Maori Greenstone or Pounamu Stone

Protective Magical Mystical Energy

➤ By Liz Oakes

Maori Greenstone has been used by the Maori people for hundreds of years to create amulets to wear for protection.

It is commonly passed down to family members or given as a gift of friendship.

It has a mystical energy and has long been believed to be a magical stone that will help you to live a long life. 

Maori GreenstoneMaori Greenstone

Pieces of the stone are often passed on through the family to children or grandchildren.

It is believed that they help those who wear them to make contact with ancestors in the spirit world.

It is a lovely soothing heart based stone that may ease stress and depression. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip: Maori Greenstone embodies a strong earth based vibration, and may be beneficial to use to create a protective grid for a number of reasons.

Where Is It From? Meaning Of Maori Greenstone

The meaning of this stone relates to the name of the Maori people, who are the original indigenous people of New Zealand.

The common English name of this stone was Greenstone, and this relates to its color and may also be because Greenstone may be one of a few different minerals.

The meaning of Maori Greenstone relates to:

  • This stone actually comes from New Zealand, where it has been in use for hundreds of years by the Maori people.
  • It has traditionally been carried or worn as a talisman to confer protection.
  • Maori Greenstone has a number of names, including being called Pounamu Stone, Tangawaite or Tangiwai.
  • The last three are words from the Maori language, and these names from the Maori language are commonly used in New Zealand, especially Pounamu stone.

It was first called Greenstone by Europeans who came to colonize New Zealand, and who had little knowledge about the stones make-up.

  • Its color is green, in shades from a lighter pale green, to apple green and with some being quite dark green.
  • The stones that are called Greenstone can be made from various minerals, and their color will depend on the actual mineral mix in the stones.
Maori GreenstoneMaori Greenstone
  • Many pieces are quite translucent and may have streaks of black or white through the stone.
  • The most common minerals in these stones are a type of green Serpentine found in New Zealand, Nephrite Jade or Bowenite.
  • Nephrite Jade is harder so is the preferred stone for fashioning into amulets.

Why Would You Use Pounamu stone?

These green crystals have a number of metaphysical properties that make them sought after by the Maori people.

One of the foremost and common reasons that they are used is as an authentic symbol of love, friendship and appreciation for another person. 

Amulets made from this stone are often passed down to children or grandchildren, as keeping them in the family line is an important role for them.

They are well known as a stone that brings magic into play in your life, promote a longer life.

Pounamu StonePounamu Stone Cabachon

They may be kept on the body as talismans, and they are also sought after for their strong action to confer protection.

They are powerful crystals to prevent psychic attack, and their energy is calming so this may help you to deal with fear.

They are good crystals to relieve any fear related to any situation where you feel you need them, and are known to help those with a fear of heights commonly called acrophobia.

These crystals vibrate within both the heart chakra and the solar plexus chakra, which is known to support a growth in your self esteem.

All types of Greenstone including Bowenite stone have an excellent action to create a protective barrier around you to bring protection from any type of negativity.


This includes its action as one of the best stones to prevent psychic attack.

It forms an impenetrable barrier when held or kept on you, which is a good reason to wear a pendant made from the stone.

How To Use It? Wearing Maori Greenstone

Maori Greenstone is commonly seen made into amulets or pendants.

They are usually carved by some of the New Zealand artisans who use long established quite traditional shapes.

These green stones may be given as a gift of gratitude to someone who has helped you or to a family member as mentioned above.

Maori GreenstoneCarved Maori Greenstone Amulet

As well they may simply be given as a gift to someone who does not have one, as it is a custom that you do not buy it for yourself.

This stone is an Aquarius birthstone that is believed to give magical powers to those who keep it on their body.

For many hundreds of years they have been worn to shield the wearer from negative influences, and are still commonly worn because they are highly protective.

They are good crystals for friendship but are beneficial to wear for quite a few other reasons.

They embody within them life-force energy that you can utilize to assist you when you are feeling like your energy is depleted and they are helpful if you are feeling anxious or stressed.

What Are The Healing Attributes Of Maori Greenstone?

These stones commonly sell under the name Bowenite. They have a number of useful healing properties including:

  • Their energy is well known to aid depression and anxiety and to relieve stress.
  • They resonate strongly within the heart chakra region, and are known to bring an influx of healing energy or chi into the body.
Maori Greenstone meaning properties & uses

Greenstones are known as good anti-aging crystals, and are known to be useful crystals to aid fertility.

Shop for Maori Greenstone here. They may help you when you are particularly tired or are lacking strength or stamina.

  • Their vibration may assist the healing of issues within the heart and lungs, and these stones are particularly known to help to stabilize cholesterol and aid vein related problems.
  • These healing stones are known to help you to assimilate Vitamins A and D and may support meticulous RNA/DNA structures.

They have long been known as a stone to aid longer life, and this may relate to how the chi energy flows through the entire body to help to create a feeling of increased well-being.

At these times it may be helpful to keep it on your body or locate it close by.

Who Should Use It? My Final Thoughts

It is believed that Tangawaite stones can assist you with past life exploration through contact with ancestors in the spirit world.

They have a good resonance within the third eye chakra and may be beneficial when used on the forehead, or generally within this chakra.

They are useful stones to keep under the pillow both to aid restful sleep by calming stress and also for their action to help you to remember your dreams.

Pounamu Stone or BowenitePounamu Stone

In summary: use it if you are moving house and would like to emotionally remove yourself finally from the emotional energy.

Using this stone may be helpful, to aid the release of energy related to specific people that you might have been in a relationship with.

Gridding your new place of residence with these stones may help to relieve any stress or anguish related to past events.

It addition, it may also help you to release habits that are not in your best interest.

About Bowenite

Bowenite has been found in a number of locations, including in New Zealand, where it has traditionally been used and revered by the Maori people.

It is one of the possible minerals that make up Maori Greenstone.

Greenstone is well known for being highly protective and is said to emit a protective field of energy that deters those who may mean you harm.


It is a stone that is useful when you are moving locations, as it assists you to let go of the past and to embrace the changes that your life brings.

It has a lovely energy with beneficial crystal properties that may assist those who feel depressed, anxious or stressed.

It is known to help you to feel lighter and more liberated about your life circumstances.

Best Crystals To Use With Maori Greenstone

What are the best crystals to combine with Maori Greenstone? This stone has a quite mystical or magical vibration that is wonderful to use in your daily life.

If you'd like to boost the level of magic in your life, use some of the other magical stones along with it such as Petoskey Stone, Labradorite, Blue Barite or Black Onyx as they also carry a quite mystical energy.

This is a good stone to help for stress relief and while it may be highly beneficial when used alone, using it with other crystals for stress may be helpful.

Combine it with stones such as Lilac Lepidolite, Skye Marble, Rose Quartz and Aquamarine may be beneficial.

This stone has traditionally been used to provide a shield from enemies, as it is known to radiate a protective field around it and the person wearing it.

There are also other crystals that you can also use for this purpose, and using them in combination, especially if you feel a need for additional security can be highly beneficial.

Some of the other stones that also provide a protective shield of energy includes Pyrolusite, Limonite, Fire Agate and Black Tourmaline.

Maori GreenstoneMaori Greenstone
Maori Greenstone Meaning Properties & UseMaori Greenstone Meaning Properties And Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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