
Assisting Personal Shifts and Spiritual Growth

➤ By Liz Oakes

Natrolite Crystals are possibly the most powerful variety of zeolite stone. 

These stones can create amazing personal shifts as they are high vibration crystals with a quite stunning energy.

This is a very powerful stone, that is known to aid the development of a range of psychic abilities and aids those with fear of water. 

natrolite wide 2Natrolite

Their energy may assist you to discover your true calling or your purpose in being here in this life. 

If you are working on your spiritual growth these crystals are extremely beneficial, and they work well in combination with other high energy stones.

This stone is one of this very helpful group of crystals, with strong metaphysical properties that make it most desirable to own.

Zeolites generally as a group of stones can assist the environment, as they absorb toxic products and odors, so it is an excellent stone to have in your home. is reader-supported. When you buy via links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Will It Help You? 

Natrolite is a unique high vibration crystal with many powerful qualities. This includes helping you to find your life purpose or the reason why you are here.

The spiritual path seems to leads you in many directions, and it is of value to be aware of the right path for you to take that leads you to your true calling.

If you use this stone understand that it may take you somewhere quite different and in a new direction, as is also known to be an ascension stone.


Using this stone is an extraordinary experience and one that you would only choose if you want to allow yourself to move your life in a new direction. 

They are powerful crystals to find your life purpose, and have a very strong energy so be aware of this as you begin using them.

They could be used in meditation to reach out to Spirit guides and specific teachers in the higher realms who may give you advice and counsel on the direction you might choose to go.

Why Would You Use Natrolite?

If you are interested in rare and high vibration crystals it is possible to buy many interesting and powerful stones from different sources.

They may create change in your life, and may take you to new levels.

If that is what you want, look for one, find one and use it. It may change your life for the better.


It may help to enhance psychic abilities including the development of telepathic abilities, psychic visions also known as clairvoyance, clairsentience also called clear feeling and clairaudience also known as psychic hearing.

It is one of the most powerful stones for stimulation of the third eye, crown and soul star chakra.

As you meditate with it, you will feel its strong pulsing energy move through the soul star chakra and up through the higher transpersonal chakras.

The Effect Of Natrolite On The Brain

The unusual effect that you feel when you use Natrolite, seems to be peculiar to this stone. You are very aware of it, and it can have different effects on different occasions. 

It is almost as if it goes into your mind with this amazing searchlight and turns it over, as if it is sorting through what is there and looking for something.

White Natrolite

Natrolite is like an amazing beam of intense light and energy, creating change as it goes. 

Used before you have used Herderite, which is another stone that strongly affects the brain, you feel that it is opening up part of your brain and looking into it.

Natrolite brings profound spiritual shifts and has a marked effect on those who are using it. 

These crystals are absolutely startling stones, for those who wish their spiritual journey to move quickly.

Once you have used Herderite and if new paths have been opened, using Natrolite feels like it is going into the same part that Golden Herderite was in and doing something new to that part of the brain.

Healing Properties of Natrolite

Natrolite has a number of healing properties that may be beneficial to help you.

It is said to also help water related physical problems such as edema and water retention, and it is said that this crystal is useful for those who have a fear of water.


This stone has an excellent effect on the nervous system, and assists those who want to use other strong energy crystals for spiritual growth.

One of the first things it does is to aid the nervous system to be able to deal with high vibrations.  

Other high vibration stones such as Phenacite and Herderite may be easier to assimilate after using this stone.

 Wearing Natrolite

Wearing a Natrolite Pendant may be beneficial, as it will empower you in a totally new way.

It helps to create a change in your energy that may stimulate coincidence or synchronicity to happen more frequently in your life.

Natrolite PendantNatrolite Pendant

It is known as a stone that will prepare you spiritually for amazing shifts to happen, and may assist the development of clairvoyant abilities.

When it is coupled with other high vibration stones, the vibration of this stone will create powerful growth in your overall spirituality and health.

Wearing this high crystal energy stone during the day may encourage the growth of the power of coincidence and synchronicity to flow in your life.

Where Is It From? Natrolite Meaning

Natrolite is a zeolite that has been found in Australia, Germany, India, Russia, the Czech Republic, Greenland and the United States. 

It comes in a range of colors, with lovely white stone coming from Russia. The color range includes pure white, colorless, pale yellow, green, orange, brown and grey. 

The meaning of its name comes from the Greek word "natrium" meaning soda, because of its high sodium content.

Quite a number of minerals are found in a Natrolite base including Benitoite and Neptunite. Specimens containing Benitoite in Natrolite are lovely to use.

The Zeolite family is very large and these crystals are also known as good cleansers.

Stilbite is another one of the zeolite's, and many crystals including Herderite, Cavansite and Apophyllite are formed in a base of Stilbite.

These Crystals Are Powerful Zeolites

The positive effect of this crystal on the nervous system, and its ability to harmonize the nervous system with the Lightbody, may be a reason to choose to use it.

Natrolite on CalciteGorgeous Natrolite on Calcite, has formed like flowers!

The vibration of this stone aids you to make contact with spirit and if you wish may help you to develop the gift of automatic writing.

You can develop this gift by committing each day to write in your journal, as when you are doing daily journaling it is possible that you may receive written communication directly from spirit.

The process of synchronicity may lead you in the direction you require to go for your greatest growth, if you allow your intuition to guide you.

How To Use It

Although in the past this has been a stone that has been difficult to find, it is now becoming a little easier to obtain.

As Natrolite is part of the group of strong crystal energy stones, they may be able to purchased at the same places.

They are stones that can be used together, as they are all taking you on a journey to elevate your spiritual growth.

NatroliteNatrolite Specimen

Many healers create wands with combinations of these stones, to aid them in healing different problems. 

It is possible to buy multi crystal wands already created with these stones. If you can get one ready made it may be an excellent tool to use in a healing environment. 

My Final Thoughts

Before buying such a wand, trial using different combinations to see what you prefer.

If you want to make your own to trial the idea, one way to attach them to a Selenite wand is to use tape made for wounds. 

It sticks to itself and allows the energy through and doesn't stick to the stone. Thank you to the person who told me this, as it's a great tip!

Orange NatroliteOrange Natrolite

A good way of using Natrolite is in meditation and when using it this way, you might ask for help if you are working on finding your life purpose. 

Coupling it with other high vibration stones when you are doing a meditation with crystals is one of the most powerful uses for it.

As many of the high crystal energy stones are difficult to find except as small specimens, pair them with Herkimer Diamond to elevate the energy of smaller stones.

It is now possible to get bigger specimens and the orange crystals are easy to obtain.

Best Crystals To Use With Natrolite

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Natrolite?

White Natrolite occurs naturally with Blue Benitoite, Neptunite and Cavansite and these are all good combinations to use.

Using any of the stones below that are high vibration with Blizzard Stone, helps to make you feel more stable and grounded when you are working in the higher realms.

Other powerful high vibration stones you might to use with it includes Stellar Beam Calcite, Tanzanite, Clear Apophyllite and Scolecite.

These are excellent crystals for those who are working to discover your true calling or your reason for coming to this life at this time.

They are powerful to assist you to find your life purpose.

But if you find they are too potent to use alone, combine with lower vibration crystals that also may aid you to find your purpose.

You may choose to pair them with specific crystals that can help you in your quest for clarity on what your true calling is.

This includes Melikaria, known as the stone of true calling as well as Astrophyllite, Golden Yellow Labradorite or Dalmatian Jasper.

Use it with strong high vibration stones such as Herderite, Celestite, Moldavite  and Herkimer Diamonds all make excellent companions to use with it.

More Pictures Of Natrolite

Black Neptunite in White NatroliteBlack Neptunite in White Natrolite
Natrolite Meaning & Use

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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