will activate and stimulate the second and third chakras as well as the crown chakra, which relates to spirituality.

They are excellent healing crystals for you to use in meditation as it brings through the energy of peace, joy and unselfishness.

Using this golden stone in your daily meditation, will help you to make contact with spirit guides, and that will aid you to attune to the path of your greatest good.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

Although Golden Topaz is a strong stone for the lower chakras and for abundance and prosperity, it is also an excellent crown chakra stone.

If your desires are to manifest anything of a spiritual nature, in accordance with what the Divine Mind feels is best for you, it is powerful stone to aid you.

Yellow TopazYellow Topaz

In summary: It is a strong solar plexus chakra stone which is also called the power chakra, as well as a sacral chakra stone.

So it will benefit the health of the stomach area, and is said to be an effective healing stone within all of the sacral or navel chakra.

In particular the orange crystals like the one above are powerful to aid the organs below the navel.

It's energy may boost immunity, and is excellent for liver, kidney and bladder problems or imbalances, and those who suffer from asthma may benefit from its energy.

Where Does Yellow Topaz Come From?

Most of the Yellow Topaz that is sold as gem quality stone, comes from Russia and Brazil, and there are also mines supplying gemstones in Mexico, Utah, Colorado and Texas in the United States.

Other names that it is commonly known as includes Golden Topaz and Imperial Topaz.

The quality stone for use in jewelry is called Imperial Topaz, and much of this stone is a clear Golden Yellow color, with a touch of pink in them.

One of the stones shown below is a quite pinky golden color, so there may be quite a variation in colors to be found. 

Best Crystals To Use With Golden Yellow Topaz

What are the best crystals to combine with Yellow Topaz? Combine it with Zincite, for an amazing added strength to your ability to focus your intentions.

Zincite and Golden Labradorite both combined with it, will focus this intention, and bring through the power of manifestation.

Both Golden Yellow Apatite and Honey Calcite are excellent combined with Yellow Topaz to bring clarity to your thinking

For manifestation, including boosting your vibration to help you to manifest money, combine it with the lovely bright yellow Brazilianite, Tsavorite Garnet, Golden Tourmaline or Citrine. 

Citrine Crystals are one of the most well known quartz varieties, and like all other types of quartz crystal have properties that will amplify the energy of other stones you use with them. 

If you are working on developing your spirituality use this stone with Stellar Beam Calcite or Nirvana Quartz which are high vibration crystals, or with Bloodstone or Sphene also called Titanite.

Sphene is another stone of the Golden ray. It has a vibration that enhances the ability for you to boost the energy that connects with the vibration of Christ Consciousness.

The combination with Blue Lapis Lazuli is excellent to aid enlightenment.

It will combine well with both the sacral chakra and solar plexus chakra stones, especially the golden and yellow stones.

You may choose to use it any other color of Topaz stones as it combines well with them, including with Pink Topaz, Blue Topaz and Clear or White Topaz also called Silver Topaz.

More Pictures Of This Stone

Golden TopazGolden Topaz
Golden Yellow TopazGolden Yellow Topaz
Golden Yellow Topaz Meaning & UseGolden Yellow Topaz Meaning & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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