Yttrium Fluorite

Opens Direct Access To Spirit, Stimulates Your Intellect

➤ By Liz Oakes

Yttrium Fluorite is a powerful high vibration stone that aids both mystical and spiritual growth and has an amazing energy to assist psychic growth.

It has a high level of crystal energy that will help you when your psychic gifts are expanding and if you are developing your gifts to become a spiritual medium, this is a powerful stone to aid the process.

Yttrium FluoriteYttrium Fluorite

This crystal has many unusual and extraordinary metaphysical properties, across a wide range of different areas.

This beautiful high frequency stone will help you with developing your intuition, as well as promoting the growth of a range of psychic abilities.

It helps you to make a remarkable connection directly with the Divine mind, and it helps to strengthen channeling abilities and clairvoyant psychic gifts. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Mystical Stone Aids Spiritual Growth

It is a powerful stone to use at the crown chakra, soul star chakra and higher transpersonal chakras.

It aids your mind to be better organized, and this helps you when you are making a spiritual connection.

This high crystal energy stone has strong metaphysical properties. These attributes promote insight and aid greater proficiency when using your specific personal abilities.

Yttrium Fluorite elevates your on-going spiritual growth, in a variety of ways.

Mediums who channel spirit and have used this stone, validate its strong ability to strengthen your capability and expertise when using these gifts.

It is especially good for people who wish to work as a medium or in the field of psychic counseling.

If you wish to increase your psychic abilities and to develop your intuition or to promote stronger psychic knowing, this is an excellent stone to utilize.

Its energy gives you a strong ability to strengthen your connection to your higher self and to spirit, when making the connection to contact those on the other side of the veil.

Psychic knowing is a psychic gift is closely related to the psychic gift of automatic writing.

Yttrium Fluorite MeaningYttrium Fluorite

This may be developed by making a commitment to daily writing in your journal. By doing journaling every day this may allow you to receive written communication directly from spirit.

It resonates strongly at both the heart chakra and within the higher heart chakra, also known as the thymus chakra.

Who Should Use It?

This crystal has a strong vibration that makes a good connection via the crown chakra to the higher transpersonal chakras. 

It is excellent to enhance your creativity, as well as being a strong healing stone, in a variety of different areas.

By using one of these lovely lavender stones you may empower your life. 

As you free up your imagination you can use these gifts to manifest those things that you desire. This is partly because it is so stimulating to the mind as well as to the imagination.

Why Would You Use Yttrium Fluorite?

There are a number of reason why you might choose to use it including:

  • It has a highly stimulating energy, and even though I have used a variety of other high energy stones I found it quite profound.
  • Yttrium Fluorite or Lavender Fluorite creates calmness and serenity, with a gentle yet quite profound vibration.

This stone aids the attainment of a perfect standard of health physically. In addition its energy also inspires the development of both emotional and intellectual well-being.

Lavender FluoriteLavender Fluorite

These lavender crystals help to boost your intellectual abilities, so using it around exam time may optimize the study you do.

If you are studying difficult and involved subjects, it seems to allow you to understand more complex ideas.

How To Use It: Wearing Yttrium Fluorite

As it has mystical energies, it is a strong stone to use in a psychic meditation and to develop spiritually.

It aids a range of different psychic powers or gifts, with the foremost being mediumship. Wearing Yttrium Fluorite may assist you to channel spirit.

Yttrium FluoriteYttrium Fluorite Pendant

It can also help you to contact your spirit guide and may aid you if you are a psychic reader.

It brings through an amazing connection to the higher chakras, which I found to be immediate and quite extraordinary.

How Will It Help You?

Yttrium Fluorite is a rare Lavender Fluorite with a high vibration that aids mystical and spiritual growth.

It stimulates you intellectually & makes an amazing connection directly to the Divine Mind.

When holding the stone it brings greater clarity to psychic visions, commonly called clairvoyant abilities. Using it is also said to promote an increase in your ability to manifest.

Yttrium FluoriteYttrium Fluorite

Using them may help you to manifest increased money, especially an increase in personal wealth and prosperity.

This high crystal energy stone assists you in the fields of both mystical and spiritual growth.

Yttrium Fluorite is a lovely high frequency stone, that aids the development of clearer psychic visions and clairvoyant abilities.

As well it aids the development of channeling abilities and a range of psychic abilities. It helps you to make a remarkable connection directly with the Divine mind, so it is a powerful stone to aid your life.

As this rare stone has so many unusual and extraordinary metaphysical properties, across a wide range of different areas, it is a useful stone to add to your collection.

What Makes It Unique? Yttrium Fluorite Meaning

This stone is unique in that it is a variant type of fluorite from Mexico, where about 20% of the calcium is replaced by one of the rare minerals, the element yttrium, hence the name.

It is rare and unlike other types of fluorite, it commonly forms in masses rather than in crystals. It has a rounded form with lovely soft feel to it, even though it is of course a hard rock.

It is known by a variety of names which include Yttrium Fluorite, Yttrian Fluorite and Lavender Fluorite, and the different names relate to the choices that sellers make when they are marketing these stones. 

The reason for the final name is obvious, as many of the stones are a lavender color, but I do understand that this can be confusing for many buyers.

Yttrium FluoriteYttrium Fluorite

Just keep the fact in mind that sellers have their own way of labeling the stones they sell.

As well as being either lavender or a violet color, its color may also be grey or reddish brown.

There is some Yttrium Fluorite being sold that is an opaque stone, as well as some translucent stones.

Best Crystals To Use With Yttrium Fluorite

What are the best crystals to combine with Yttrium Fluorite? White Selenite, seen in the image below, is one of the more powerful soul star chakra stones, and it aids the creation of a smooth connection.

This stone makes an amazing connection, which is so powerful that the first time I used it the extraordinary energy almost knocked me off my feet.

My friend who is a medium, and has used this stone, suggested to me to combine it with Selenite Crystals and that was an excellent idea.

When you combine it with White Selenite, it helps to smooth out the strength of this lavender crystal.

What Yttrium Fluorite does is to open the soul star chakra and widen the depth and energy of the connection to the higher realms.

To aid its mystical qualities combine it with Chalcopyrite or Petoskey Stone. Combine it with Phosphosiderite or Lithium Quartz to create an even more profound heart based spiritual connection.

This lavender stone may be combined with any other soul star chakra stones or any of the stones for the crown, thymus or heart chakra.

As it is one of the high crystal energy stones, any of the high vibration stones will benefit from being combined with it. Specific high vibration stones that you might use with this stone could be Danburite, Natrolite, Herderite, Moldavite and Phenacite.

To aid your mediumship or channeling abilities this stone is powerful on its own, but combined with other stones for this purpose you may find that you move forward faster.

For this purpose use them with Shattuckite, Blue Hemimorphite, Sugilite, Pollucite, Kambaba Jasper stone or Blue Tourmaline also called Indicolite.

Stones such as Tiffany Stone, Selenite and Ajoite will all be beneficial used with this stone.

If you are wish to accelerate your gifts of psychic visions or clairvoyance, stones such as Magnesite, Shattuckite, Ascension Stones, Iolite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst Crystals will benefit by being used with it.

These rare stones may be used along with other crystals that are known to help you to develop psychic knowing, and they will benefit by being combined with Amethyst Cacoxenite, Ajoite, Dumortierite, Magnesite or Purple Scapolite.

It is good used with Black Tourmaline, unless you are working on developing specific gifts or to expand your intuitive abilities.

If you wish to step up the particular energies of some of the other crystals, this stone helps you to develop these different qualities.

Over subsequent uses you adapt to its profound energy, but at first it is very potent. By using it for smaller periods of time at first, you can adapt to the level of energy.

It has the potential to make you quite ungrounded after only a few minutes use, so using it with a Black Tourmaline, Black Andradite Garnet, Augite, Axinite or other spiritual grounding stones is advisable.

Books For Developing Psychic Gifts

Sonia Choquette books are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing psychic gifts, including your intuition, a closely related ability.

Sonia has been working in psychic employment as a reader, and as a teacher in the development area for many years.

Yttrium FluoriteOpaque Yttrium Fluorite

In her book 'Diary of a Psychic', you can read the story of how Sonia developed her gifts, and tips on how to develop yours. 

To read reviews of Sonia Choquette's books Click Here.

More photos of Lavender Fluorite

Yttrium FluoriteTransparent Yttrium Fluorite
Yttrium FluoriteYttrium Fluorite
Yttrium Fluorite Meaning & UseYttrium Fluorite Meaning & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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