
Balance, Grounding & Manifestation!

➤ By Liz Oakes

Cassiterite helps to bring Divine light into your body from the source of all that is and also has a strong grounding energy.

This is a powerful stone to use in meditation to aid shamanic journeying, and is a helpful stone to soothe the dying before they cross over to the other side.


It has an excellent influence on the intellect, and has a useful effect to aid intellectual problem solving.

It may help you to release energetic debris that is holding back your life's journey, and it is a helpful stone to aid spiritual grounding.

The vibration of this crystal has an interesting mix of balancing your energy and energizing you depending on what you may need.

It can be very helpful for anyone who has deeply long held childhood issues of rejection that they have not dealt with. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use It? Spiritual Meaning

This stone has powerful Spiritual meanings as it makes a strong connection with what is called the deep source, the doorway that links you to the other side.

So you may imagine that its vibration is anything but ordinary. At the same time it also is said to give you protection physically from danger. 

This is the place where each of us passes at birth and death, the level of beginnings and endings, life and death. 

These crystals are said to assist the dying, helping you to let go of all the issues that may be holding your spirit on the earth plane, to aid the soul to move from the body to the light.


This is a crystal where you don't need a large piece of it to help you, as its common for even tiny crystals to have a fairly obvious vibration.

You should be able to feel the energy of Cassiterite quite easily, because it has a deep energy that makes a distinct earth chakra connection, yet with a quite obvious difference in the energy.

How Will Cassiterite Help You?

There are a number of ways that Cassiterite can help you including:

  • This crystal has a strong spiritual grounding energy.
  • It makes a deep connection through the base or root chakra to the depths of the earth and Mother Gaia.

The specific energy that you can make a connection with by using Cassiterite, is there at the time of your birth.

This is when your spirit enters this world and also when it is time to pass through the doorway and go to the other side again.

It will help you when you feel the need to clear out unnecessary stuff energetically, spiritual debris that seems to accumulate because you've taken no action to let go of it.

This can be done by anyone, if you feel the call for deep change.

This is the energy that pulls your spirit to the earth plane to be present here in your current form in this incarnation.

  • It may be a helpful stone to have nearby newly born children to help to ground them into this life.

This is a stone that may be used if you are facing death.

You can feel confident though, as it can be used at any time without any fear that it will take you through this doorway before its time to leave.

It may be used to help you to feel more balanced, as it aids you to remove energetic blockages where required.

How To Use It? Shamanic Meditation

The most powerful way to use it is in meditation, as it is a strong stone for making shamanic journeys.

It has excellent attributes as it keeps you grounded when in meditation, it is protective and also helps you to manifest your desires.

CassiteriteCassiterite Crystals In Matrix

By using Cassiterite for meditation you will be enabled to let go of ideas and ideals that are no longer suitable for the way your life is now. 

It helps you to heal old issues and to forgive anyone that may have caused you grief by imbuing you with deep compassion for others.

Use For Manifestation And Prosperity

This stone has a quite positive vibration for augmenting manifestation, and for heightened levels of prosperity in your life.

When the solar plexus chakra is stimulated it is common for this to aid you to manifest your desires.

By using the energy of Cassiterite stones within the third chakra, commonly known as the power chakra, it aids you to bring the necessary energy through to aid you to manifest.

It helps you to bring through those things, desires, dreams or hopes for the future into your reality.

A very powerful resonance is emitted from this stone, that draws energy into your life from the non-physical realms.


The energy of this crystal brings optimism. They may assist you to let go of feelings relating to any rejection you may have experienced in your life, and may help you to discover soul lessons about the issues.

Who Should Use It?

While some colors are said to have specific attributes, any colored stones will vibrate within all of the chakras from the solar plexus chakra down.

The darker stones are highly recommended for grounding as you'd expect. You may notice that many dark ones have red spots within them.

The red stones aid your energy so these dark stones containing red may also help you in this way.


The yellow stones are said to be best to stimulate the intellect, and the white or colorless stones will stimulate the crown chakra

All colors stimulate the solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, base and earth chakra and the soul star chakra in the etheric above the head.

It brings a lightening of your spirit. This is especially helpful combined with its vibration that helps you to release cellular memories and for this to encourage deep healing at the soul level.

Physically it may aid healing of issues relating to hormonal disturbances, including obesity.

Cassiterite has a strong spiritual grounding energy, and has a good mix of balancing your energy and energizing you, depending on what you may require.

It is a helpful stone for anyone who has been told they have a terminal illness.

Cassiterite Stone

These black crystals can help them to deal with outstanding issues holding them here on this plane of existence.

It may be very useful to use it if you have any long held deep childhood issues of rejection that you have not already dealt with.

This crystal helps to bring Divine light into your body from the source of all that is and is a powerful stone to use in meditation. 

It will assist you to release energetic stuff that is holding back your life's journey.

Where Is It From? Cassiterite Meaning

This stone is a type of tin oxide, and the most common colors found are black, brown and red-brown stones. It can also be colorless, white, yellow-grey, yellow and red. 

This crystal is also known as tinstone, and the meaning of the name Cassiterite comes from the Greek word meaning 'tin'.


It is found in the United Kingdom, China, Malaysia, Australia, Namibia, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico and the United States, so it is quite widespread.

These crystals are reasonably common, but they don't look spectacular or attractive to the eye, as they are quite small and unassuming.

Their configuration is prismatic or even pyramid shaped and this stone also occurs in the massive form.

Best Crystals To Use With Cassiterite

What are the best crystals to use with Cassiterite? This is a strong stone for manifestation, and is particularly effective combined with any of the golden solar plexus chakra stones. 

Use these together in meditation to boost its manifestation of abundance and prosperity.

This includes the lovely bright yellow Citrine Crystals, Golden Yellow Labradorite, Yellow Apatite and Libyan Desert Glass also called Libyan Gold Tektite. 

Use it with Zincite of any color, including the lovely orange Zincite crystals, as this will stimulate the sacral chakra and help to kindle creativity and sexuality.

It also combines well with Cuprite to aid an increase in your life force energy.

Combine it with other grounding stones, such as Black Spinel or Dravite Brown Tourmaline to boost their energy.

If you want to help your problem solving abilities, you may choose to combine it with other crystals that aid you to think better.

This includes stones such as Hackmanite, Thulite, Hubnerite or Creaseyite.

Crystal Books

The crystal books below are all by authors who have been in the crystal industry for some years, and any one of these books are advantageous to have on hand to refer to.

There are quite a few new books that have been published lately, but I really have to say that some of the best crystal books I have read are those shown below.

Read about some of the newer books on my crystal book review page. I endeavor to update the page regularly, to include newly published books.

Judy Hall is an author that has published a large number of books, and she covers a variety of crystal related subjects. To read more about the specific books shown here, take a look at my reviews.

Click Here if you wish to read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books.

Pictures Of Cassiterite

Cassiterite Spiritual Meanings Properties & UsesCassiterite Spiritual Meanings Properties & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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