Find The Best Healing Crystals For You

Learn the meaning & use of different crystals

➤ By Liz Oakes

Hello and welcome to my site! My name is Liz Oakes. I am the owner and writer of articles on this site.

Learn about the most beneficial healing crystals for you to use to make changes in your life. This is the place to help you to discover more.

My aim and my passion is to help you to learn about using a variety of rocks and stones in diverse ways.

Lithium Quartz PointMagenta Lithium Quartz Crystal

I am passionate about using crystals, rocks, minerals and all sorts of stones for healing yourself and others.

I particularly aim to share information about those stones known as healing crystals! 

I love crystals and stones so much that I have spent many hours, dedicated to finding out the many ways of aiding you to heal yourself with them. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Hey forgive me if I call a stone, rock or mineral a crystal.

Interesting Fact: "Crystal" is now a commonly used word.

It is used to refer to the many rocks and minerals, gemstones and precious stones that can be used to aid the body to heal.

Discover The Healing Power Of Crystals

Explore my site to discover more, so that you can find what you are looking for here. 

There is a wealth of in-depth information for you to discover about the healing power of crystals.

If are looking for crystals for a specific purpose, there is an area you may like to check out here, Healing Crystal Uses.

This page lists individual articles about stones to use for a particular reason.

The A-Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones page gives you navigation links to each of the individual alphabetic pages.

This means that there are links for each letter of the alphabet where you can see a list of stones starting with that letter.

On these individual alphabetic pages you will see pictures of many stones, and short explanations on how they may benefit you.

So check them out, as there are also links to all of the in-depth pages related to individual crystals and stones that have a full page about them. 

Interesting Fact: All quartz crystals and silica based stones can be programmed and there are many benefits to doing this.

Its also easy to program your crystals and there is a specific article where you can learn how!

There are many many types of quartz crystal as well as stones that are silica based like chalcedony, and many stones that contain silica along with other minerals. And all silica based stones are easy to program.

Checkout This Video About One Of My Popular Pages!

See Examples Of What Mother Nature Has To Offer!

I look for unusual and beautiful crystals and often find stunning examples of formations that are wonderful illustrations of what mother nature has to offer.

Like the stone in the pendant below, which is a gorgeous Manifestation Quartz Crystal.

Learn more about Manifestation Quartz here.

Manifestation Quartz PendantManifestation Quartz Pendant: Can you see the angel in the stone? Amazing...

What is Manifestation Quartz? This means that it is a crystal that has a smaller crystal embodied within it, can you see that?

You can learn about the various the quartz crystal configurations as well as the many different quartz formations like the beautiful Manifestation Quartz in the pendant shown above and see their healing properties.

This information will help you understand different crystals. It is useful to learn to use the metaphysical properties of the crystals you own.

Using them may help to improve your health and your spirituality, and depending on what you are looking for help you in a number of different ways.

Use Crystals To Heal Yourself!

My site provides articles about using crystals and stones that are commonly known by the term 'crystals' for healing.

Throughout this site you can find out the most beneficial ways to heal yourself in your own home, using the wide variety of different crystals or stones on this site.

Crystals that are powerful teacher crystals are wonderful aids to help your life. Use the information I present here to learn more about how you can do this. 

Learn to use crystals for physical, mental and emotional healing as well as the important attribute of spiritual healing and learn how to program crystals to help the process.

Heard Of Moldavite? Learn More

Moldavite is one of the most popular transformation stones. My detailed article gives you the important information you need to decide if this stone is for you.

Checkout my new article about How To Use Moldavite here 

Use Crystal Energy From High Vibration Crystals

There are many high energy stones, and you can use them to benefit your life and your health and you can read about the many popular high vibration stones.

This includes Brookite, Herderite, Danburite, Phenacite and Moldavite, the stone in the image above.

You can use high frequency stones like Moldavite to help you as they can have impressive results in your life.

There are articles about high crystal energy stones such as Scolecite, Natrolite, Tanzanite, Selenite, Apophyllite and lots of others.

You can learn about many well known high vibration crystals here

Learn About High Frequency Stones

You can learn more about high frequency stones that you can use that can have impressive results in your life.

Find out how they can be used in your life to assist you, especially at this time of amazing global changes, and discover their impact on your spirituality and health.

High Crystal Energy StonesHigh Crystal Energy Stones

If you wish to learn about which crystals do what or what crystals have healing powers you can find out more here.

Find out about these unusual and sometimes rare high vibration stones, with a level of crystal energy which is particularly strong.

Discover how you can use crystal energy for advancing your spirituality and personal healing.

Many of the high vibration stones are hard to buy as jewelry, but an simple way to wear them is in a macrame crystal holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and this makes keeping stones on your body effortless, as long as you buy one with a sliding bead to secure the stone.

Know The Importance Of Grounding Yourself?

After you have used high vibration stones, it is important to ground yourself, particularly after meditating with high frequency stones.

If you are ungrounded you may feel your head spin, but you may not. You may be blissfully unaware that you are not fully present on the earth plane.

Do you know what the symptoms of being ungrounded are? If you are not sure what these symptoms are, read my article on spiritual grounding and learn, Are YOU Ungrounded?

My article on spiritual grounding helps you to learn if you are ungrounded and using grounding stones can be helpful to aid grounding.

See my list of the most helpful grounding stones.

This includes Black Obsidian, Smoky Quartz, Black Tourmaline, Black Spinel, Black Diopside and many more that you can use to aid yourself to ground quite quickly.

EMF stands for electromagnetic fields and these fields from devices can cause many people to be quite sick. This is called electrical hypersensitivity or EHS.

Many of the symptoms of electrical hypersensitivity or EHS are similar to the symptoms of being ungrounded, but there are quite a few more.

Learn about the EHS meaning and symptoms and see tips about how to manage this problem and see links to crystals that can help too.

Learn Metaphysical Properties

The lovely bright yellow crystals are some of my favorites. Would you like to learn to use 'golden yellow crystals' to assist you to manifest increased money?

Learn how can you use the power of crystals to create abundance and prosperity in your life. Discover how they can aid you to live a better life in so many ways.

Knowing some of the ways that specific stones and healing crystals can be used is beneficial.

As I help you to learn about many aspects of crystals, you may discover the wonderful benefits that they bring to your life.

Most importantly discover how they will assist you to enrich the quality of your life. Enjoy your search, read through the information, and let your intuition guide you.

Use crystals to help you to do what you all would like to do, improve your life!

Amethyst Crystals Are The Violet Flame Embodied!

Have you heard about the power of the Violet Flamea powerful way to transmute negative energy and aid healing. 

The violet flame helps to cleanse you of negative vibrations and transmutes negativity into the light.

Are you aware of the Amethyst Crystals healing properties? They are one of the stones that hold the vibration of the violet flame, a powerful Spiritual healing energy?

There are also other purple stones that embody the violet flame healing energy. Purpurite, Sugilite, Tanzanite and Violet Flame Opal are some of these. 

Learn about these and many other powerful healing stones on this site and about stones that protect you against negative energy

Develop Psychic Gifts

Working on developing your psychic abilities? Learn how specific crystals may help you.

There are articles on this site about a range of psychic powers you can acquire, and lists of crystals on individual pages that will help you to do this.

Subjects on individual pages about psychic powers include those below, but you can see the list of other Articles About Psychic Gifts and Spirituality here.

Use The Healing Power of Quartz Crystals

Have you ever asked yourself, 'How can I use healing crystals in my daily life?'

Learn about why simply placing a Quartz Crystal cluster in your vicinity can change your life for the better, in many ways.

  • Discover how using special healing crystals like Rose Quartz can aid you to have a more loving relationship.
  • Learn about the different types of quartz crystals, and how they can be of benefit to your life.

You have energy vortices in your body known as chakras. Discover how you can create your own chakra kits yourself, and use these kits for self healing in the privacy of your home.

Learn about different types of healing crystals, and learn how to use them to benefit your life.

Learn More About Individual Healing Crystals

Over recent years there has been more and more interest in healing crystals.

The simple presence of crystals in both your home and work environments create a change in the vibration of the surrounding area.

Are you are looking for books about crystals or for information about the finest healing crystals to have in your home and what to use?

I help you to understand which crystals do what and how they can be used to benefit you.

Many new varieties of crystals are being discovered, so learn about how they may benefit you. Discover crystals healing properties as I outline how crystals can be used.

I invite you to look through the information I present to you. Allow yourself to be drawn to the specific healing crystals that you need at this time for your healing.

If you have an interest in crystals and would like to learn more, the right healing crystals for you may be brought to your attention, so that it can do what it was meant to do.

Benefits Of Crystals 

You will see a range of pictures of healing crystals and stones on this site, and many images are of stones that are featured in a specific in-depth page about them.

There are many pages that outline the benefits of crystals for healing issues related to the emotional, spiritual, physical and mental areas.

Throughout this site there are many crystal pictures, to help you to identify different stones. 

So if a stone interests you, click on the picture, as many will be links that could take you to the in-depth page on that crystal.

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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In my articles I may recommend various items that I use and love or that I feel are of value to my readers, and I earn a commission for purchases made through links on this page. 

FTC Disclosure:  If you make a purchase via a link on this site, I may receive a small commission on the transaction: at no added cost to you. Thank you!  Read My Affiliate Disclosure Here

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Any information that may be found anywhere on this site is not presented as a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.

Never disregard advice from your medical professional or delay seeking medical advice because of anything you may have read on

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