
Aids Stress & Emotional Healing

➤ By Liz Oakes

Lepidolite is an excellent stress relief stone as it contains lithium. It brings emotional healing and helps you get deeper into meditation.

Lithium is a soothing calming mineral that will help you if you are feeling anxious, stressed or depressed


Its action to assist grief and to relieve stress and tension and its wonderful spiritual healing attributes make it a powerful crystal.

Lepidolite is a Libra birthstone and may be found made into crystal jewelry although jewelry made from it is not common. 

It has a positive vibration that stimulates positive coincidence or synchronicity, and it has some useful healing properties.

The vibration of this stone works within all chakras, but it highly effective within the highest chakras. 

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Crystal Tip: These stones have powerful metaphysical properties, with an excellent vibration that will help you to make a stronger contact with your guides and beings in the higher realms.

Why Would You Use It? 

Lilac Lepidolite is known to stimulate your intellectual and analytical abilities, and to recognize the patterns that come from your personal way of thinking. 

It stimulates a stronger ability for you to be in harmony with Spirit, and it aids you to feel more settled and serene about life. 

By this encouragement for you to be more in the flow of life, this beautiful lilac stone creates an increased number of powerful coincidences or synchronicities.

Lepidolite SphereLepidolite Sphere

These coincidences allow the Divine mind to create amazing situations, to aid you to bring into your life those things that you desire and have been thinking about. 

This is of course strongly linked to the law of attraction. Lilac Lepidolite has powerful metaphysical properties, and a beneficial vibration that will work through all chakras. 

It has strong spiritual powers, with an energy that resonates strongly within the thymus or higher heart chakra, the heart chakra and the crown chakra.

Aids Joy, Peace, Serenity and Love

This lilac crystal has a truly unique resonance that aids a Divine connection with the deep innermost part of yourself known as The Divine Presence. 

It has a quite unusual vibration that helps to activate your connection with your higher self, and aids you to recognize the Divinity within your own self.

This is a highly spiritual energy, that aids you to feel a spiritual sense of love, for yourself and for others.

Lepidolite CrystalBeautiful Lepidolite Specimen - mixed shades of lavender purple

Its effect within the heart and higher heart chakra, creates an abundance of joy, peace, serenity and self love to flow into your being.

It is a lithium based stone which means it will aid a range of issues such as depression, anxiety and stress.

Using this stone is one of the more helpful ways to relieve stressIt has a highly beneficial vibration that brings a calming and soothing energy to the area where it is placed.

Lepidolite Healing Properties

Lepidolite has a number of powerful healing properties, and this makes it a stone that all healers should have keep in the area close to where their clients will be located.

It is a good crystal for helping to relieve pain, and is also known to help you if you have allergies as it is said to strengthen the immune system.

It will relieve exhaustion and help you if you have chemical sensitivity caused by sick building syndrome.

It is said to be helpful if you suffer from bipolar disorder, and is known to aid Alzheimers, sciatica, inflammation from broken bonesneuralgia, joint pain and arthritis.


It  is said to help to normalize blood flow and may aid the healing of the heart under circumstances when you are distressed.

It may help to reduce shock and any confusion of the emotions that you may be feeling at the time.

It is also an excellent crystal to help you sleep better, and has an amazing energy to aid emotional healing.

It will particularly help you if you have been experiencing the stress of grief or loss, or other sorts of deep emotional suffering and anguish.

It is a strong stone to help nightmares or bad dreams, as its action is calming and helps you to rise above any fear that the dreams may have caused.

How To Use It: Metaphysical Properties

Learn techniques to meditate more easily and combine it with this stone, as it is known to aid you to get to a deeper meditative state more easily.

This lilac crystal will aid you to reach the first stage of meditation more readily. 

This is known as the alpha state, where you have a relaxed and calm mind, without too many thoughts interrupting you.

They are good crystals to release negative energy and the energy of these stones are excellent to aid you to quieten your mind.

Magenta LepidoliteMagenta Lepidolite

Lepidolite helps to settle scattered energy and this lovely stone has a number of other powerful metaphysical properties. 

They are good crystals for overthinking as they may help to still obsessive thoughts and help you to make decisions more easily.

The best way to use it is in meditation, as it is a stone of spiritual purification that will help you to clear negative energy trapped within your auric field.

The beneficial vibrations embodied within this stone are especially helpful to aid the grief of children and even pets.

Meditation With Lepidolite

This stone is also known to help you to move even deeper, into the focused and centered theta state. Theta is the state we attain when we are deeply asleep and are dreaming.

You need to be very deeply into meditation before your brain waves slow to the deeper theta waves.

Once you discover how to reach this quite deep state during meditation you will more easily travel to the higher realms.

Lepidolite in and on quartzLepidolite in and on quartz

It is good to find an easier way for this to happen, as many people find this difficult to achieve. 

Once you make that higher connection you may begin to communicate with beings in the higher realms, and connect with angels.

Once you have succeeded in contacting your spirit guides and begin to work with your guides, you may find that your spiritual growth accelerates. 

This higher connection may move your growth forward very quickly, in a number of ways.

How Will It Help You? Wearing Lepidolite

This lilac crystal is on the zodiac birthstone list, and it has a very positive energy that will quieten the nervous system and support the heart, and it has a beautiful vibration that is a pleasure to use. 

They have a strong cleansing action to help you to release negative psychic energy that has become trapped in your auric field.

It is one of the Libra birthstones and you should be able to find crystal jewelry made from this stone.

Lepidolite PendulumLepidolite Pendant

Wearing a Lepidolite pendant will help you, and they are excellent healing crystals for you to wear to aid you during menopause.

Their energy is powerful for women to use when you need help to ameliorate mood swings, as it is very helpful at that time. 

If you keep this one of these crystals within your aura for as long as possible each day, you will benefit from its calming energy.

They are excellent crystals for emotional healing, so place it under your pillow when you are feeling anxious so that you may sleep better.

Wearing this stone will be very helpful, and may aid you to more easily release any anxiety and stress you may feel, while being soothed by its calming vibration.

It has a good energy to enhance the flow of  love, peace and harmony throughout your being and may assist relationships of all kinds including the one with yourself.

Its energy may be felt when you place it against your skin in a place that has any energy blockages or is in need of healing.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

Lepidolite is highly effective within the highest chakras, and has a quite special energy that creates a connection with your higher self and the innermost part of yourself known as the Divine Presence.

One of my important final thoughts is the way that this allows your life to flow in line with Divine will as the everyday mind connects with the Divine mind.

pink lepidolite 1-500

In summary: at times when you feeling anxious, stressed or depressed, this stone has a soothing and calming energy that aids to feel better as the lithium within it makes it helpful to relieve stress. 

It is also highly beneficial to assist emotional healing, especially when you are experiencing grief or loss from the death of a loved one.

It is a good crystal to boost self love and to also enhance loving energy to fill your life.

It has a positive energy that prompts the occurrence of coincidence and synchronicity, a beneficial energy that is a powerful asset in your life.

Where Is It From? Lepidolite Meaning & Mineral Make-up

Lepidolite is in the mica group of minerals and contains good amounts of lithium which makes it a beneficial healing stone. 

It also occurs as an inclusion on and/or in Quartz, like the piece in the photo below.

While many people believe it is the amount of lithium that creates its specific color, its exact color does depend on the amount of manganese in the stones.

Natural Lilac LepidoliteNatural Lilac Lepidolite

The color of Lepidolite stones may be a lilac or pink color and these are the most popular colors.

But it also is found in other colors in the same range of hues such as purplish-pink, purple, magenta, rose red or lavender.  

Although it occurs in a number of colors, with the most common being those in the pink-purple color hues, it may also be yellow, yellow-brown, blue, gray, white or colorless. 

This mineral has been found in a number of places, including in the Czech Republic, Greenland, Madagascar, Zimbabwe, the Dominican Republic, Canada, Brazil and the United States. 

The popular lilac variety is found in Zimbabwe in Africa. The Lepidolite meaning relates to the name of this stone coming from a Greek word 'lepidos' meaning scale. 

The pink, lavender, magenta and purple Lepidolite all have a similar energy to the well known lilac crystals.

Lepidolite naturally combined with Pink PetaliteLepidolite naturally combined with Pink Petalite

These stones have recently been found naturally combined with Pink Tourmaline and Rubellite and also has been found combined with Pink Petalite.

The Petalite Lepidolite mix is quite lovely, with a strong calming energy. As Petalite has a higher vibration you may find that you may benefit from the addition of its energy. 

Best Crystals To Use With Lepidolite

What are the best crystals to combine with Lepidolite? Many stones will benefit by being combined with Lepidolite as it will aid you to make a higher connection.

This then enables those stones to work more effectively. This includes Prehnite, Angelite, Chrysoprase and Purpurite.

Its ability to aid you to remove negative energy from within your auric field will be aided by using it with Aegirine, Black Tourmaline, Black Diopside and Shamanite Black Calcite. 

These stones have a good energy to assist allergies. But if you feel you need more help with your allergies, there are other stones to combine with it that may help, including Shungite, Fuchsite, Muscovite and Cookeite.

If you are going through any stressful situations you may choose to combine this stone with some of the other lithium based stones such as Amblygonite, Holmquistite, Pink Tourmaline or Lithium Quartz.

There are a large number of crystals & stones to aid stress that you may choose to combine with it.

Use it with any of these stones and see how it works for your personally as each of you are individual and may find specific stones more helpful.

Many of the other crystals for the heart and higher heart also called the thymus chakra are excellent healing stones that will work well in combination with this stone.

These include Morganite, Seraphinite, Chrysanthemum Stone and Emerald.

If you have been having trouble getting into a deep meditative state, you may choose to use this stone with stones that stimulate deep meditation.

Many stones are helpful to assist you to relax into meditation, but if you would like to more quickly reach the alpha state and then go even deeper into the deep theta state in meditation, there are a number of stones that are particularly helpful.

Stones for this purpose that you may like to use includes Lithium Quartz, Azurite, Blue Apatite, Chrysoprase and Mt Hay Thundereggs also known as Amulet Stone or Star Agate.

The high crystal energy stones such as Scolecite, Boli Stone, Petalite and Danburite will help to make a deeper crown chakra connection, and Boli Stone, Petalite and Danburite also have an excellent energy to aid emotional healing.

Crystal Books Reviewed

If you would like to read the reviews of my favorite Crystal Books, I have a dedicated page reviewing many of the more popular crystal books.

All of the crystal books that are shown below are quite in-depth crystal reference books, and will provide extra information on the crystals mentioned in this page.

There are new crystal books written all the time, and sometimes, like the Crystal Bible Three, they cover new stones that have been discovered more recently. 

As I buy many of these books, it may be helpful for you to check out my reviews to read more about what they cover.

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Lepidolite Spiritual Meanings Powers & UsesLepidolite Spiritual Meanings Powers & Uses

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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