
Stimulates Loyalty & Kindness Towards Others

➤ By Liz Oakes

Inesite are beneficial healing crystals for you to use for emotional healing.

Their energy is known to encourage loyalty, kindness, fidelity and devotion towards others through their action to stimulate feelings of unconditional love.

They help to balance the yin and yang energy, equalizing and correcting the emotions of those who feel unbalanced. 


They help to create symmetry between your emotional and spiritual being, and are known to energize the heart chakra which may stimulate an influx of loving emotion.

They have a number of beneficial metaphysical attributes that makes them valuable to utilize, and they also have a number of useful healing properties. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Inesite?

One of the more powerful reasons why you might choose to use this crystal is its action to aid emotional healing including:

  • The stones resonate strongly within the heart chakra, aiding loving energy to flow in your life.
  • Their loving energy may improve relationships as they help to balance the yin and yang energy. 
  • They help to harmonize the male-female energy and this can be highly beneficial.

They are good crystals for kindness and generosity towards others and are known to aid you to be more compassionate and thoughtful towards others.

You may choose to use this stone when you feel a need to boost the level of unselfishness, emotional generosity and selfless concern you show towards others in your life.

These stones may be of particular assistance if those with whom you are in an intimate relationship suggest that you are not giving them the type of loving attention they desire.

How Will Inesite Help You?

Because the energy of this stone helps to encourage feelings of kindness, generosity of spirit and consideration, you may find its energy may help you to more easily assist others, especially those with whom you feel a close bond.


The vibration of these stones have a powerful action to aid you when you are undergoing relationship problems by boosting loyalty and kindness to the other person.

By increasing the level of loving feelings  and tender-heartedness you show to your partner, you may improve your on-going ability to ensure that the relationship remains loving.

Where Is It From? Inesite Meaning

The name of this mineral relates to its color, as it was named for the Greek word meaning 'flesh fibers' as its color commonly resembles the color of pink human flesh.

This mineral is a calcium manganese silicate that is often found in zinc mines, and may also contain iron. The stone is commonly a pinkish  color.


The stone from California is commonly a lighter pink compared to stone from other areas which may be orange, orangey red, maroon or reddish brown in color, depending on where it was found.

This mineral is not common although it has been found  in a number of places, including in Australia, Japan, China, Germany, Sweden, Romania, Slovakia, South Africa and California in the United States.

They are often found growing with other well known and quite well-known minerals, such as Apophyllite, Rhodochrosite, Datolite, Pectolite, Hausmannite and Quartz.


Many pieces have a fibrous acicular radiating habit, but they may occur in the massive form and as rhombohedral or scalenohedral crystals and may have chisel shaped terminations.

Best Crystals To Use With Inesite

What are the best crystals to combine with Inesite? These are strong heart based crystals that will combine well with other heart based stones.

Some of the more well known stones that help to increase loving energy in your life includes Rose Quartz, Peridot, Mangano Calcite or Emerald.

There are also a number of other stones that have a beneficial vibration that stimulate heart based energy and aid an increase in loving feelings in your life. 

So discover more about them on the in-depth page about heart chakra stones.

This stone is known to stimulate an increase in the positive emotions related to relationships, including boosting the level of loyalty, devotion and fidelity to others.

If you wish to improve your relationship, use it with other stones that also create improved relationships such as Kimberlite, Bixbite, Uvarovite Garnet, Emerald or Malachite.

If you need extra help to assist you to balance your yin and yang energy, use it with Alunite, Tourmilated Quartz, Hematite, Iolite or Dioptase.

This is a stone that encourages altruistic feelings and selfless concern for others in your life.

If you would like to increase how this energy plays out in your life, combine it with other stones that enhance compassion and goodwill towards others.

Crystals to use for this purpose include stones such as Atacamite, Charoite, Rhodonite or Blue John Fluorite.

Blue John FluoriteBlue John Fluorite

More Images Of Inesite

Inesite Meaning Properties And PowersInesite Meaning Properties And Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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