➤ By Liz Oakes
Prophecy Stone is very well known, due to its name. It has a good action to assist you to receive messages that may be of a prophetic nature.
This is commonly why people wish to use them. Once you have made a deep connection to the stone you may receive powerful messages.
Use them regularly in meditation to develop this gift.
These stones have a quite powerful high vibration with a potent and easily felt energy.
They are known to both enhance your memory and aid your thinking. In addition they may help to stimulate your ability to think more clearly.
But remember that it is not instant and may take some time to develop. They have a number of beneficial healing attributes and are potent grounding stones.
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Prophecy Stone can bring powerful precognitive or prophetic visions. They are potent meditation stones that energize the higher chakras and are strong grounding stones.
Because of its name many people are interested in the aspect of its energy related to prophecy, so perhaps it may be useful to address this to begin with.
The metaphysical meaning of the word 'prophecy' is similar to the meaning of the word 'precognition' and both refer to gaining knowledge of possible future events.
The difference between the two is mainly to do with the fact that prophecies are generally related to faith based messages or visions.
Precognition can be related to knowledge of events that may be related to any type of occurrence, but can relate to messages received from the Divine that may be highly spiritual in nature.
Prophecy Stone is well known for its action to stimulate what are known as prophetic visions.
These may in fact be precognitive visions that are received, as both are quite similar.
If you are wondering how to use Prophecy Stone, the most advantageous way to utilize the powers embodied in these stones is in meditation.
As they resonate strongly within the third eye chakra, they may stimulate the pineal gland which is located in the general area of the 3rd eye.
The pineal gland is the area related to the development of a range of psychic gifts.
This includes the ability to develop psychic visions that are of a precognitive nature.
In addition this area also relates to developing psychic hearing or clairaudience where you may hear communication from beings in spirit including from your spirit guide.
Prophetic or precognitive visions can be a quite powerful asset to your life.
If you wish to utilize these stones for this purpose be aware that it can take some time before you start to receive visions or messages.
While they have a potent action and excellent powers for this purpose, this does not usually happen on first use.
Be aware that it may happen once you have used them over a period of time.
This can vary from a few weeks to months, depending on the individual, and how often you use them.
The messages received can be used to move your life in a new direction.
But please note: the messages received may be of possible or probable events rather than true futures, so take care when using them to plan your actions.
This is a powerful stone to stimulate your memory and this can be beneficial to assist you to recall details of visions that you have seen or messages you may have received.
The Prophecy Stone meaning primarily relates to the way they benefit you, when you use them as they may assist the development of prophetic gifts.
This is said to be an uncommon even rare stone, that is found in only a few locations in desert regions in the middle east.
The Prophecy Stone origin is most commonly related to where it comes from, in a region in the Libyan Desert.
They are also found in the Sahara Desert in Botswana and in the Egyptian Desert.
The locality where they are found is said to be the same area where Libyan Desert Glass or Libyan Gold Tektite comes from.
The meaning of their name came from the way their vibration works when you use them in meditation, as they can aid you to see visions that can be prophetic in nature.
They got their name when the person who discovered them became aware of their action and their ability to assist you to see possible future events.
Wondering what a Prophecy Stone is made of? This stone is quite unusual as it is a pseudomorph of Limonite and Hematite after Marcasite or Pyrite.
So what does that mean? This unusual stone began its life as marcasite and/or pyrite but changed or transformed its mineral makeup, but kept the original shape.
So this means that the Prophecy Stone pseudomorph looks the same but is now made of Limonite and Hematite.
More about: what is a pseudomorph?
A pseudomorph is created when a specific mineral replaces another mineral, leaving the shape or form of the original mineral in place, but being a totally new stone.
It is said that this can be caused by extreme heat and of course most desert areas are very, very hot.
This relates to a stone having specific minerals, in this case Marcasite or Pyrite and then it changes to a different stone which is usually a mix of Limonite and Hematite.
No two stones are precisely the same but their overall form will be quite similar with a bumpy uneven appearance.
Their color is most commonly in a shade of brown with many being very dark brown.
But occasionally they may be a light brown through to a white color although this is not their most common color.
One of the most powerful Prophecy Stones uses relates to the fact that they may help you to go extremely deeply into meditation.
They are strong meditation stones with a potent action within the crown chakra and the higher etheric soul star chakra.
Use Prophecy Stone in meditation as another benefit of these stones is their highly effective action to energize the higher chakras.
Shop Prophecy Stone here. They are strong grounding stones so they also help to keep your connection with the earth while meditating.
The energy of these unusual stones is known to assist you to discover the akashic records, an area that can sometimes be found by those who are looking to find out more about past lives.
They aid exploration of the akashic records and may assist you to travel more easily to the other parts of higher realms.
The karmic history of all souls is deposited within the etheric region of the higher realms and past life events may be scrutinized while visiting there.
Spiritual teachers or guides located in these realms may also assist your understanding of what you discover there, and this may be helpful to plan your current life.
They are also crystals that enhance the clarity of your thinking, and by helping you to think more clearly they may assist you to work out what you are looking for.
Their action to create transformation is a slow process, but the more often you use them the more likely it is that the benefits become obvious.
In addition to helping you to develop psychic visions, they are also powerful grounding stones that have a strong action to ground your energy.
This is a quite powerful grounding energy compared to many stones.This means that when you use it you can expect to feel totally grounded.
They are powerful crystals that embody high crystal energy that brings with it the flooding of the body with the golden light of the Divine. A powerful combination!
This helps you to more easily hear, see and understand any messages or visions that may occur as a result of its vibration once you have integrated the energy.
The metaphysical meaning of these unique stones relates to their powerful action to stimulate Spiritual growth and transformation.
Their vibration is quite powerful to energize the higher chakras by bringing bright spiritual light down from the soul star chakra, via the crown chakra into the body.
This bright golden light may travel down throughout the entire body, starting at the higher etheric chakras including the soul star, then moving down into the physical body.
From the crown the energy moves down via all of the chakras, and go down through the legs to ground your energy within the earth chakra, anchoring you to Mother Gaia.
They have a strong action to assist you to transform your life, and this may relate to how they themselves were transformed from being one thing to now being another.
But they still look the same on the outside. Interesting how this correlates to their spiritual or metaphysical activity within you when you use them.
These stones have a number of excellent metaphysical properties including to calm the mind and help you to release stress and tension.
It also helps to boost your memory and your ability to think more clearly.
healing attributes are said to be helpful for
those going through chemotherapy, and they are said to slow the spread
of cancer, and may help varicose veins to heal.
In summary: using these stones is known to help you to attract other people who are also working with a common motivation, and who want to make a difference on our planet.
This is especially true at this time when the world is changing so much. It is said to aid those working in groups looking to transform the future of our world.
By using it to see visions of possible future events, this may assist you and others you are working with to make better decisions about situations.
Although there have been similar stones found in New Zealand I am not sure if they have the same mineral make-up or energy, and seem to look quite different.
What are the best, most beneficial crystals to combine with Prophecy Stone?
The action of these stones to boost the ability to see visions that may be precognitive or of a prophetic nature are one of the major reasons many of you may have been attracted to them.
There are a number of other stones that will also assist the development of gifts related to prophecy as well as precognition.
This includes Black Obsidian, Shungite, Jeremejevite, Hyalite Opal or Prehnite.
These crystals have a powerful grounding vibration that will assist you if you feel you are suffering from any of the symptoms of being ungrounded.
If you are finding that you need more help with grounding combine it with other grounding stones such as Black Tourmaline, Black Jade, Black Diopside or Larvikite, also called Blue Pearl Granite or Norwegian Moonstone.
The vibration of Prophecy Stone is also known to assist you to improve your memory.
By combining them with other stones that are helpful memory stones you may find that your ability to remember things improves.
Some of the other memory stones that you might choose to use with them includes another high vibration crystal called Diaspore, as well as Azurite, Albite or Green Calcite.
For those of you that need help to stimulate clearer thinking, you can choose to use these stones with other crystals that bring improved clarity in your thinking.
Specific stones that are beneficial to combine with them includes Stilbite, Mariposite, Chevron Amethyst, Crazy Lace Agate and Turquoise.
Prophecy stone can help you to go into a quite deep meditative state and this can be helpful for a number of reasons including assisting you to develop psychic gifts.
If you'd like to boost its action for this purpose, there are a number of other stones that also aid you to attain deeper meditation including Magnesite, Mariposite, Blue Apatite and Picasso Marble.
If you wish to work with gifts related to the third eye chakra, you can use one of these crystals in meditation.
Use it by placing it on the third eye area or you can simply hold it in your hand.
You may also like to combine them with other third eye chakra stones such as Azurite, Atacamite, Labradorite or Linarite which are all powerful stones to boost psychic gifts related to the third eye and pineal gland.
These stones can assist you when you are meditating, making it possible to go quite deeply into a meditative state that aids you make a connection with the akashic records.
For this purpose, combining them with other stones that also have a strong action to assist your journey to the place where the records of the history of all souls is stored within the etheric region of the higher realms may be helpful.
Specific stones that can help you includes Black Andradite Garnet, Creedite or Petrified Wood.
There are some other stones that are powerful aids to use in meditation, and many are wonderful to stimulate the development of psychic visions, or to make a better spiritual connection.
Often these high vibration crystals can make you quite ungrounded. If this is your problem, combine them with this stone to prevent this, and to make a good use of both stones.
Looking for information about a specific crystal?
Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.
Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing.
Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.
Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.
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