High Vibration Datolite

Boosts Memory & Enhances Problem Solving

➤ By Liz Oakes

Datolite are high vibration crystals that can assist you to see your guides, the angels and other beings from the higher realms.

Their vibration may also enhance your problem solving abilities.

They have a lovely energy that helps to calm you when life gets challenging as they are beneficial to ease stress, fear, anxiety, grief and worry.


When held in your hand, their energy moves through your body with ease, and their vibration can usually be felt quite quickly.

These high vibration crystals resonate strongly within the third eye, crown and higher etheric chakras.

Their energy commonly helps to open the soul star chakra, and they also resonate strongly within the heart.

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Crystal Tip: If you use the golden yellow, clear green or yellow green varieties they are particularly beneficial to stimulate your solar plexus, the seat of the will and they are excellent stones to assist you if you have addictions.

Why Would You Use Datolite? 

These crystals resonate well within the higher chakras, and the way their energy works at the crown chakra makes them very effective to improve your memory.

Their stimulus of the area of these higher spiritual chakras may also encourage growth of your psychic gifts and may aid spiritual healing.

One of their well known metaphysical properties is to help you to see in a psychic sense. 

DatoliteUnusual Yellow & Blue Datolite

They are known to be particularly helpful to aid you to remember details of things that are important.

The vibration of these stones may assist you to recall smaller details and to then differentiate between what is important and what is minor and trivial and should be dispensed with. 

In general these are helpful stones to aid you to deal with changing life circumstances, and they may be particularly helpful when life seems to throw unexpected situations your way.

Who Should Use The 'Stone Of The Conscious'?

Some people call Datolite the 'stone of the conscious', as it helps you to make a journey of discovery into the various areas of the mind, body and spirit.

The energy of these stones will help you to retain a strong awareness of what is happening around you in your life, while you explore life's possibilities.

DatoliteWhite Datolite

They are known to help you to make choices about unfolding events, especially when you find it challenging to determine how you might move forward in your life.

Datolite crystals help you to make decisions about the way to approach the future and will also assist you to feel brighter and more joyful about what is ahead.

Datolite crystal have a comforting vibration, and will help you to get through these periods of turbulent change when you wonder how you will survive.

Over the last few years many people have had to make quite hard decisions due to the many changes that the world has seen.

Yellow DatoliteYellow Datolite

They are excellent crystals for problem solving that assist you resolve internal questions about what to do.

Part of the decision making process is working to decide how to deal with difficulties that are outside of your control and solving related issues can be challenging.

All colors of these crystals have an effect on the brain that helps you to solve problems and they are crystals that help you to think more clearly.

 Datolite Helps Past Life Exploration

They are supportive when you feel extremely agitated or traumatized, especially during life changes.

The are good crystals for making a connection to the akashic records.

Their vibration has powerful metaphysical properties that are known to help with making a powerful connection to the Akashic record.

Connecting to the Akashic records may assist you to discover information that can help you if you are doing past life exploration.

The vibration of the green crystals is more heart based but they still have a high vibration. They will boost your ability to work through issues and solve them.

DatoliteGreen Datolite

It may be beneficial to place your stone on the third eye while meditating, as this is said to aid ancestral healing.

You are probably aware that healing these issues would help the whole family if they were released.

They are good crystals for fear as they may help you to release fear and to cope with overwhelming loss, grief and worry.

While their vibration is relatively strong, it is at the same time quite soothing to the nervous system.

Their energy can be very beneficial to aid stress and anxiety and they will bring comfort to assist you to cope at these times.

 Use To Develop Psychic Gifts

These stones have an unusual vibration they may stimulate you in a number of ways including helping you to see auras more easily by opening subtle vision.

They are known to expand your consciousness, and aid you to be open to communication with beings in the higher realms.

Yellow Green DatoliteYellow Green Datolite

They are good crown chakra crystals and their energy resonates within both the third eye and the crown chakra.

So using these stones is highly recommended if you are working on your spiritual growth.

They have a powerful energy that may assist the development of clairvoyant abilities and their vibration may assist you to see in a psychic sense

If have been looking for ways to help you to develop your psychic abilities, or to contact your spirit guide, working within the crown and soul star chakras can be helpful.

Once you are deeply in meditation, expect to begin to meet and work with your spirit guides.

There are many spiritual beings or guides in the higher realms who may only connect with you if they have specific information to tell you, so be alert for their contact.


They have a lovely energy that may assist you while traveling in the higher realms, where you may make contact with angels or other beings waiting to connect with you.

As your brain waves slow and you allow yourself to move higher into the area above your crown chakra, this energy may help your soul star chakra to open.

The soul star chakra is an area where you may find that you have a deeper spiritual experience.

These are lovely stones to assist you to learn what is required for your personal spiritual journey, as they assist all types of learning.

 Metaphysical Healing Properties

These crystals have excellent metaphysical healing properties and there are a number of ways that they will help you including:

  • If you have addictive habits including smoking, drinking or an addiction to drugs, you may be helped by using one of these crystals.

This crystal is supportive when you want to let go of addictions, and it may be helpful to keep within your aura at these times.

White DatoliteWhite Datolite
  • They are also useful healing stones, and are said to be specifically helpful to assist the healing of diabetes and hypoglycemia.

Their energy may assist the healing of issues related to inherited family problems that may have been passed down from your ancestors.

How To Use It: Wearing Datolite

These stones are an Aries birthstone, so are found on the zodiac birthstone list.

While jewelry made from this crystal is not as common, it is possible to get lovely Datolite pendants from specialist crystal suppliers.

The golden yellow or yellow green stones resonate strongly within the solar plexus as well as within the heart and higher chakras.

Datolite PendantClear Datolite Pendant

If you are studying in either the mathematical or language area, keep a piece on your body to assist you to both understand what you are learning as well as to retain it.

This is a good stone to have on you at exam time, as their energy will prompt the recall of ideas you are having trouble bringing to mind.

You may like to wear the yellow crystals lower on the chest, just below the heart, to boost your personal power. 

If you are unable to get jewelry to wear, simply keep a piece on your body, such as in a macrame pouch, as this will work just as well.

It's easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and this is an easy way to keep these stones on your body during the day.

It is a lovely stone to wear to help to stimulate your brain and at the same time keep you calm. 

Where Is It From? Meaning Of Datolite

Datolite may occur in a range of colors, with the most common being white and pale yellow.

In addition to the white and yellow, they may also be colorless, bluish white, lime green, yellowish green, greenish white, grey, blue, violet, pink, red or brown.

The meaning of the name Datolite comes from the Greek and relates to the word that means 'to divide', which refers to the way the crystals are structured. 

These stones are found in the United States, Mexico, Canada, South Africa, Tanzania, Russia, Norway, Scotland and Germany, but it is said that the best specimens come from Russia.

While they can form in a massive structure many also occur as prismatic or tabular crystals.

You can obtain pieces fairly easily, but be aware of the size you are buying as some specimens are quite small, although I was pleased to get larger pieces fairly easily.

The pink, brownish and white pieces in the right column are quite small, but all of the other specimens shown here are a good size.

If they are inexpensive it probably will mean that they are small stones, as the bigger specimens will also cost more.

How Will It Help You? My Final Thoughts

All colors of Datolite are excellent crystals for change.

While the pink or green crystals have a lovely high vibration that resonates within the higher chakras, they also resonate strongly within the heart chakra, bringing healing and peace to relationships.

Both the green and the pink crystals have a quite lovely heart based vibration.

Datolite may assist you to draw emotionally closer to those significant others in your life.

Pink DatolitePink Datolite

In summary: their energy may bring spiritual healing which can assist you when you find it extremely difficult to work out where your life path seems to be leading you.

This energy may help you to let go of past experiences that are no longer important to your situation, and aid an improvement in your relationship by bringing couples closer.

While they may help you to clarify your thoughts and to remember important life lessons, they also allow you to let go of those things that are no longer required.

For those who are having memory difficulties due to aging, they are good crystals to aid your memory, so expect that your memory may improve after you have been using it for a while.

Best Crystals To Use With Datolite

What are the best crystals to combine with Datolite?

To boost your problem solving abilities, you may choose to combine it with other crystals that help you to solve problems. 

This includes stones such as Red Muscovite, Cookeite, Tourmilated Quartz and Chiastolite.

If you wish to boost the way this stone works, combine it with other high vibration stones such as Danburite, Natrolite, Herderite, Trolleite or Scolecite.

If you need help with stimulating recall of important information, you might like to combine these crystals with other stones known to boost your memory.

This includes stones that also have a positive action to assist your memory such as Axinite, Azurite, Green Calcite or Herderite.

For those undergoing loss and the associated grief, it may be helpful to use them with other stones that help to relieve grief. 

Stones such as Apache Tears, Aquamarine, Tugtupite and Quantum Quattro may all be helpful at these difficult times.

To help you with letting go of addictions, combine these crystals with other stones that may help you to release the need to use addictive substances and the associated behaviors.

Stones that you might use include Hematite, Purple Amethyst, Dumortierite,  Black Obsidian or Staurolite.

More Images Of Datolite

Datolite PendantDatolite Pendant
White DatoliteWhite Datolite
Green Datolite

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Datolite Meaning Properties Powers & UsesDatolite Meaning Properties Powers & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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