Labradorite Crystal

Use To Awaken Magical Powers

➤ By Liz Oakes

Labradorite Crystal helps to awaken mystical and magical abilities and psychic powers! Their vibration also holds a broad level of protection from negativity, so they cannot be used for ill will. 

They embody a magical energy that can bring amazing changes to your life, and include within them a deeply felt resonance that may boost spiritual mastery.

Labradorite CrystalLabradorite Crystal Ball

They are chakra stones for all chakras above the heart.

Some of their well known attributes include their action to boost your spiritual gifts, enhance psychic abilities, and have many excellent healing properties.

They help to boost telepathic ability and prophetic gifts, and have many attributes that make them crystals that many people might choose to use.

Their energy is very powerful to assist coincidence and synchronicity to flow in your life.

They stimulate the throat, third eye, crown and soul star chakra, and these beautiful crystals resonate strongly within all of these chakras. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip: This is a stone of magic whose energy is quite visible to the user, as it just seems to work so quickly.

How Will Labradorite Help You? 

Labradorite crystals are both magical and mystical stones and they are well known for their action to boost psychic gifts and to heighten magical powers.

They are powerful healing crystals for you to use to stimulate an increase in coincidence and synchronicity.

Their natural energies resonate within the third-eye chakra, where they work to enhance both telepathic and prophetic gifts and within the throat chakra they stimulate stronger psychic communication abilities.

Labradorite Crystal Meanings Properties & UsesGold Flash Labradorite Crystal

It has a number of interesting metaphysical properties, including its action to protect your aura, and to clear negativity from it, and it seals it to prevent any energy leaks.

If you have been doing too much and need a recharge, it will give energy to you.

If you have been working on your spiritual growth and need help with moving forward on your spiritual journey, this is a stone that will boost your abilities within all of the chakras above the heart chakra.

A Stone Of Magic, Serendipity & Synchronicity

In the past Labradorite Crystal was known as a stone of magic, because it was clear that those who used it had access to a range of abilities that seemed almost magical.

What are the magical properties of Labradorite Stone? 

It's vibration has always been thought to be magical as it stimulates many psychic gifts as well as increasing the occurrence of synchronicity.

Labradorite Crystal BallLabradorite Crystal Ball

The gift of serendipity and synchronicity can be stimulated by the energy of this quite beautiful stone.

This is a powerful stone of transformation, and the two ideals of serendipity and synchronicity combined can cause amazing things to happen in your life.

Those little coincidences, where you are in the right place at just the right time, seem to be quite magical as they occur more often once you begin to use this stone.

Crystals For Home Protection

Stone Of Protection: If you are wondering why you might choose to use these beautiful crystals, here is another beneficial reason.

Labradorite Crystal has a number of excellent metaphysical properties, including its action to protect your aura. 

Labradorite Crystal Meanings Properties & UsesRaw Gold Flash Labradorite Crystal

These stones are beneficial to protect where you live, as well as being powerful stones to wear.

  • Use these stones to protect your home by placing small pieces close to the entrance.
  • They are good crystals for front door protection. So create a grid of small stones around the door frame or place bigger pieces nearby.

Spiritual Meaning: Embracing Change

The energy of Labradorite brings together all aspects that you need from the different planes to aid you.

This includes the mental, intuitive, psychic as well as the magical or mystical, and its energy inspires your thinking to embrace this coherent whole.

The vibration of this crystal assists you to find a path through uncomfortable changes that are occurring as a result of your awareness of your destiny.

Buy Labradorite Crystal at Exquisite Crystals, a most reliable crystal seller.

Natural Gold Flash LabradoriteNatural Gold Flash Labradorite

It's energy may bring you new ideas and the strength and the spiritual healing needed to discover exactly what your fate is bringing.

Their crystal meaning relates to helping you to find the best ways  to move forward, and may help you to allow instinctive or intuitive ideas to come into your awareness.

By embracing changes that occur from being open to allowing transformation to occur, you may find you have an increased ability to keep going, and to persevere when required.

Why Would You Use Labradorite Crystal? 

Are you wondering if you have any psychic abilities?

You may learn to be psychic once you begin to use this crystal as it has a good action to boost new gifts including mental telepathy.

If you are not quite sure how to start the process to develop them you may find that any gifts that are waiting to develop may begin to manifest, as you make better connections to Spirit and the spiritual world.

This is a highly spiritual stone, that aids you to move more easily within the higher realms of existence, to pierce the veil between the spirit world and your normal world.

Raw LabradoriteRaw Labradorite Crystal

The spiritual meaning of this beautiful stone relates to its strong action within the higher chakras.

It is an extremely potent crystal if used at the third eye chakra in meditation.

The vibration of this crystal encourages you to recognize your destiny, to allow yourself to change as a result. 

There are a number of ways that this lovely crystal will help you, as it has a number of powerful metaphysical properties including:

  • This crystal aids serendipity, coincidence and synchronicity to flow in your life, so makes a good addition to the stones you may be using in your daily spiritual practice. 
  • It also aids you to let go of thoughts that may impede you from taking action on those things that you are inspired to do.
  • It is a strong crystal for patience as its strength of fostering a more patient attitude may assist you to tolerate set backs that hinder action.
  • It's energy allows you to recognize the intuitive thoughts within you as they are received, and to be aware what the correct timing is for taking action, including when its best to delay action.

If you have been working on ways to develop your intuitive abilities, by adding Labradorite Crystal you may be empowered to transform the intuitive messages you receive into clear thoughts.

It will assist you to make contact with beings from other dimensions that may assist your journey, and allow you to get done those things that are important in your journey.

Wearing This Crystal

Wearing Labradorite Crystal jewelry is a powerful way to use this magical stone. To enhance the possibilities inherent in the stone, keep it as high as possible on your body. 

Having it within your aura will stimulate the birth of many psychic gifts.

These lovely crystals are a Scorpio, Leo and Sagittarius birthstone, and it is possible to buy jewelry made for these zodiac signs quite easily.

There are many pieces of this semi-precious gemstone available made into jewelry.

Wearing a piece of this stone like the lovely earrings shown in the image, may stimulate the development of the gift of psychic hearing or clairaudience

LabradoriteLabradorite Earrings

Wearing a Labradorite ring may be beneficial if you are a healer who uses your hands to send energy. 

If you are a Reiki practitioner, it will boost the sending of energy from your hands.

Lovely Labradorite earrings are beneficial crystals to wear, as this stones energy will also help you to develop telepathic and prophetic gifts.

This is because these gifts are birthed from within both the throat chakra and the third eye chakra, so having them present in that area for periods of time will be stimulating to both of those chakras.

These stunning stones are on the zodiac birthstones list and its easy to get jewelry made from this stone.

How To Use It

This is a crystal whose energy is quite obvious to the user, as it just seems to work so quickly.

It is easy to buy Labradorite gemstone jewelry and you may utilize it in a range of different ways to improve your life.

By its use you may quickly move your development forward. It will enhance the connection between your physical and ethereal beings.

Shop here for Labradorite Crystals.

You may choose to place a piece under your pillow at night. This allows its energy to be present within your aura for an extended period of time each day.

An alternative is to wear Labradorite jewelry, and this is a quite lovely stone that also makes beautiful pendants, rings and earrings. 

Wearing a piece of this stone just seems to charge you with a sense of excitement and adventure, to take the steps required to go where you have not gone before!

What Creates The Labradorite Colors?

This is a feldspar mineral that is made up of layers within the stone that refract or reflect the light, an attribute known as labradorescence.

The sparkling flashes of light seen within these stones is the reason why they are so popular.

The natural raw Labradorite stones embody a wonderful array of beautiful color within them.

The color includes gorgeous shades of bright peacock blue, which is very common, as well as purple, green and brownish red.

See the image of the Blue Labradorite pendant below.

Iridescent stone with flashes of golden yellow as well as the deeper less flashy colors such as gray, black, grayish green and grayish blue are quite beautiful.

Exhibit Amazing Plays Of Color

This stone is closely related to Rainbow Moonstone, they may be called sister stones as they have a very similar mineral make-up.

Both of these stones exhibit amazing plays of color when they are moved.

There are a number of colors that this crystal comes in, some more familiar to most people than others.

The colors that this crystal comes in includes lavender blue, blue-green, yellowish, yellowish-green, and they can even be pink or purple or blue crystals.

They commonly display a mixture of these colors within the stone, with the beautiful labradorescence or light play of amazing colors throughout these stones.

The raw or natural crystals may show these colors on the surface of the stone but they are more obvious in the polished stone, so polished crystals or tumblestones is what is often available.

Where Is It From? Labradorite Meaning

The meaning of Labradorite comes from the location in which it was first found, as it was named after Labrador in Canada.

It is highly appreciated and admired because the colors within the stone are so beautiful.

It is found in mafic igneous rocks with copious amounts found in many places including Finland, Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, Italy, Madagascar, Mexico and the United States.

The Finnish variety is called Spectrolite, and is slightly different as it exhibits the full range of colors.

There is a clear yellow variety called Golden Yellow Labradorite crystal and although it is commonly known by this name, it does not exhibit any of the play of colors common to others in the family.

The yellowish stone that does have labradorescence is quite unusual and the best crystals may be called Gold Flash or Fire Labradorite. 

It is available as jewelry that is very beautiful and quite unusual.

Who Should Use It? 

As you open your crown chakra and allow direct contact with the Divine Mind, you will begin to be aware that you are getting direct messages from Spirit.

Wearing a piece of Labradorite Crystal, such as lovely crystal jewelry helps you to understand your destiny, that path that you chose before you came here to the earth plane.

LabradoriteBlue Labradorite Crystal Pendant

One of the easiest ways to help you to develop the gift of automatic writing, is to write in a journal every day.

Once this gift becomes stronger, the thoughts you pick up will start to clearly provide guidance.

This information you receive may allow you to more easily take action to ensure you are are on the right path, in alignment with Divine inspiration.

Do this daily writing while either wearing this crystal or keeping it close by.

This energy will assist you to more easily receive written communication directly from spirit, you may also find that you experience the gift of claircognizance or psychic knowing.

Once this gift becomes stronger, these thoughts will more clearly provide you with information to allow you to more easily take action, in alignment with Divine inspiration.

Learn How It Enhances Psychic Powers or Gifts

Wearing jewelry made from this stone such as a lovely Labradorite Crystal pendant, ring or earrings, is a good way to utilize this stone.

There are a number of ways that it will it help you to enhance your psychic powers including:

  • It may aid you to make contact with your spirit guides.
  • Having it present within the aura will enhance psychic ability, such as clairvoyant abilities or psychic vision. 
  • It is said to aid you to discover more about past lives and assist past life recall.
LabradoriteLabradorite Ring

Its energy resonates strongly within the soul star chakra and the crown chakra. It stimulates the higher consciousness  and encourages you to make contact with the Divine mind.

It may particularly help you if you have it on your body while you are doing a meditation to boost psychic gifts.

Whether you wear it or keep a piece nearby, its vibration will help you to achieve your desired outcome.

If you wish to develop psychic gifts, you can see why this is such a beneficial stone to have in your life.

Wear it On Your Body!

Labradorite is an excellent stone to wear on the body, as it will enhance the development of many of the psychic powers, and it is quite effective at stimulating these energies into awakening.

Keep a piece of stone in your pocket or for the ladies in your bra, or wear it as jewelry. 

To generally boost abilities in the psychic fields, keep this crystal in the center of your body. In the process it may aid you with contacting your spirit guides.

It is a helpful stone to enhance patience, as it will assist you to accept delays when what you want is not progressing as fast as you would prefer.

Keeping one of these crystals for patience within your auric field for as long as possible each day may assist you to tolerate days in the unfolding of what you desire.

To strengthen your patience it may be effective to wear a piece of jewelry made from this stone, if you can find one you like, and maybe keep a piece on the bedside as well.

An alternative is to buy a macrame crystal holder, as the stones in them can easily be changed when you wish to work with another healing stone.

It is easy to buy macrame crystal holders, and this is a simple way to use natural crystals of this stone.

This is a very highly effective way to help you if you wear them at the throat.

It embodies within it strong psychic protection from negative energy, to render you safe from harm as you take spiritual journeys.

 Healing Properties Of Labradorite Crystal

The healing properties of Labradorite relate to how their energy is known to be helpful to aid those with gout symptoms, and are also excellent crystals for pain.

Not only are they powerful crystals to relieve pain, but their energy also helps to balance hormones and its action in the brain is an excellent aid.

It not only stimulates your mental abilities and boosts mental clarity and sharpness, but also helps with the healing brain disorders and calms an overactive mind.

Labradorite Crystal Meanings Properties & UsesRaw Gold Flash Labradorite Crystal

Labradorite crystal is easy to buy, so its easy to ensure that you have piece of the stone within your aura if you wish to take advantage of its energy.

They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use to aid the physical body. They have a number of useful healing properties that make them beneficial for crystal healers to use.

It is said help your metabolism and digestion and is said to normalize your blood pressure. The energy of this stone aids the healing of a number of health problems.

It is also known to be a useful treatment for PMT or premenstrual tension and it is said to help to balance your hormones.

It is advantageous if you are a healer to keep a piece on your body, as having it within your aura can be valuable.

They are powerful stones that have a calming energy that helps anxiety, and using it is one of the methods to relieve stress.

Other Labradorite properties that aid healing include its action to help other health issues such as respiratory complaints, including bronchitis and may help to alleviate the symptoms of colds.

Best Crystals To Use With Labradorite Crystal

What are the best stones to combine with Labradorite Crystal?

It's energy blends well with its sister stone Golden Yellow Labradorite crystal as well as with all colors of Moonstone, including Rainbow Moonstone, Black Moonstone and Green Moonstone.

The lovely Rainbow Moonstone, the stone of the Divine feminine, is excellent to use with this crystal.

Combined with this crystal, it is very powerful for women who are feeling emotionally unbalanced.

This stone has a good action to assist you to embrace change as it occurs and to persevere when required.

This is a stone that combines well with any of the crown chakra, third eye chakra and throat chakra stones, including other magical or mystical stones such as Chalcopyrite, Maori Greenstone also known as Bowenite, Hypersthene or Black Onyx.

There are a number of stones that can assist you to deal better with change. This includes the most well known stone for this, the high vibration Moldavite crystals and a well known green Tektite.

Other crystals for change include Jeremejevite, Augite, Galaxyite and a quite unusual stone called Thenardite.

Other stones that boost your ability to allow and embrace changes in your life, includes its close relation Galaxyite as well as Stellerite, Malachite or Herderite.

This crystal will benefit Reiki practitioners by helping to increase the level of energy you are sending from your hands.

If you would like to boost it even more, use it with other crystals that also  aid the flow of reiki energy, such as Pollucite, Tunellite, Blue Aragonite or Fenster Quartz.

Crystals that may help you to persevere when needed, especially when you feel the going is getting tough includes Indigo Kyanite, Treasure Agate, Picasso Marble also called Picasso Stone,  Ilvaite or Spirit Quartz.

Its energy is harmonious with Merlinite, Spectrolite, Nuummite, Pietersite and Sunstones.

If you are working on developing any psychic abilitiesLapis Lazuli, Shattuckite, Iolite stones and Dumortierite combine well with this stone to enhance these gifts. 

Use with Mookaite Jasper, Zircon or Hackmanite to aid you to develop your intuition

Use it in meditation with Vanadinite, to aid you to get answers about how to utilize your psychic gifts. 

For specifically aiding you to develop clear psychic visionary abilities, combine it with Glendonite, Chlorite Quartz, Magnesite or Gabbro, also known as Blizzard Stone.

To boost your telepathic gifts, you may choose to combine it with Amethyst Cacoxenite, Afghanite, Blue Kyanite or Selenite.

Books That Aid Psychic Development

Sonia Choquette books are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing psychic gifts, including your intuition, a closely related ability.

I particularly liked the information she shares in her book "Ask Your Guides". It is an excellent book to assist you to find your spirit guide.

Sonia has been working in psychic employment as a reader, and as a teacher in the development area for many years.

You can read the story of how Sonia developed her particular gifts, and how to develop your abilities, in her book 'Diary of a Psychic'

Labradorite CrystalLabradorite Crystal

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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